PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Gee...I wonder who built the roads and bridges pre IRS?

i'm talking about tax evasion, in response to the suggestion that one should just "stop paying taxes".

The government can spend the money on candy, crack and strippers for all i care.

My point was, one can only evade paying taxes for so long before the IRS grabs them by the ankles, turns them up side down and shakes them vigorously until they get what they feel is theirs.
i'm talking about tax evasion, in response to the suggestion that one should just "stop paying taxes".

The government can spend the money on candy, crack and strippers for all i care.

My point was, one can only evade paying taxes for so long before the IRS grabs them by the ankles, turns them up side down and shakes them vigorously until they get what they feel is theirs.

Ahhh. This is true.
i'm talking about tax evasion, in response to the suggestion that one should just "stop paying taxes".

The government can spend the money on candy, crack and strippers for all i care.

My point was, one can only evade paying taxes for so long before the IRS grabs them by the ankles, turns them up side down and shakes them vigorously until they get what they feel is theirs.

There are choices you can make in life to drastically reduce the taxes you pay. Living in rural areas, owning as little as possible. Working under the table, cash only. Would be nice if employers would do this instead of bank deposit. When you purchase items, purchase them online from marketplaces that don't collect taxes. Spend as little as possible. Don't contribute anything to society at all.

The government basically uses your tax dollars to employ the unemployable. It's simple, you have a town of low IQ half wits, they need jobs, so they build a prison to employ these idiots. This is done everyday of the week in this country. You simply can't find a better job than prison guard for someone with no job skills.
Political Discourse

I'm sorry Millard, I know an active link in the UG isn't allowed but it's a meso link, figured it wouldn't kill to post it here.
Internal hyperlinks are always allowed :D

The prohibition against active hyperlinks only applies to ecommerce-enabled website domains especially domains that sell controlled substances.
Basically every tax we pay was to fund a war. So income tax started briefly for civil war which was a completely unnecessary war, we could have simply agreed to the terms of the southern states and let the abolition and succession movement die out naturally over time. Southern states receive more welfare and public assistance than any of the other states, so they would have sucked at the federal governments teet eventually no matter what.

The average joe didn't start paying any taxes in this country until the early 1900's, and since than it has provided the means of carrying out wars that in almost every case could have been avoided if the government was starved of cash.

Americans at one time questioned getting involved in foreign wars, certainly the wars of European powers that seemed to want to engage in pissing contests that accomplished nothing more than slaughtering millions of people. Japan was due to our sanctions and us baiting them with our ships in Pearl Harbor. Vietnam was completely mindless and pointless. Korean war, another completely pointless war. Desert Storm and the invasion of middle east post 9/11 were driven by us jacking with the middle east by propping up Israel and believing their endless lies they used to get us to attack their enemies....Saddam. Nope every Tax we pay is mostly to support the war machine and since 1970 to support the Police State. 1980's moved to a purely punitive way of punishment getting rid of rehab for addicts and starting the prison for profit, filling our prisons to the brim, much to the delight of bureaucrats that wanted a campaign platform of keeping America safe. Any discussion of drug legalization sent shivers down the spine of organizations that were rolling in money now and had unprecedented power to execute citizens in the street, with just a few hours in court and a complete exoneration the war on drugs is finally realized.

There was a time when you could walk into any shop in this country, purchase twenty guns, bottles of morphine, herion, cocaine....ect. No ID, no nothing other than cash or goods to barter with.

I was seriously looking for something in this to get angry about but i have to say job well done. You know your shit. Based. The icing on the cake was Israel.
I was seriously looking for something in this to get angry about but i have to say job well done. You know your shit. Based. The icing on the cake was Israel.

The biggest problem with this country is that we have come to this idea that government has powers that we don't have. If the government is made up of people, then who gave them this power? No one can give you power that they themselves can't have. It's a question of infinite regress, you'll never be able to go far enough back to find a person that has ultimate authority to bestow special rights.

This is my problem with those that look at the Constitution and Bill of Rights as if they were a religious text(religion of course is 100% bullshit). Honestly the Constitution even though it's purposely vague, has a very limited view on the possibilities of freedom. Who are these assholes that have the arrogance to sit down and write a document telling me what I can and can't do. I never signed up for this shit. And neither did anyone else.

That's why it's my view that all government documents, legal libraries both state and federal should be destroyed. Problems only happen when you have shit written down that tell you want you can and can't do. This applies to religion as well, you hand a man a religious text and you can turn him into a psychopath if he follows that nonsense.
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The biggest problem with this country is that we have come to this idea that government has powers that we don't have. If the government is made up of people, then who gave them this power? No one can give you power that they themselves can't have. It's a question of infinite regress, you'll never be able to go far enough back to find a person that has ultimate authority to bestow special rights.

This is my problem with those that look at the Constitution and Bill of Rights as if they were a religious text(religion of course is 100% bullshit). Honestly the Constitution even though it's purposely vague, has a very limited view on the possibilities of freedom. Who are these assholes that have the arrogance to sit down and write a document telling me what I can and can't do. I never signed up for this shit. And neither did anyone else.

That's why it's my view that all government documents, legal libraries both state and federal should be destroyed. Problems only happen when you have shit written down that tell you want you can and can't do. This applies to religion as well, you hand a man a religious text and you can turn him into a psychopath if he follows that nonsense.
I respect your views even if I disagree with most of what you say. I didn’t want to feed into this but guess what, you got me...

Good thing about the USA is that NOBODY is keeping you here. I mean if you don’t like the way things are done and the laws in this country you have the RIGHT to get the hell out!

