PurplePandaLabs Raw source

80% of me says yes the manufacturers raised the price on panda. The other 20% says panda just did it because he could.

The retail raw market is getting bigger and bigger by the year. I know this is a crazy claim because we will never know the exact number but I believe Panda supplies 80%+ of the raws market right now.
This is what I was thinking too. The raws on hand are old stock either way. I could see that excuse if the raws went up in price eventually.

With raw sources disappearing, well at least lmc. Less competition maybe.
I kind of wish we'd get away from the talk of price increase on a finished vials. There's always gonna be wiggle room in that market as the cost for certain raws allowed a nice profit per vial. It's just the pain of spending $20 for 2 grams of Tren raws, that's gonna be a bit painful for some homebrewers sitting there with gram scales staring at what $20 dollars now gets you.

There's really nothing to worry about though, I mean i'm gonna be fine, by my calculations I have enough raws on hand to last me 58 years, so no worries.
80% of me says the price increase is to cover the manufacturer's cost of bribes to the local Chinese Politburo. And some extra, because why the hell not.

1. Make it "illegal"
2. Get bribes
3. Profit!

This is what I thought as well. Chinese Communist Party kind operates like you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't screw with fellow citizens and you give us our take. Not unlike the mob.
I don't fault people, this country was the dumping ground for Europe, a place they could send their low IQ rejects.

You obviously aren’t from the good Ol USA. If you think this country sucks and don’t agree with the founding principles of this country like the constitution, freedom, God, etc. why don’t you go back to the shit-hole liberal, socialist, 3rd world country you came from?

Im sure Sweden would love to have you back Soren.
You obviously aren’t from the good Ol USA. If you think this country sucks and don’t agree with the founding principles of this country like the constitution, freedom, God, etc. why don’t you go back to the shit-hole liberal, socialist, 3rd world country you came from?

Im sure Sweden would love to have you back Soren.
They all hate us but they all want to come here and live like us. Jealousy of the greatest country to ever exist on this earth as we know it.
You obviously aren’t from the good Ol USA. If you think this country sucks and don’t agree with the founding principles of this country like the constitution, freedom, God, etc. why don’t you go back to the shit-hole liberal, socialist, 3rd world country you came from?

Im sure Sweden would love to have you back Soren.

1. The constitution and bill of rights are completely dead documents. They aren't adhered to in the least. However even if they were, I don't like the idea of being limited to what some guys thought I should have as my rights, these were just men and some of them were straight up assholes. Thomas Jefferson was an interesting guy, a product of the enlightenment(you know questioning everything). Thomas Paine the inspiration for the revolution another very fascinating guy, but this guy railed against christianity(zombie jew worship) and yahweh worship as did TJ in private. The people today don't question anything, they let authority and government run over them and they feel that's their patriotic duty to never criticize this country because if you do then you're a traitor, which is bullshit because look at the Republic, it's a fucking joke, you have an idiot running the country, you have both houses full of fuck wads that waste your money and create endless regulations and laws that kill your supposed freedom. Fuck up once in this country and you become a ward of the state. Get pulled over and a cop will plant evidence in your vehicle so he can get a promotion. I rail against he police state in this country, that's not unpatriotic, that's just pointing out the obvious, which is kind of funny because were all engaged in illegal activities.

True freedom is when I tell your Jew God to get down on his knees and suck my cock dry.
1. The constitution and bill of rights are completely dead documents. They aren't adhered to in the least. However even if they were, I don't like the idea of being limited to what some guys thought I should have as my rights, these were just men and some of them were straight up assholes. Thomas Jefferson was an interesting guy, a product of the enlightenment(you know questioning everything). Thomas Paine the inspiration for the revolution another very fascinating guy, but this guy railed against christianity(zombie jew worship) and yahweh worship as did TJ in private. The people today don't question anything, they let authority and government run over them and they feel that's their patriotic duty to never criticize this country because if you do then you're a traitor, which is bullshit because look at the Republic, it's a fucking joke, you have an idiot running the country, you have both houses full of fuck wads that waste your money and create endless regulations and laws that kill your supposed freedom. Fuck up once in this country and you become a ward of the state. Get pulled over and a cop will plant evidence in your vehicle so he can get a promotion. I rail against he police state in this country, that's not unpatriotic, that's just pointing out the obvious, which is kind of funny because were all engaged in illegal activities.

True freedom is when I tell your Jew God to get down on his knees and suck my cock dry.
Sounds like you REALLY have something against religion. Reading the things you write sound like something a mass shooter would say.
Sounds like you REALLY have something against religion. Reading the things you write sound like something a mass shooter would say.

