PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I’m afraid the people who are complaining about the small price increases that are going to occur in finished goods have just become spoiled to the lowest priced anabolics ever.

They will continue to use Testosterone no matter what, the price increase isn't shocking and besides you're stuck with that shit, most of us have balls that haven't made any test in a decade or more.

The other goodies that we all like that are $8-36/gram. That's gonna make people think twice about what they drop in their basket when ordering China.

Like I mentioned earlier, 90% of the market is probably just T and some of the cheaper shit like Deca, EQ. Masteron that is a staple for many of us will probably not be used as often, I've got about 200 grams on hand so I could care less.

And finished prices aren't really a concern here. We buy PPL because we brew and we loved those prices, but now our sunny days have turn to clouds.
Pretty disrespectful and factually incorrect description of a navy seal. Especially considering you couldnt hack a single fucking day of navy seal training. This post makes it clear your an asshole and a pussy. Prove me wrong by saying this to a seals face, i think we both know how that would end!

There's lots of tough guys in this world and all of them can be shot dead by an 80 pound 100 year old lady just as easy as anyone else.

I get tired of mindless tools that believe in God, Country, Bible, Flag, moms apple pie and the American way of cock sucking. Always question authority, question every war, question every action of your shit government made up of assholes and one day you will arrive at the truth.....I can assure you it won't be what you think right now.
Pseudo-intellectulism.. people who write 10 paragraphs, say they read books as though they are the only ones who do, and profess to know all the follies of the less educated. I say pseudo because they always lack the basic understanding of perspective. People who are just as educated and read books disagree with your perspective. That doesn't make then less intelligent. That makes you an elitist ass.
There's lots of tough guys in this world and all of them can be shot dead by an 80 pound 100 year old lady just as easy as anyone else.

I get tired of mindless tools that believe in God, Country, Bible, Flag, moms apple pie and the American way of cock sucking. Always question authority, question every war, question every action of your shit government made up of assholes and one day you will arrive at the truth.....I can assure you it won't be what you think right now.
This may be a obvious question but why have the prices of raws increased and yet the injectables prices have not increased?
I would imagine it would be because the finished products were made with raws from original price. They will increase very shortly. They have to.
That makes you an elitist ass.

Not an elitist at all, but not one to sit back and read horseshit like "if you don't agree with what Mr Tough guys does than you must be a pussy".

Too many people in this country have the problem of being indoctrinated through decades of propaganda and can't see through it. They are programmed to trip hammer react to anyone that questions their most cherished beliefs, stuff that anyone that actually thinks should find childish.

I don't fault people, this country was the dumping ground for Europe, a place they could send their low IQ rejects.
80% of me says yes the manufacturers raised the price on panda. The other 20% says panda just did it because he could.

The retail raw market is getting bigger and bigger by the year. I know this is a crazy claim because we will never know the exact number but I believe Panda supplies 80%+ of the raws market right now.
Not an elitist at all, but not one to sit back and read horseshit like "if you don't agree with what Mr Tough guys does than you must be a pussy".

Too many people in this country have the problem of being indoctrinated through decades of propaganda and can't see through it. They are programmed to trip hammer react to anyone that questions their most cherished beliefs, stuff that anyone that actually thinks should find childish.

I don't fault people, this country was the dumping ground for Europe, a place they could send their low IQ rejects.
You are truly clueless when it comes to perspective. Just because you see something one way doesn't make it the right way. If you truly believe this makes you more intelligent than everyone else, you have no idea what intelligence is.
80% of me says yes the manufacturers raised the price on panda. The other 20% says panda just did it because he could.

The retail raw market is getting bigger and bigger by the year. I know this is a crazy claim because we will never know the exact number but I believe Panda supplies 80%+ of the raws market right now.

PPL has been around for what, 4 years? and you really think he's taken over 80% of the AAS raws market? Seems like hyperbole to me IMO. Biggest operations are moving hundreds of kilos all around the world and aren't selling directly on Meso. I think this is very narrow thinking.
PPL has been around for what, 4 years? and you really think he's taken over 80% of the AAS raws market? Seems like hyperbole to me IMO. Biggest operations are moving hundreds of kilos all around the world and aren't selling directly on Meso. I think this is very narrow thinking.
I’m talking for average people specifically buying raws. Not company’s like pharmacom. You wanna start to name some of these bigger raw suppliers?
80% of me says yes the manufacturers raised the price on panda. The other 20% says panda just did it because he could.

The retail raw market is getting bigger and bigger by the year. I know this is a crazy claim because we will never know the exact number but I believe Panda supplies 80%+ of the raws market right now.
Probably 80% of the homebrewers market! There are so many big sellers and pharma manufacturers!
They will continue to use Testosterone no matter what, the price increase isn't shocking and besides you're stuck with that shit, most of us have balls that haven't made any test in a decade or more.

The other goodies that we all like that are $8-36/gram. That's gonna make people think twice about what they drop in their basket when ordering China.

Like I mentioned earlier, 90% of the market is probably just T and some of the cheaper shit like Deca, EQ. Masteron that is a staple for many of us will probably not be used as often, I've got about 200 grams on hand so I could care less.

