PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Panda has yet to acknowledge the new rep as legit from what everyone is saying. Figure that one out.

My best guess? Panda found out that 2dumb was his illegitimate child and shot himself in the head after realizing he had created something so stupid. 2dumb then inherits the family business and the rest is history.

Just a theory... but to be fair, I also think mindless is a digital ghost and master.on is a kremlin project gone wrong.

Panda tends to pick his battles. Which is half intelligent. Not acknowledging the rep just comes across as lazy though. He's doing it because "everyone does nothing but complain no matter what he does" or something along those lines, I knew service would go down hill when I saw him type those words. He's become complacent, and I can understand. However, business should make you complacent after 30 or 40 fucking years... He's still got money coming in, so wtf does he care if his rep is a retard that chases away more business than he creates. Probably laid off for the winter so he's got plenty of time to do whatever the fuck he does for free gear.

And can you even imagine handing 2dumb your personal information when you place an order?!

That reminds me, I have a package coming to you... Just forward it up to me when you get it. Thanks in advance. ;)
There's only a handful of guys, that actually post, that are not totally riding one source or another . They've forgotten, or maybe never learned that the source needs us...we don't need them . There's one waiting to fill in the space .

That reminded me of these gems from 2dumb admitting that PPL saves customer info, and only a handful of guys said anything about it. Naps got roasted so hard for doing the same thing he never recovered on this forum.

Your OWN sources keep your info...., they have to.... they keep your info so they know who you are and they’re familiar with your address...

You honestly fucking think sources delete your info? LOL what kind of fairy ass tale is that.

Every single source does it. I’m telling you straight and I’m being honest with you...
@CensoredBoardsSuck maybe if the source wasn’t being harassed regularly and people were giving Honest reviews whether it’s positive or negative but all I had thrown at me was lies and accusations.

We have a lot of mutual friends between us CBS. Why do you think I know everything about you? We’ve even been in group chats together.
Thanks. We now have proof that PPL is a retarded decision maker with regard to his hiring process.

Does he hire blind folks to package the raws as well?

Panda admitted to hiring his 12 year old nephew and posted an image of him on Instagram.....

Back tracked and took down after he was called out. So wouldn’t surprise me if he had the blind folk packaging raws. But hey... every order comes with a cool tank top so it’s legit.
Thanks. We now have proof that PPL is a retarded decision maker with regard to his hiring process.

Does he hire blind folks to package the raws as well?

I have it on good authority that he doesn't hire the physically disabled. Something about not liking people in wheelchairs, i guess.
I'm sure your dick riders will be along shortly so you can bury the "clutter" with page after page of jerking each other off like you did last night.

Na he just runs shitty contests “ first to hit 40k posts wins a cycle” so the dick riders post fast and hide “clutter” also known as facts under the rug.
I saw that! Didn’t someone get 100g of Trestolone Acetate instead of Test e!

And Halo instead of aromasin if I'm not mistaken.

I got NPP instead of test...

List goes on... But those are all lies and accusations, right? Poor you, the misunderstood rep that never got a fair chance.
@CensoredBoardsSuck maybe if the source wasn’t being harassed regularly and people were giving Honest reviews whether it’s positive or negative but all I had thrown at me was lies and accusations.

We have a lot of mutual friends between us CBS. Why do you think I know everything about you? We’ve even been in group chats together.
So he basically admits to being 2dumb here, why is he not banned?