Never harmed a hair on a persons head in my life. Religion however is a problem, the idea that man can hide his incompetence by tossing platitudes to a completely made up God should be criticized.

When Christians claim this country as their country, I firmly state to fuck off, this dirt was around long before this most worthless of religions was invented and it will be here long after it is gone. Besides Atheists are growing, we just aren't as vocal as the God Fearing, Flag Waving buttfucks. It would be one thing if the white people of this country practiced the pagan ideas of their ancestors, but to see most of them crying and getting on their knees to pray at the sight of a dead rotting jew nailed to a popsicle is stomach turning.
Never harmed a hair on a persons head in my life. Religion however is a problem, the idea that man can hide his incompetence by tossing platitudes to a completely made up God should be criticized.

When Christians claim this country as their country, I firmly state to fuck off, this dirt was around long before this most worthless of religions was invented and it will be here long after it is gone. Besides Atheists are growing, we just aren't as vocal as the God Fearing, Flag Waving buttfucks. It would be one thing if the white people of this country practiced the pagan ideas of their ancestors, but to see most of them crying and getting on their knees to pray at the sight of a dead rotting jew nailed to a popsicle is stomach turning.
Stomach turning is your complete arrogance and, once again, the fact that you aren't any better than the government you rail against. You think you know better than everyone else, just like the elitist pukes we are all subjected to listening to. I really don't care what your beliefs are, you are a disgusting excuse for a faux intellectual. Keep your diatribe to yourself, I assure you, you just look like a completely unhinged human being. Your manifesto is a yawn fest, and your opinions aren't original. As a matter of fact your kind have been guilty of as many atrocities as any religious group. So spare me and everyone else from your self righteousness and move along.
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As a matter of fact your kind have been guilty of as many atrocities as any religious group. So spare me and everyone else from your self righteousness and move along.

My kind, are you referring to my ancestors the vikings. No you're probably lumping me in with the Bolsheviks/Communists. Sorry, but Communism is just another religion, it's blind worship of a leader and the state that can never be questioned(just like religion). Atheism doesn't hold any beliefs, it negates them. Get a thousand atheists in a room, it's like herding cats.
My kind, are you referring to my ancestors the vikings. No you're probably lumping me in with the Bolsheviks/Communists. Sorry, but Communism is just another religion, it's blind worship of a leader and the state that can never be questioned(just like religion). Atheism doesn't hold any beliefs, it negates them. Get a thousand atheists in a room, it's like herding cats.
You are mistaking atheism with anarchism. You are an anarchist that happens to be an athiest. Look up the definition of what you purport to call yousrself.
Anarchist- No Gods, Masters or Slaves. Don't need to look up the definition.

Atheist would be too passive, prefer anti-theist: actively fighting religion wherever it sticks its ugly head.
Anarchist- No Gods, Masters or Slaves. Don't need to look up the definition.

Atheist would be too passive, prefer anti-theist: actively fighting religion wherever it sticks its ugly head.
You said certain people weren't atheists because they believed government and country was everything. That is not correct, they were atheists. They were not anarchists. Atheism does not require you to not believe in government and/or country. You sidestepped your mistake instead of owning it. I'm betting you're also a narcissist.
Anarchist- No Gods, Masters or Slaves. Don't need to look up the definition.

Atheist would be too passive, prefer anti-theist: actively fighting religion wherever it sticks its ugly head.
Typical person who wants to cry for all of his personal rights and to be left alone, only to pledge to fight and destroy religion. You feel your beliefs are right and others are wrong. Let everyone live their lives how they wish. Just as you wish hypocrite
Typical person who wants to cry for all of his personal rights and to be left alone, only to pledge to fight and destroy religion. You feel your beliefs are right and others are wrong. Let everyone live their lives how they wish. Just as you wish hypocrite

You can't do that because there is no separation of church and state in the United States, sure on paper, a paper that I've already mentioned is a completely dead document. Only one person in congress is willing to go on record as "unaffiliated", lesbian Congress women from Arizona. All the others would shake in fear at the idea of not bowing their head to a made up middle eastern god of your choice.
Anyone that dares to speak out against religion in a higher political position will be attacked, and for local politics it's even worse.....bow your head and lets pray to the magic man in the sky before every public meeting, that's what you get when you attend a local town hall.

Not a single open atheist in Congress, and yet we know there's at least 10% of the population and probably more like 20%, they just don't want to step out due to fear.
My fight is because I know there's a better way. Life is more fun when you get rid of the boogie man, you can do whatever you want with no guilt or shame, no hang ups, no moral majority looking upon you with disgust and disdain plotting your destruction, you can follow your true nature as a man, you can as Nietzsche claimed, become the Übermensch, kicking slave morality to the curb where it belongs, freeing the human spirit.