PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Man, this thread has turned into a steaming pile of off topic poop.
it's most certainly a joke in it's current state.

Just sitting here waiting for a post about hunting dogs and living in a cabin in the woods....

Typical person who wants to cry for all of his personal rights and to be left alone, only to pledge to fight and destroy religion. You feel your beliefs are right and others are wrong. Let everyone live their lives how they wish. Just as you wish hypocrite
said it before, I'll say it again. You can't fix stuuuupid.

I have no clue what anyone else here is exposed to during their day to day shuffle. I get to meet a wide range of people in my career, ranging from waste management incinerator technicians to teachers to literal rocket scientists. One trait that all highly intelligent people seem to have is an ability to be mentally malleable with things that don't matter.

Nothing addresses the idiocy of some better than the comparison to fighting the tide.
Nothing addresses the idiocy of some better than the comparison to fighting the tide.

Lets say you're a black man living in the south and the KKK grand wizard becomes your new police chief. You just gonna sit back and go with the tide while he hangs your ass from a burning cross. Fuck no, if you were smart you'd take that POS out, before he takes you out.

That's the problem, a constant underlying tension in this country, people that just sit back and take shit, go with the tide as it were and it leads to a lot of cognitive dissonance, where you live with one foot in reality and the other in make believe....that's America in a nutshell, a bunch of people that wallow in an almost sadomasochist idea that I must pretend to enjoy and believe what i know deep down is 100% bullshit.
One of the last lynchings in the continental US was around the same time Iacocca was putting the remainder of the petroleum issues in his rear view mirror. My guess is you weren't even born yet.

You have very little to no understanding of what relevant information to use as a foundation of your argument.

Do yourself a favor and read up on KKK members in law enforcement. When you find any information that even remotely resembles what your fear mongering claims please bring it to light. You can't, we know.

I see you lurking @janoshik
Lets say you're a black man living in the south and the KKK grand wizard becomes your new police chief. You just gonna sit back and go with the tide while he hangs your ass from a burning cross. Fuck no, if you were smart you'd take that POS out, before he takes you out.

That's the problem, a constant underlying tension in this country, people that just sit back and take shit, go with the tide as it were and it leads to a lot of cognitive dissonance, where you live with one foot in reality and the other in make believe....that's America in a nutshell, a bunch of people that wallow in an almost sadomasochist idea that I must pretend to enjoy and believe what i know deep down is 100% bullshit.

Anyone else feel sorry for this guy?
Do yourself a favor and read up on KKK members in law enforcement. When you find any information that even remotely resembles what your fear mongering claims please bring it to light. You can't, we know.

I see you lurking @janoshik

In the age of video, starting with Rodney King to the present day, I would question your post. Might not be wearing a hood, but the sentiment is the same.
In the age of video, starting with Rodney King to the present day, I would question your post. Might not be wearing a hood, but the sentiment is the same.
Question what part of it? Please, expand on your knowledge! Meso awaits your plethora of knowledge and wisdoms!

Lets say you're a black man living in the south and the KKK grand wizard becomes your new police chief. You just gonna sit back and go with the tide while he hangs your ass from a burning cross
you fear monger. You ride a self propelled wave of insecurities and try to dredge up more bottom feeding filth in your travels.

You posted a specific situation. You can't back it up. If I decide to go back and address all of your posts you'll find that it's a common theme: you know little to nothing and have zero ability to back it up. You "win" only when you have the ability to move the goal posts and nobody calls you out.

So, please, expand on your claims and cite anything other than personal feelings and "anecdotal" experiences.
In PPL news.....
I'd like to do a couple contests. Need some ideas. Thought of Superbowl final score, but that's a month away. Best tittty pics? Something fun. I was planning on a once a month contest.

There is a plan in place to reopen domestic raws. Kinda gauging interest. I've gotten several PM's questioning about it. Prices obviously would be higher than International, ship time would be like any domestic, super quick.
I feel sorry for his parents, assuming they actually have a brain between themselves. View attachment 123842

the godless fuck should have been spit out into a toilet, not even swallowed. it's one thing to have a difference of opinion whether it's religion or politics, but acting superior and putting down others who differ from your line of thinking isn't even psuedo intelligence. it's just being a piece of shit.

and speaking of shit, i've dropped deuces with more cerebral function than that clown.

@Soren in case it's unclear i'm referring to you
My fight is because I know there's a better way. Life is more fun when you get rid of the boogie man, you can do whatever you want with no guilt or shame, no hang ups, no moral majority looking upon you with disgust and disdain plotting your destruction, you can follow your true nature as a man, you can as Nietzsche claimed, become the Übermensch, kicking slave morality to the curb where it belongs, freeing the human spirit.

This quote right here pin points one of your major errors in thinking. Like you say, you know there is a better way. The problem is you feel strongly about something so you must be right and everyone else is wrong. Just like the Christian's, the Muslims, etc. They feel they know what is right to. Who is right??? No one it is a life opinion. The fact you feel you need to change this world to what you think is right makes you no better, probably worse then the others.

Also if the U.S. government is so fucked then what government is right? Please expand, because to me they are all faulted, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Also I know I live an amazing life, all the food I can eat, a beautiful family, a nice house to rest our heads. Life is good. God bless America, if you are willing to get up early every day and bust your ass you will make a life for yourself. Stop blaming others for your failures and lack of prosperity. Or I have a novel idea, LEAVE our country please!!!!
My kind, are you referring to my ancestors the vikings. No you're probably lumping me in with the Bolsheviks/Communists. Sorry, but Communism is just another religion, it's blind worship of a leader and the state that can never be questioned(just like religion). Atheism doesn't hold any beliefs, it negates them. Get a thousand atheists in a room, it's like herding cats.

Let me guess, you live alone up in the mountains of Utah.
In PPL news.....
I'd like to do a couple contests. Need some ideas. Thought of Superbowl final score, but that's a month away. Best tittty pics? Something fun. I was planning on a once a month contest.

There is a plan in place to reopen domestic raws. Kinda gauging interest. I've gotten several PM's questioning about it. Prices obviously would be higher than International, ship time would be like any domestic, super quick.

since my question was lost in all those pages of political religious bullshit,

I’d like to know when we can expect / hope the India side of things to come fruition and will it bring prices back down close to where they were or something a little more respectable to the wallet?