PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I noticed that there is no domestic raws page anymore ...

Panda said yesterday he's Restocking but it seems like something going on I sent paid yesterday at like noon an they still didn't confirm the order is shipped an I set it up the day before I'm not worried about getting the order just wondering if something is going on behind the scenes with everything...but I'm nosey an bored lol
Exactly. But we are much more "normal" than he is. You and I would take the life out of a body if we had to, he would invite his lying accusers over to hang out. He's special like that.

Thank you for your kind words I try so hard to look normal people just don't understand :D
When mindless gets back from the playground I wonder what hes gna say...I bet he doesn't acknowledge us at all an acts like this whole convo never even happend
Just thought I would throw this out there @MindlessWork but this is a screenshot of the 2 diff people he was chatting with an he asked if they liked his face an I'm pretty sure the nom nom things was towards that dudes dick like wtf why is this what shows up on google...imagine what doesnt show upmindless.jpg
Just thought I would throw this out there @MindlessWork but this is a screenshot of the 2 diff people he was chatting with an he asked if they liked his face an I'm pretty sure the nom nom things was towards that dudes dick like wtf why is this what shows up on google...imagine what doesnt show upView attachment 108819
I'm dead lol. I saw tons of those photos way back in the day. The Memes are great if you come across them
@MindlessWork i really don't take this stuff lightly I would love to hear ur side of the story to clear it up if u can prove otherwise an explain why so much pedo stuff is about u I won't mention it anymore because that's a serious accusation if u choose to ignore its pretty obvious what the answer is I understand not arguing on computer that's dumb but u can prove ur innocence if u are an that's worth everything to a innocent man imo
Exactly. But we are much more "normal" than he is. You and I would take the life out of a body if we had to, he would invite his lying accusers over to hang out. He's special like that.
funny u say all this. when i first joined he did all that shit to me, told me to post an intro, i messaged him asking where bc i had no clue how these forums work, ended up following all my ish and liking all the posts, any other board im on... hes on there. interesting stuff. if he really is a chomo fucker disgusts me
funny u say all this. when i first joined he did all that shit to me, told me to post an intro, i messaged him asking where bc i had no clue how these forums work, ended up following all my ish and liking all the posts, any other board im on... hes on there. interesting stuff. if he really is a chomo fucker disgusts me

He was prob hoping ur 15
prob... but from the looks of that dudes physique my teenage sister could probably turn him into her girlfriend, so i feel most teenage males should be alright w/ getting him to fuck off

Those are the ones in chat rooms that are older the ones that have to be careful are the young ones that can be convinced I feel so strongly about it because it happend to someone very close to me when I grew up he was one of the young enough to be convinced its crazy but it happens to boys to the guy is in jail for murder an I know that was a huge factor he was a tough mofo everyone new it but he just kept trying to convince himself that he was an it escalated fast in our teens then bang 18 yo with a 187 an attempt to go wit it shits crazy
Anyone else notice the website is shut down. I had an order sent Monday it’s been in preshipment for a week
Send me a PM with your order number

Website works for me. But packs are at a standstill for me for a week plus
Send me a pm with your order number

Panda said yesterday he's Restocking but it seems like something going on I sent paid yesterday at like noon an they still didn't confirm the order is shipped an I set it up the day before I'm not worried about getting the order just wondering if something is going on behind the scenes with everything...but I'm nosey an bored lol
The service I use that collects non crypto payments didn’t confirm it yesterday. I just woke up about 30min ago and messaged them again and they confirmed it with me. The other reason why domestic raws is off the website which I didn’t necessarily want to get into but looks like I have to is because the website my shipper uses to buy postage with bitcoin isn’t currently working. He won’t use stamps on the packages for some reason as I suggested(which is how I used to receive packs from sources back when I lived in the states). But I’m exploring some other options and other services that accept bitcoin as payment. The issue will be resolved shortly