PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Anecdotal opinions are cheaper than any kind of testing. When people use them to make statements like “bunk gear” it tells you a lot about their personality and how much they actually give a shit about what they are using/doing.

That's not how this shows run. But nice job trying to discredit facts. That being our tren has always been tren and tested as such.

Besides Tren is pretty easy to melt test and taste test.
It's come up a few times about the stealth vials leaking. The rubber plugs are different , but it's all we can get the fit that shape of a vial.

So for one don't draw with a large needle. Of you do, and it lays on its side it may leak. I draw with a 25ga. And have for along time, it does draw slower, but doesn't eat up the rubber. Also you draw and transfer if it is that much of a problem. Grab some presealed, sterile vials and transfer.

Some things are a compromise, I don't want to describe the stealth, but it's solid. Small price to pay.
A 6 degree range is beyond unacceptable.

It's kinda hard to have the proper accuracy and precision with booboo ass 20dollar thermometers. I'd recommend going with at least some mid grade $300 tools type of instruments. I've done some melting point tests with real shit was so easy to get reliable, precise results.

I know, just not sure what real MP is due to lack of reliable data.
Yeah. That's clinical. With zero data to back a claim.
This forum needs the face palm emoji
Do you suggest someone gets their tren blood levels tested? Or are you actually expecting someone to spend hundreds on a mass spec before they voice concerns? Some things you can test and some things you can't. Tren is one of those things where if I dont have an urge to lick a stripper's dirty asshole while also wanting to beat her head in with a rock, the tren may be fake.

I'm not saying this guy has fake gear, but I am saying you sound like a fuckhead expecting clinical, data based feedback as a default in product commentary.
That's right. But they're are meant to be refiltered and placed into vials. Not long term draws from the shipping vessel.

You can do whatever you'd like. The final product doesn't follow the same steps as finished oil. It's not stored in mutli use, sterile vials.
Any plans to cut the semi finished oils price?
You can skip the sterile filtering to reduce costs and grab the markey by the balls?
(since the container ain't sterile anyhow), perhaps just perform a coarse filtration to remove any particulate matter.

Can anyone recommend an India raw source?
Chine supply is not drying up