There’s ways to go about things in our current times and from what I understand you are talking about going backwards and not forward?
To live off the grid, not pay taxes, get paid in cash... that’s just not logical nowadays.
A land without laws, law makers, and law enforcement is a land of chaos. We need those people for order. Even if I personally dislike LEO, they are still needed.
In reality, people (in general) are too stupid to do things by and for themselves. That’s why the government is needed. I’d prefer small government over big government but still prefer government over no government.

Work, pay taxes, vote, obey the laws, and strive to leave this world a better place for your kids. Lead by example, and not just a follower on the most recent bandwagon.

You can sit back and bitch about how things are or step up and do whatever is needed to make changes in your own world.
Feel free to isolate yourself from the world in the “van down by the river” or go to another country you think would fit you better or treat you better than the USA.
I’ll continue to work hard for what I have, feel blessed for the people in my life, be the best person I can be, live my best life, pray, and always be PROUD I’m from the USA! :)

That’s all I’m gonna say about that -
(In Forrest Gump voice) :D
I respect your views even if I disagree with most of what you say. I didn’t want to feed into this but guess what, you got me...

Good thing about the USA is that NOBODY is keeping you here. I mean if you don’t like the way things are done and the laws in this country you have the RIGHT to get the hell out!

There’s ways to go about things in our current times and from what I understand you are talking about going backwards and not forward?
To live off the grid, not pay taxes, get paid in cash... that’s just not logical nowadays.
A land without laws, law makers, and law enforcement is a land of chaos. We need those people for order. Even if I personally dislike LEO, they are still needed.
In reality, people (in general) are too stupid to do things by and for themselves. That’s why the government is needed. I’d prefer small government over big government but still prefer government over no government.

Work, pay taxes, vote, obey the laws, and strive to leave this world a better place for your kids. Lead by example, and not just a follower on the most recent bandwagon.

You can sit back and bitch about how things are or step up and do whatever is needed to make changes in your own world.
Feel free to isolate yourself from the world in the “van down by the river” or go to another country you think would fit you better or treat you better than the USA.
I’ll continue to work hard for what I have, feel blessed for the people in my life, be the best person I can be, live my best life, pray, and always be PROUD I’m from the USA! :)

That’s all I’m gonna say about that -
(In Forrest Gump voice) :D
You can't fix stuuuupid bro. I applaud your efforts though. It's funny how you quoted Gump. All he did was go through the motions and try to do what's right, no concern for the things he had no control over.

I once saw a guy try to fight the ocean tide. This is right up there with that.

You definitely can't fix stupid, and folks, stupid comes in all sorts of packages.
First one in for the price hike. Not a happy new year for AAS users.

Testosterone raws - not a bad rate of increase. Unless you like Sustdust or U.

However if you like Masteron, Tren, Anavar, Proviron, Primo...ect, these are gonna hit your pockets hard.

Lets put this in perspective. I bought 100 grams of the above mentioned each items, was $440, now it will be $800.

I'm happy I accumulated a kilo before all this shit went down.

PP, I think you're gonna see a drastic reduction in orders for anything other than the most commonly used Test esters, of course if you nickle and dime orders, maybe people will be willing to buy 13 grams and look down at it and realize they spent $104 on a little bag of powder.

So the question is, was this really necessary, or is this just a money grab. If it was legal before and now it's still legal and nothing has changed in the manufacture process, how do we get the 200% price hike, what was magical about this 200% number, why not 150% or 500%, how did it magically arrive at 200%?
agreed with Soren
125% or 150% would have been more suitable
200% ? Really ?! WTF !
Now homebrewing is less effective in term of price, we should stick with finished products from Valkyrie, Pharmacom, MrPharma and so on because they have not at this time raised their price.
agreed with Soren
125% or 150% would have been more suitable
200% ? Really ?! WTF !
Now homebrewing is less effective in term of price, we should stick with finished products from Valkyrie, Pharmacom, MrPharma and so on because they have not at this time raised their price.
Your joking right? THOSE sources in specific are MORE cost effective then home brewing? As far as I’m concerned those guys have always charged 3x as much as every other source..
agreed with Soren
125% or 150% would have been more suitable
200% ? Really ?! WTF !
Now homebrewing is less effective in term of price, we should stick with finished products from Valkyrie, Pharmacom, MrPharma and so on because they have not at this time raised their price.
Ok I have to put this in perspective for you.

500 grams of Test e= $800
Shipping and brewing supplies= call it $200
Total= $1000
Yields roughly 200 vials assuming no waste. Call it 190, whatever doesn’t matter.

Pcom test E= $44/vial
X200 vials= $8800

No one is saying Homebrewing isn't gonna be cheaper and I do it because I can choose the recipe and the ingredients and I know exactly how it was produced. It wasn't some fat ass with MRSA and shit covered hands capping my vials.

Most people use Test as their base. The vast majority of people that get busted with AAS according to 2017 LE report was like 90% Testosterone, which IMO should be legal to posses.

So people are still gonna get what they absolutely need. It's just those extra premium products that we all like that were kind of expensive to start with, have suddenly gotten a whole lot more expensive.

What this will do is start off a chain reaction. You will see a lot more under dosed gear as sources sweat over every speck of dust that makes up the grams they put in your vials. You bought yourself a vial with X amount of Tren, instead it's 50/50 Tren with Test. Not the end of the world.

Nobody fakes vials of test and if they do they were a cheap bastard, I don't think they'll do that now either. But the other stuff like Mast or Tren would run you $7800 for a kilo.
Masterofron, we all should agree that homebrewing will be cheaper.

I think you can agree however that you're gonna see a lot of guys sticking to Test, Deca, EQ, Winstrol and avoiding the more expensive stuff. It's kind of sad really because I'm big believer in capitalism, but you gotta have competition and right now there isn't any. So you pull your pants down, hand PPL the lube and spread your cheeks for now.