PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'm sure it is. You got a nice little surprise vacation so you had some free time to play. No thanks needed, though. I'm here to help.

You like pulling the rope, huh? Good for you but TMI, 2dumb. We're not interested in hearing about your sex life.

Nah, I was just watching the thread in case anyone had any genuine questions and checking my PM’s.

Good Night. If you want to order anything let me know bro. I saw you wanted to try brewing? It’s very easy. You’re welcomed to order and anyone here is welcomed too. We got no ill will against anyone.
I didn’t read this..... just glanced over it lol. Fine by all means.

But I’m here for anyone who orders, who had a problem with their order or any questions regarding on how to order.

Anyways, have a Good night Eman. No, I’m not going anywhere. But we’ll be here when you need us, okay big guy? Cool.

Panda really gave you a talkin' to, didn't he? Was he pissed or was it more like a few words followed by silent treatment? Were the words "this is your last chance" used?

I said it before, you have a knack for getting yourself banned... If anyone wants to place over under bets, PM me. I say a week before you're banned or shit canned.
Fella, if you think I'm tense you're going to have a lot of sleepless nights... I could truly care less. I'm very much enjoying myself.

You need meso a whole hell of a lot more than meso needs you. You can disappear anytime and there will be another source come to fill your place, it is the underground circle of life. Anyone that copies you will take great note on how to improve on what you fucked up, sort of like MK but it turns out that was more of a self redemption thing.

The only thing that made PPL decent was his original business model, which is now a distant memory. His only hope is to remove you and do some serious crowd work with an honest and humble attitude... And best of luck to him on all of that. In short, if you think I'm tense, you are really projecting.
actually, watching mk/ppl melt down in the other thread and the personnel attacks by a source were some whole next level shit. PPL is the one to blame for his rep, his shitty business practices, his renaming to monkey king, and a whole lot of stuff that has been called out ad nauseum for the last 2 years. He really shouldn't even need a rep, but his constant fuckups creates the never ending need to solve fuckups. So yeah, not a big fan of this rep or any other rep (except @RThoads ), but he is just the tip of the iceberg in this shitshow
Panda really gave you a talkin' to, didn't he? Was he pissed or was it more like a few words followed by silent treatment? Were the words "this is your last chance" used?

I said it before, you have a knack for getting yourself banned... If anyone wants to place over under bets, PM me. I say a week before you're banned or shit canned.

Man, you’re imagination runs so wild. God bless bro.
Did you make it through the 3rd grade? YOUR imagination. You literally use your and you're wrong every single time.

You are imagination runs wild... That's how you sound when someone reads your retarded posts.
Cut the retard a break. This is the same fuck stick who said his parents only allow him to pin gear and no other drugs.
Well guys, now that I got this thread back in order.

You’re and Your.... guess I’m human afterall.. unfortunately Eman is just mad I got him banned a month ago from SS board and the lovely beautiful German Mod that banned him was happy to do it for me.

Okay guys enough back and forth.

HOPEFULLY soon DBOL is back in stock. I might work out a sale on Dbol to make up for its lack of production.
Well guys, now that I got this thread back in order.

You’re and Your.... guess I’m human afterall.. unfortunately Eman is just mad I got him banned a month ago from SS board and the lovely beautiful German Mod that banned him was happy to do it for me.

Okay guys enough back and forth.

HOPEFULLY soon DBOL is back in stock. I might work out a sale on Dbol to make up for its lack of production.
And this uneducated bitch is soon to be banned as well :D
I ordered us domestic from purple panda 3 weeks ago. Customer service keeps telling me to hold of. Probably should have checked the thread. Still haven't received my pack.
Lmfao he just put his order number out in the open lmao! Fuckin Noobs what the fuck are you thinking! Don’t quote the guy for Christ sake! What a fuckin shit show
unfortunately Eman is just mad I got him banned a month ago from SS board and the lovely beautiful German Mod that banned him was happy to do it for me.

Let's clear that lie up right now... I got banned for refusing to apologize to a source that I had questioned and subsequently refused to respond to her demand with "yes m'am". Her little power trip is the result of her husband leaving her and if banning people on a forum with more mods than members gives her some semblance of control in her life, well that's pretty fucking sad.

The ONLY thing you had to do with it is the fact that YOU were the source I questioned, Cyclez. Does panda know you have a side business selling his shit? Sounds like a conflict of interest to me. Another good reason that SG is a joke... You told them your other handles, they vetted you by looking through your history and determined you were safe for their community, all 8 members lol.
Let's clear that lie up right now... I got banned for refusing to apologize to a source that I had questioned and subsequently refused to respond to her demand with "yes m'am". Her little power trip is the result of her husband leaving her and if banning people on a forum with more mods than members gives her some semblance of control in her life, well that's pretty fucking sad.

The ONLY thing you had to do with it is the fact that YOU were the source I questioned, Cyclez. Does panda know you have a side business selling his shit? Sounds like a conflict of interest to me. Another good reason that SG is a joke... You told them your other handles, they vetted you by looking through your history and determined you were safe for their community, all 8 members lol.
