PurplePandaLabs Raw source

This dude is definitely a flaming liberal and I emphasize on the flaming part.

I'm as far right as you can imagine. No government, no laws, no police, no prisons. Every man, women and child for themselves. Not a utopian, I realize humans like to murder, rape and steal, but that can be dealt with on a personal basis.
Nothing worse than a statist sitting around worshiping a bunch of cocksucking legislators and lawyers that pass 40,000 new laws and regulations every year that rob you of every supposed freedom you think you have.
So lets recap the reason for this price increase:
1. Did China initiate this new policy of allowing legal producers to continue to produce all on their own, of was this meddling from outside sources? Did China want more revenue from these Raw producers, did they figure they weren't getting their cut, sort of like buying a stamp to sell narcotics in the US.

2. Was it the Trump administration that spurred this on with threats of tariffs related to production of narcotics shipped from China?

3. What is the ultimate reason China decided to go ahead and do this. If it was Trump, doesn't this show that the United States has becomes the police state of the world, that we have the ability to control any country we want through economic means?

4. Wouldn't it be better to go ahead and set up in another country to get ready for what we all know is coming, a complete ban in China. Anything that has happened in the USofA will happen to China, just ten times faster as they try to gain respect on the world stage by kissing ass of western leaders.

Dude don't tag me in that speculative bullshit. Trump, seriously? I don't mind replying to seemingly obvious questions, but dude.

The price went up. You could 'why' it until you passed out. It's not going to change. I like it less than you, trust me. It is what it is. Move on.
Dude don't tag me in that speculative bullshit. Trump, seriously? I don't mind replying to seemingly obvious questions, but dude.

The price went up. You could 'why' it until you passed out. It's not going to change. I like it less than you, trust me. It is what it is. Move on.

world sports and drug doping. after the crack down on russia making their athletes compete under an independent flag, china was happy to comply with the anti doping mentality.

the ban had nothing to do with trump and narcotics. they only care about the fentanyl crisis.
the ban had nothing to do with trump and narcotics. they only care about the fentanyl crisis.

The fentanyl crisis is just another bullshit cover for the war on drugs and the right for cops to perform search and seizure. They don't give a shit about the public, when they raid a house or your vehicle, they're looking for piles of cash to pad their slush funds.

About 30,000 people die each year from Fent overdose. 150,000 die each year from alcohol. 400,000 die from tobacco. 650,000 die from heart disease of which about 80% is standard american diet related.

Fent is nothing but a cover just like the abortion issue for a public that is easily duped into viewing everything as a crisis.

We're over populated, overdoses on drugs help thin the heard, we need to import more lethal drugs, not less.
Don't pay taxes, it's only through tax dollars we support the police state and mass incarceration. Voting won't change anything, unless a Libertarian(that mostly agrees with anarcho-capitalism), even that won't do much.
Nope the only way to crush the system is the starve it of your dollars. 55 cents of every tax dollar you spend locally goes to support LE, Jails and Prisons. Privatize everything, schools, roads, healthcare, leave nothing in the hands of the government. Arm citizens to the teeth, and remove all weapons from LE and government officials would be the first step.
Ironically, the states with the highest taxes (NY and cali) are the most progressive especially when it comes to criminal justice reform. Coincidentally, they have some of the highest levels of homelessness.

Prisons are starting to be emptied. Rikers island is being shut down in the coming years. They're giving criminals metro cards and gift cards on their way out. They're getting rid of cash bail, in fact, you cant even ask for bail for a ridiculous list of crimes.

Edit:we have a political section for this kind of talk.
Ironically, the states with the highest taxes (NY and cali) are the most progressive especially when it comes to criminal justice reform. Coincidentally, they have some of the highest levels of homelessness.

Prisons are starting to be emptied. Rikers island is being shut down in the coming years. They're giving criminals metro cards and gift cards on their way out. They're getting rid of cash bail, in fact, you cant even ask for bail for a ridiculous list of crimes.

Edit:we have a political section for this kind of talk.

Anyone that has committed a so called non-violent crime doesn't belong in prison period, nor do they deserve a record of any kind.

Of course my position is that we should have no form of national id or drivers license or any license of any kind. No way to identify anyone, you simply pick a name that day and if you want to change it the next day you can do that.
Anyone that has committed a so called non-violent crime doesn't belong in prison period, nor do they deserve a record of any kind.

Of course my position is that we should have no form of national id or drivers license or any license of any kind. No way to identify anyone, you simply pick a name that day and if you want to change it the next day you can do that.
You're a bit out there.
We're over populated, overdoses on drugs help thin the heard, we need to import more lethal drugs, not less.

Ya know I used to think the same thing, but then a close friend of mine died. He was sober for almost 2 years, he relapsed and died shortly after.

I’ll forever be ashamed of myself for thinking like that and having such a stupid fucking opinion.
Ya know I used to think the same thing, but then a close friend of mine died. He was sober for almost 2 years, he relapsed and died shortly after.

I’ll forever be ashamed of myself for thinking like that and having such a stupid fucking opinion.

