PurplePandaLabs Raw source

thats.fucking.right.stoopid.little. BETCH.

Prim and proper little Spinster using correct punctuation on a steroid forum your a fucking hero

It goes way beyond just punctuation with you, dummy:

  • You didn't capital the first word of your first sentence.
  • You didn't use an apostrophe for "thats".
  • You didn't capitalize the first word of your second sentence.
  • You added an unnecessary period between "Stoopid" and "little".
  • You misspelled "stupid".
  • You misspelled "bitch".
  • You erroneously capitalized "spinster".
  • You used the possessive "your" instead of the contraction "you're".
  • You didn't end your last sentence with a period.
  • You made 2dumb look smart.

There could be more mistakes but I'm not YOUR teacher. YOU'RE illterate, Tengtren. If you don't understand how to use basic grammar and punctuation, no one will understand what YOU'RE trying to say; and if they don't understand what YOU'RE trying to say, why bother saying it? No one is willing to attempt to make sense of YOUR idiot speak. Take some adult literacy classes. YOU'RE the worst I've ever seen.
You didn't capital the first word of your first sentence.

**• You didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence.

Just shut the fuck up. You think yourrrr hot shit because you've been here since the dawn of time and have a few stickies

Please have your house nurse glue a dildo to the seat of your wheelchair so you quit bitching at little ole ten grams

You fucking weird. Maybe you were trying to make light of the situation with those stupid bullet points but fuck yourself and while I'm at it, hey @Eman fuck you
That really put a lot of shit into perspective for me. Tudca, NAC, low dosages, Blood donation, plenty of water and cardio. I don’t care much for size now. I rather be cut up and done.
It scared me but I honestly haven't changed much. Give blood more often and more cardio but I know Dallas was doing 45min fasted most days of the week and well.
TuDca is supposed to be a liver support I think. I looked it up a couple weeks ago cause it had me curious too. Not sure on the other

TUDCA and NAC are for the liver.... like it or not injectables fuck up your liver as well.

NAC prevents liver damage. TUDCA helps repair liver damage.
It's too bad there are so many scams out there. Makes it hard to figure out which products actually help us and which don't.

Bulk powders from Bulksupplements off Amazon

L-arginine 5-15 grams a day
L-taurine 5 grams a day
L-glutamine 10 grams a day
L-citrulline Malate 5 grams a day
Creatine 5 grams a day

Maltodextrin post workout
Protein powder

Alpha lipioc acid 1200mg a day
Berberine 500mg a day
Tudca 1000mg a day
NAC 1200mg a day

Only supplements I would take.
For your kidneys best you can do is go by LBM on how many grams of protein you should consume. Try to limit your workouts to 30-45 minutes a day..

Muscle breakdown is pissed out. Excess protein is pissed out. The only thing you can’t save is your kidneys. Except from excess bloat, excess protein consumption and excess breakdown of muscle tissue.
What do these do?

L-arginine and l-citrulline increases nitrogen retention (bigger pump) and both increase Natural GH. Tons of benefits but in clinical dosages.

L-taurine helps me greatly with back pumps

L-glutamine just helps me with digestion nothing more.

Berberine for glucose lowering and insulin tolerance.

Alpha lipioc acid gives me really big pumps from heavy carbs and is a nutrition partitioner. Helps with glycogen uptake.

The gear is cheap.... HGH is cheap too it’s the supplements that are expensive.
You just made me suspicious. I was done but now I feel like I should do a little digging. I might not he able to sleep tonight if I don't. What do you think I'll find, rep? Will I need to start a pastebin?

The door swings both ways, numbnuts. You and those "members" might think about going elsewhere.

Just go to sythentic genetics and you can find everything you need on this panda rep also known as 2dumb2plumb.