PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@Roger rabbit Not defending panda, cbs came at me first. I've had little to no interaction with him until tonight after I stated my opinion of the picholas situation on this uncensored board.
**• You didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence.

Just shut the fuck up. You think yourrrr hot shit because you've been here since the dawn of time and have a few stickies

Please have your house nurse glue a dildo to the seat of your wheelchair so you quit bitching at little ole ten grams

You fucking weird. Maybe you were trying to make light of the situation with those stupid bullet points but fuck yourself and while I'm at it, hey @Eman fuck you

Jesus Christ. This is top shelf drama here. The fuck you Eman just put it over the top. You sir, do not disappoint.
L-arginine and l-citrulline increases nitrogen retention (bigger pump) and both increase Natural GH. Tons of benefits but in clinical dosages.

L-taurine helps me greatly with back pumps

L-glutamine just helps me with digestion nothing more.

Berberine for glucose lowering and insulin tolerance.

Alpha lipioc acid gives me really big pumps from heavy carbs and is a nutrition partitioner. Helps with glycogen uptake.

The gear is cheap.... HGH is cheap too it’s the supplements that are expensive.
Thanks for the info. I'll have to look into the L-glutamine, sounds like something we should all be taking with the amounts of food we eat.
I used to crack eggs into a cup and drink those. Someone on here told me they mix chocolate syrup with their egg whites then drink them. Can't remember who it was though.
That might have been me cause I know I've don't that for years. Sugar free Hershey syrup right into a carton of eggs whites. Shit is the bomb!
Carton a day for me when I’m serious. I’ve been a total slacker this past few months. Work got in the way
Work gets me every time. It's my slow season now but I'll go from working out all the time and prepped meals to sleeping maybe 4hrs a night working 7days a week. I'll barley get any meals in and when I do it's not very good. So I drop weight fast but then the first 2 weeks back and I grow like weed.
It goes way beyond just punctuation with you, dummy:

  • You didn't capital the first word of your first sentence.
  • You didn't use an apostrophe for "thats".
  • You didn't capitalize the first word of your second sentence.
  • You added an unnecessary period between "Stoopid" and "little".
  • You misspelled "stupid".
  • You misspelled "bitch".
  • You erroneously capitalized "spinster".
  • You used the possessive "your" instead of the contraction "you're".
  • You didn't end your last sentence with a period.
  • You made 2dumb look smart.

There could be more mistakes but I'm not YOUR teacher. YOU'RE illterate, Tengtren. If you don't understand how to use basic grammar and punctuation, no one will understand what YOU'RE trying to say; and if they don't understand what YOU'RE trying to say, why bother saying it? No one is willing to attempt to make sense of YOUR idiot speak. Take some adult literacy classes. YOU'RE the worst I've ever seen.
I literally laughed out loud at this. Lol
I've actually learned better punctuation since I've been here but 90% of the time I'm to lazy and just use "your".
**• You didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence.

Just shut the fuck up. You think yourrrr hot shit because you've been here since the dawn of time and have a few stickies

Please have your house nurse glue a dildo to the seat of your wheelchair so you quit bitching at little ole ten grams

You fucking weird. Maybe you were trying to make light of the situation with those stupid bullet points but fuck yourself and while I'm at it, hey @Eman fuck you

Brother, if this dude is really in a wheelchair that's fucked up on every level. That's a new low for you. Come on. Cut the insults like that out and just have a debate or argument. No need to say shit like that.
But that's the expected response from a vet to a newbie right @CensoredBoardsSuck ? To be told I'm full of shit for stating my opinion
just take it easy, this situation is between cbs and the rep. Jumping into it with some of those insults is ridiculous. If you want to look things up, CBS has been a huge asset to this place, and has a tremendous amount of respect
I think we all just saw a glimpse of Tengtren on tren lol on a side note i think your funny as he'll bro but the wheelchair shit is a little much thats very panda of you
Alright, I am sorry for my comments yesterday to you @CensoredBoardsSuck .

I over reacted to your first response to me and took it too far, though I don't think you were in the right either. Your first comment was just as unnessisary as my remarks about you being wheelchair bound, that's my opinion.

I woke up this morning and realized these little matches are ridiculous, this is the internet and I was caught up in the moment. I have nothing against anyone here, I haven't taken any time to read anything of yours but if what the members here are saying about your contributions to this board are true, thank you for that.

From your first comment to me I assume you've read all my content and concluded that I'm full of shit, it's great for everyone to have an opinion.
**• You didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence.

Just shut the fuck up. You think yourrrr hot shit because you've been here since the dawn of time and have a few stickies

Please have your house nurse glue a dildo to the seat of your wheelchair so you quit bitching at little ole ten grams

You fucking weird. Maybe you were trying to make light of the situation with those stupid bullet points but fuck yourself and while I'm at it, hey @Eman fuck you

Still butthurt, huh? It's good to know I own you, taking up all that real estate in your useless head.
But that's the expected response from a vet to a newbie right @CensoredBoardsSuck ? To be told I'm full of shit for stating my opinion

If you're FOS, sure. No one cares about your personal opinion. If a new member brings a thoughtful argument to a discussion, no experienced member will attack them for it.

Most of what I've done on this forum has been to help educate new members on the dangers of the steroid black market. So have most of the other critics that 2dumb says gives this place a weird vibe -- which I'm sure most sources would echo. Good! This isn't a source friendly forum. So you can save the woe is me ""expected response" from a "vet"" thing. Bring something more to the discussion than defending sources for shady behavior because "it's your opinion" and you'll get a more respectful response from the members that have been tirelessly fighting that shady behavior for years.
Classless. Simple as that. I prey some of these guys don't and never have children.
Your not kidding. I lost respect for @tengtren after reading that.

Even more so for siding with pandarep for a fight you dont have a dog in. Or do you? And especially against CBS who has done so much for our forum and members.

What can I say karma is a bitch.