PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I just noticed this. Not only did you contradict yourself, you just threatened a member. I'm sure @Millard Baker doesn't appreciate his members receiving threats, especially from grifters like you.

I don't know who these "really heavy members" are but if they want to bring the heat, I'll play. I'll stand with the guy. Others will too. Sources and their minions don't run the show here.

I don't know if you're 2dumb or not but I already don't like you. You have a really shitty attitude for someone who's profitting off this forum. If panda really did hire you, he might want to find a replacement because you're just a liability.

Again, do me a favor. Leave me alone. I don’t know why this was brought into this thread but I clearly didn’t want this here.

@CensoredBoardsSuck you want to talk from your wheelchair. Do so when I say “it’s for the members” here to decide and I think they did. If that’s considrred a threat. You like to spin things beside your wheelchair. At least the members who go against the grain and realize there’s a weird vibe here amongst certain members. Like you.

But I’m not a member and this was brought into this thread. And again, I don’t care and I don’t want any part of it. I just hope members stay safe who ever it is that’s plotting and planning.
But I’m not a member and this was brought into this thread. And again, I don’t care and I don’t want any part of it. I just hope members stay safe who ever it is that’s plotting and planning.
LMAO you don’t care and don’t want any part of it? You were running your cock holster until Millard made your bitch ass back down.

Your second ban is near you bitch.
@CensoredBoardsSuck I bet no one knew you’re wheel chaired bound and probably not what anyone thinks you are. Disabled in some way.

That’s okay. I never cared. But I can tell by the way you talk you think you stand on both legs... If this forum is all you have, then I deeply apologize for that. If it helps you get through life I’ll gladly be your punching bag.
@CensoredBoardsSuck I bet no one knew you’re wheel chaired bound and probably not what anyone thinks you are. Disabled in some way.

That’s okay. I never cared. But I can tell by the way you talk you think you stand on both legs... If this forum is all you have, then I deeply apologize for that. If it helps you get through life I’ll gladly be your punching bag.
Are you really using a disability to take a dig at someone? Wow.
I didn’t threaten anyone. I’m just concerned for any of the members here who brew and think they’re amongst friends when you got guys in PM getting people banned for no reason...

You already admitted that you were wrong and now you're back to your original position? Are you having trouble remembering your lies? Here, let me help you:

2303739, member: 107144"]@Millard Baker I’m not getting into with you. I’m wrong. I apologize. Shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion.[/QUOTE]

I like you when you tracked down that HGH source a long time ago. But after that. I don’t like you either.

I've tracked down lots of scammers. Made a lot of enemies doing it too - on many forums. Another one won't make me lose sleep.
You already admitted that you were wrong and now you're back to your original position? Are you having trouble remembering your lies? Here, let me help you:

2303739, member: 107144"]@Millard Baker I’m not getting into with you. I’m wrong. I apologize. Shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion.

I've tracked down lots of scammers. Made a lot of enemies doing it too - on many forums. Another one won't make me lose sleep.[/QUOTE]

I stand by that. You ever think maybe that person exited out of the PM conversation and Picholas didn’t realize it and he sent a PM that looks like it was a new PM? That’s how it happened.

Why would only one guy report him and say he was solicited? Wouldn’t a million guys step forward and say they got solicited by Picholas?

Someone had it in for him and they knew how to do it.
Again, do me a favor. Leave me alone.

You just made me suspicious. I was done but now I feel like I should do a little digging. I might not he able to sleep tonight if I don't. What do you think I'll find, rep? Will I need to start a pastebin?

At least the members who go against the grain and realize there’s a weird vibe here amongst

The door swings both ways, numbnuts. You and those "members" might think about going elsewhere.
You just made me suspicious. I was done but now I feel like I should do a little digging. I might not he able to sleep tonight if I don't. What do you think I'll find, rep? Will I need to start a pastebin?

The door swings both ways, numbnuts. You and those "members" might think about going elsewhere.

Gimme Shelter babe. I’m a rep, not a member here. On other boards yes, on other boards I know all about you. You come on when the loneliness gets too much for your small existence. When that little voice in your head says you can’t pop another little feel good pill. When your support groups are closed and you got no one to talk to.

You can always PM me, we can talk. Ironically we’re the same person. You talk a lot of good shit and I smack it right back in your face.
Gimme Shelter babe. I’m a rep, not a member here. On other boards yes, on other boards I know all about you. You come on when the loneliness gets too much for your small existence. When that little voice in your head says you can’t pop another little feel good pill. When your support groups are closed and you got no one to talk to.

You can always PM me, we can talk. Ironically we’re the same person. You talk a lot of good shit and I smack it right back in your face.
Now you are starting to sound like 2dumb when he gets real testy. Looks like you are about to get exposed in not a good way.
@tengtren got his Prize from that animal house contest we had a while back. And all of the domestic prizes were handed out too.

Just so everyone knows that. Not that anyone cares.

But If you want to take a shot with our oral tabs. You’ll definitely like them. I’ll ask what the fillers are so everyone knows. I don’t want anyone consuming talcum powder as a binder or anything like that but not really sure the binders for the tabs. I want to get more info on that.
How does anyone know anything about people on forums? I'm flabbergasted.

I was gonna say you must be new here but your join date is 2015. ;)

. You ever think maybe that person exited out of the PM conversation and Picholas didn’t realize it and he sent a PM that looks like it was a new PM? That’s how it happened.

You stand by what? The first claim or the second where you admitted that you were wrong. It's difficult to keep up with your changing stories. You change them more often than you do your panties.

You do know Millard has been doing this for a long time and he knows how Xenforo's PM function works, right? He's seen it abused in every way imagineable, many times.

Why would only one guy report him and say he was solicited? Wouldn’t a million guys step forward and say they got solicited by Picholas?

Not unusual at all. It's almost always one complainant when it involves an established member. Only scammers send out mass PMs.


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