What makes you think drugs were the only mode of them checking out? Take away drugs and no one dies, it doesn't work like that. Some people aren't naturally driven to live a long life, one way or the other these people find a way to bring it all to an end. Who's to argue that an overdose isn't a gentler means of death than say speeding down a highway on a motorcycle into an oak tree. It's odd that we pine away over those that die from drugs as if it's a tragedy and yet there's many other ways of death that are far more common that could be avoided that no one gives a shit about.
What makes you think drugs were the only mode of them checking out? Take away drugs and no one dies, it doesn't work like that. Some people aren't naturally driven to live a long life, one way or the other these people find a way to bring it all to an end. Who's to argue that an overdose isn't a gentler means of death than say speeding down a highway on a motorcycle into an oak tree. It's odd that we pine away over those that die from drugs as if it's a tragedy and yet there's many other ways of death that are far more common that could be avoided that no one gives a shit about.
It was fentanyl in specific, but he didn’t know that of course. I’m not even gonna read past the first question you asked.. I mean I glanced over it and saw a few words but it sounds like some shit I don’t really care to put any thinking towards. I’ll now make my departure from this thread for the time being and let you carry on with whatever you were saying before I came in.
Don't pay taxes, it's only through tax dollars we support the police state and mass incarceration. Voting won't change anything, unless a Libertarian(that mostly agrees with anarcho-capitalism), even that won't do much.
Nope the only way to crush the system is the starve it of your dollars. 55 cents of every tax dollar you spend locally goes to support LE, Jails and Prisons. Privatize everything, schools, roads, healthcare, leave nothing in the hands of the government. Arm citizens to the teeth, and remove all weapons from LE and government officials would be the first step.

i like the don't pay taxes part, but that can only go on for so long. Eventually they'll take what they feel is theirs whether you want them to or not.
The fentanyl crisis is just another bullshit cover for the war on drugs and the right for cops to perform search and seizure. They don't give a shit about the public, when they raid a house or your vehicle, they're looking for piles of cash to pad their slush funds.

About 30,000 people die each year from Fent overdose. 150,000 die each year from alcohol. 400,000 die from tobacco. 650,000 die from heart disease of which about 80% is standard american diet related.

Fent is nothing but a cover just like the abortion issue for a public that is easily duped into viewing everything as a crisis.

We're over populated, overdoses on drugs help thin the heard, we need to import more lethal drugs, not less.

The poor countries are overpop. Def not the west lol.
Gee...I wonder who built the roads and bridges pre IRS?

Basically every tax we pay was to fund a war. So income tax started briefly for civil war which was a completely unnecessary war, we could have simply agreed to the terms of the southern states and let the abolition and succession movement die out naturally over time. Southern states receive more welfare and public assistance than any of the other states, so they would have sucked at the federal governments teet eventually no matter what.

The average joe didn't start paying any taxes in this country until the early 1900's, and since than it has provided the means of carrying out wars that in almost every case could have been avoided if the government was starved of cash.

Americans at one time questioned getting involved in foreign wars, certainly the wars of European powers that seemed to want to engage in pissing contests that accomplished nothing more than slaughtering millions of people. Japan was due to our sanctions and us baiting them with our ships in Pearl Harbor. Vietnam was completely mindless and pointless. Korean war, another completely pointless war. Desert Storm and the invasion of middle east post 9/11 were driven by us jacking with the middle east by propping up Israel and believing their endless lies they used to get us to attack their enemies....Saddam. Nope every Tax we pay is mostly to support the war machine and since 1970 to support the Police State. 1980's moved to a purely punitive way of punishment getting rid of rehab for addicts and starting the prison for profit, filling our prisons to the brim, much to the delight of bureaucrats that wanted a campaign platform of keeping America safe. Any discussion of drug legalization sent shivers down the spine of organizations that were rolling in money now and had unprecedented power to execute citizens in the street, with just a few hours in court and a complete exoneration the war on drugs is finally realized.

There was a time when you could walk into any shop in this country, purchase twenty guns, bottles of morphine, herion, cocaine....ect. No ID, no nothing other than cash or goods to barter with.
Basically every tax we pay was to fund a war. So income tax started briefly for civil war which was a completely unnecessary war, we could have simply agreed to the terms of the southern states and let the abolition and succession movement die out naturally over time. Southern states receive more welfare and public assistance than any of the other states, so they would have sucked at the federal governments teet eventually no matter what.

The average joe didn't start paying any taxes in this country until the early 1900's, and since than it has provided the means of carrying out wars that in almost every case could have been avoided if the government was starved of cash.

Americans at one time questioned getting involved in foreign wars, certainly the wars of European powers that seemed to want to engage in pissing contests that accomplished nothing more than slaughtering millions of people. Japan was due to our sanctions and us baiting them with our ships in Pearl Harbor. Vietnam was completely mindless and pointless. Korean war, another completely pointless war. Desert Storm and the invasion of middle east post 9/11 were driven by us jacking with the middle east by propping up Israel and believing their endless lies they used to get us to attack their enemies....Saddam. Nope every Tax we pay is mostly to support the war machine and since 1970 to support the Police State. 1980's moved to a purely punitive way of punishment getting rid of rehab for addicts and starting the prison for profit, filling our prisons to the brim, much to the delight of bureaucrats that wanted a campaign platform of keeping America safe. Any discussion of drug legalization sent shivers down the spine of organizations that were rolling in money now and had unprecedented power to execute citizens in the street, with just a few hours in court and a complete exoneration the war on drugs is finally realized.

There was a time when you could walk into any shop in this country, purchase twenty guns, bottles of morphine, herion, cocaine....ect. No ID, no nothing other than cash or goods to barter with.

I honestly like some of the shit you've said and agree, but gtfo of here with it. Have a nice day.