And finished prices aren't really a concern here. We buy PPL because we brew and we loved those prices, but now our sunny days have turn to clouds.
I don’t understand why you think that these compounds will become less popular just because their prices are going to increase. People unnecessarily throw a bunch of money towards their steroid purchases already, an increase in price isn’t going to stop anyone from buying them. If the price of most compounds besides testosterone goes up $10-$20 dollars, it will be no different then what huge popular sources are charging now. Ever been on Eroids? Napsgear? Basicstero? Plentyyyy of people already pay $10-$20, maybe even $30 more per vial and they don’t bat a single fucking eye over it.

The people here who don’t do this make up a very small percentage of the online steroid community.
I don’t understand why you think that these compounds will become less popular just because their prices are going to increase. People unnecessarily throw a bunch of money towards their steroid purchases already, an increase in price isn’t going to stop anyone from buying them. If the price of most compounds besides testosterone goes up $10-$20 dollars, it will be no different then what huge popular sources are charging now. Ever been on Eroids? Napsgear? Basicstero? Plentyyyy of people already pay $10-$20, maybe even $30 more per vial and they don’t bat a single fucking eye over it.

The people here who don’t do this make up a very small percentage of the online steroid community.
Don't forget that dickface bestgear and his overpriced lambo gear :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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No other options. It's not ppl raising his prices. It's the raw manufacturers. Some raw sources have disappeared and some raised their prices. That's it.

That’s exactly why I asked when we can expect the India extension to be online and available to us, also when that does happen will the prices be near to similar to what they were before or?
I don’t understand why you think that these compounds will become less popular just because their prices are going to increase. People unnecessarily throw a bunch of money towards their steroid purchases already, an increase in price isn’t going to stop anyone from buying them. If the price of most compounds besides testosterone goes up $10-$20 dollars, it will be no different then what huge popular sources are charging now. Ever been on Eroids? Napsgear? Basicstero? Plentyyyy of people already pay $10-$20, maybe even $30 more per vial and they don’t bat a single fucking eye over it.

The people here who don’t do this make up a very small percentage of the online steroid community.

Basically this. People freaking out about price hike are acting like $20 bottles of test have been the norm for decades and they're not a thing that started in the last 5 years because of the ease of access to english speaking raws resellers and a plethora of available information regarding how to homebrew.

The only people freaking out about prices going up right now are the broke boys who hang out on forums trying to figure out how they're going to launch their source thread after sourcing locally for 5 years and using inline 0.2m filters with a peristaltic pump, here's proof of stock - *picture of 18 vials + one jar of mom's homemade jam*.
I don’t understand why you think that these compounds will become less popular just because their prices are going to increase. People unnecessarily throw a bunch of money towards their steroid purchases already, an increase in price isn’t going to stop anyone from buying them. If the price of most compounds besides testosterone goes up $10-$20 dollars, it will be no different then what huge popular sources are charging now. Ever been on Eroids? Napsgear? Basicstero? Plentyyyy of people already pay $10-$20, maybe even $30 more per vial and they don’t bat a single fucking eye over it.

The people here who don’t do this make up a very small percentage of the online steroid community.

i guess they can justify $50 Mast E now.
Some sources were already gouging us and we didn't even realize it.
The only people freaking out about prices going up right now are the broke boys who hang out on forums trying to figure out how they're going to launch their source thread after sourcing locally for 5 years and using inline 0.2m filters with a peristaltic pump, here's proof of stock - *picture of 18 vials + one jar of mom's homemade jam*.
Proof of lab equipment.8BFF8CCD-2A14-48F9-94C2-832B74D3E0D5.jpeg
All this shit about politics, like fuck, is Alex Jones here?

Who give a shit what the price increase is?

This shit is like gas, if you want it, you're going to pay the price.
Basically this. People freaking out about price hike are acting like $20 bottles of test have been the norm for decades and they're not a thing that started in the last 5 years because of the ease of access to english speaking raws resellers and a plethora of available information regarding how to homebrew.

The only people freaking out about prices going up right now are the broke boys who hang out on forums trying to figure out how they're going to launch their source thread after sourcing locally for 5 years and using inline 0.2m filters with a peristaltic pump, here's proof of stock - *picture of 18 vials + one jar of mom's homemade jam*.
Damn so much hate. Im just trying to keep a hobby. Im not really worried about price because home brew is still as cheap as buying shit gnc supplements! I think there is a potential to capitalize off of lack of consumer knowledge which I dont like but beggars cant be choosers. Thats the type of market this is, a sellers market.
Damn so much hate. Im just trying to keep a hobby. Im not really worried about price because home brew is still as cheap as buying shit gnc supplements! I think there is a potential to capitalize off of lack of consumer knowledge which I dont like but beggars cant be choosers. Thats the type of market this is, a sellers market.

You're misunderstanding if you think there's hatred here. It's nbd. One doesn't have to be overly passionate about something to poke fun at it.

And yeah, markets built around illegal transactions are, uh, typically seller's markets.