PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Dude. Choke it back .
Take a breath.

CBS is one of the good dudes . You may not realize that. He has busted your balls, but you've deserved it. You apologize not just let this shit ride .
Alright, I am sorry for my comments yesterday to you @CensoredBoardsSuck .

I over reacted to your first response to me and took it too far, though I don't think you were in the right either. Your first comment was just as unnessisary as my remarks about you being wheelchair bound, that's my opinion.

I woke up this morning and realized these little matches are ridiculous, this is the internet and I was caught up in the moment. I have nothing against anyone here, I haven't taken any time to read anything of yours but if what the members here are saying about your contributions to this board are true, thank you for that.

From your first comment to me I assume you've read all my content and concluded that I'm full of shit, it's great for everyone to have an opinion.
I did apologize
this is something that has slowly been evaporating. It's great to have a source, but at what cost?
It really has. This place has changed quite a bit since I've been here. So many guys in love with the sources and member unity is all but gone. As society has gotten soft unfortunatly so has meso.
It really has. This place has changed quite a bit since I've been here. So many guys in love with the sources and member unity is all but gone. As society has gotten soft unfortunatly so has meso.
Used to be reps and sources took criticism and kept their mouth shut, except for business. This punk ass bitch of a rep runs his mouth and thinks he rules the place and still thinks he’s one of the bros. His banned ass needs banned again.
I did apologize

I don't care about apologies. I'd rather you got the point I was trying to make and decided to join those who are trying to keep the forum honest. New members that are willing to help are always needed because old members fall away, but sources and their shills and dickriders never stop coming. Scammers never stop coming. Members who join for greed never stop coming. It's a never ending battle on an uncensored forum, but it's one that must be fought by the members or the administration will be forced to do it. But then it won't be an uncensored forum anymore.

I don't think people always appreciate how rare a forum like Meso is. It's the antithesis of the model used by every other AAS forum. It's a gem in a pile of shit. @Millard Baker could have sold out to the sources a long time ago and he would have made a fortune. He didn't because he truly believes in what he's doing. But his experiment will fail if the members don't share his vision. He's given the members the power. Use it wisely.
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Used to be reps and sources took criticism and kept their mouth shut, except for business. This punk ass bitch of a rep runs his mouth and thinks he rules the place and still thinks he’s one of the bros. His banned ass needs banned again.
This guy and pharmasource who is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. Paid shills steering the thread, fake test reports, running their mouths like they run the forum. I'm tired of it. His coconspirator Jano. I'm tired of all of this bullshit. But you got members here thinking they are bids and think the source really cares for them.
This guy and pharmasource who is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. Paid shills steering the thread, fake test reports, running their mouths like they run the forum. I'm tired of it. His coconspirator Jano. I'm tired of all of this bullshit. But you got members here thinking they are bids and think the source really cares for them.
Spot on bro
This guy and pharmasource who is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. Paid shills steering the thread, fake test reports, running their mouths like they run the forum. I'm tired of it. His coconspirator Jano. I'm tired of all of this bullshit. But you got members here thinking they are bids and think the source really cares for them.

Fucking Jano .

There's only a handful of guys, that actually post, that are not totally riding one source or another . They've forgotten, or maybe never learned that the source needs us...we don't need them . There's one waiting to fill in the space .
I don't care about apologies. I'd rather you got the point I was trying to make and decided to join those who are trying to keep the forum honest. New members that are willing to help are always needed because old members fall away, but sources and their shills and dickriders never stop coming. Scammers never stop coming. Members who join for greed never stop coming. It's a never ending battle on an uncensored forum, but it's one that must be fought by the members or the administration will be forced to do it. But then it won't be an uncensored forum anymore.

I don't think people always appreciate how rare a forum like Meso is. It's the antithesis of the model used by every other AAS forum. It's a gem in a pile of shit. @Millard Baker could have sold out to the sources a long time ago and he would have made a fortune. He didn't because he truly believes in what he's doing. But his experiment will fail if the members don't share his vision. He's given the members the power. Use it wisely.
Damn, I been here a couple years and never really had much to say. But you guys are right, shits changed a good bit and after cbs’ pep talk, I’m guess I need to do a little more round here!
I don't care about apologies. I'd rather you got the point I was trying to make and decided to join those who are trying to keep the forum honest. New members that are willing to help are always needed because old members fall away, but sources and their shills and dickriders never stop coming. Scammers never stop coming. Members who join for greed never stop coming. It's a never ending battle on an uncensored forum, but it's one that must be fought by the members or the administration will be forced to do it. But then it won't be an uncensored forum anymore.

I don't think people always appreciate how rare a forum like Meso is. It's the antithesis of the model used by every other AAS forum. It's a gem in a pile of shit. @Millard Baker could have sold out to the sources a long time ago and he would have made a fortune. He didn't because he truly believes in what he's doing. But his experiment will fail if the members don't share his vision. He's given the members the power. Use it wisely.
Agreed. Try bitching about a source that fucked you over at m and s or any other board. I was blown away at the members taking up for the source and the mods who spoke as if they had some sort of authority. It was pathetic. Meso is a diamond in the rough.
Fucking Jano .

There's only a handful of guys, that actually post, that are not totally riding one source or another . They've forgotten, or maybe never learned that the source needs us...we don't need them . There's one waiting to fill in the space .

These are the guys that pay a prostitute and then think she loves them because she sucked their dick.
I missed a lot in this thread...

Last I stopped by here was right around the time the new rep made an entrance. Only took a few minutes to predict that was going to end up being a complete shit show. I didn't expect PPL to actually keep him around. What kind of a businessman in his right mind would bring 2dumb on as a rep? Does he get a tax credit for hiring the mentally challenged?
I missed a lot in this thread...

Last I stopped by here was right around the time the new rep made an entrance. Only took a few minutes to predict that was going to end up being a complete shit show. I didn't expect PPL to actually keep him around. What kind of a businessman in his right mind would bring 2dumb on as a rep? Does he get a tax credit for hiring the mentally challenged?
Panda has yet to acknowledge the new rep as legit from what everyone is saying. Figure that one out.
I missed a lot in this thread...

Last I stopped by here was right around the time the new rep made an entrance. Only took a few minutes to predict that was going to end up being a complete shit show. I didn't expect PPL to actually keep him around. What kind of a businessman in his right mind would bring 2dumb on as a rep? Does he get a tax credit for hiring the mentally challenged?

PPL hasn't even been here since he hired 2dumb. You'd think he'd at least check on him to see how he's doing but no. Now look at the mess.

And can you even imagine handing 2dumb your personal information when you place an order?! It's unbelievable that people are doing it. If he gets ever busted he'll squeal like a pig to save his plunger-pumped ass.