PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I was gonna say you must be new here but your join date is 2015. ;)

You stand by what? The first claim or the second where you admitted that you were wrong. It's difficult to keep up with your changing stories. You change them more often than you do your panties.

You do know Millard has been doing this for a long time and he knows how Xenforo's PM function works, right? He's seen it abused in every way imagineable, many times.

Not unusual at all. It's almost always one complainant when it involves an established member. Only scammers send out mass PMs.

Well you got all the answers..... all the angles. You win. I’m not familiar with forums or boards and all the coding and whatever else.

BUT I am familiar with Raws, Finished injectables and orals (plural). So by all means pick my brain about those things and you’ll be amazed on the wealth of info I have on that.
@tengtren got his Prize from that animal house contest we had a while back. And all of the domestic prizes were handed out too.

Just so everyone knows that. Not that anyone cares.

But If you want to take a shot with our oral tabs. You’ll definitely like them. I’ll ask what the fillers are so everyone knows. I don’t want anyone consuming talcum powder as a binder or anything like that but not really sure the binders for the tabs. I want to get more info on that.
I chew the tabs up, I think it's lactose
I’ll ask what the fillers are so everyone knows. I don’t want anyone consuming talcum powder as a binder or anything like that but not really sure the binders for the tabs.

Considering where your raws are made, I suspect the fillers are made from dessicated sewage. That's why everyone says they taste like shit.
Great! I love a good back-and-forth. Let me know when you start.

I know you do babe. I bet you’re just spinning in your chair right now.. I made your whole year. You don’t even have to pay the crack whore down the street for your good night blowie....You just blew one in your pants. Probably didn’t even feel it. Don’t worry the home nurse you have will clean it up tomorrow.
BUT I am familiar with Raws, Finished injectables and orals (plural). So by all means pick my brain about those things and you’ll be amazed on the wealth of info I have on that.

Really? Does your oxandrolone use a hydrochloride, sodium, or sulfate salt, and what is the purpose of using a salt?

If you take more than 2 minutes to answer, I'll know you had to look it up. Tick tock, numbnuts.
@tengtren you read my mind. Chemicals....

No we’re going to affectionately call him “Spinster”. Spinster and his basement dwellers. Mommy is going to invite them all over for spinsters favorite ham and cheese sandwich.

@CensoredBoardsSuck Var is Very course and grainy. That much I do know. Anything further I would have to consult our bio chemical engineer who oversees production of that.
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thats.fucking.right.stoopid.little. BETCH.

Prim and proper little Spinster using correct punctuation on a steroid forum your a fucking hero
My apologies, I'lI work on it.

But even I deserve some fun occasionally :(

I'll be gone.
Well I wouldn't worry too much since I was the only one pushing it remember? Then Millard stepped in I think after that and it was chalked up for you to free roam.

Run free little guy! Run free!
Well I wouldn't worry too much since I was the only one pushing it remember? Then Millard stepped in I think after that and it was chalked up for you to free roam.

Run free little guy! Run free!
Lol, I’m pushing it with you bro


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