PurplePandaLabs Raw source

There is a plan in place to reopen domestic raws. Kinda gauging interest.
I'm sort of interested, but I'm also kind of scared away from it. Domestic has always been a bit of a shit-show for PPL. How is the current domestic shipper? Well paid enough to not pull the standard bullshit?

My current thinking is to only buy domestic if the domestic guy is running his own show. Entrepreneurs are a better risk domestically than employees.
I’d like to know when we can expect / hope the India side of things to come fruition and will it bring prices back down close to where they were or something a little more respectable to the wallet?
I doubt prices are falling back down any time soon. India isn't quite as lawless as china, but palms will still need to be greased. India has a history of rampant bureaucracy, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't still some of this left.

http s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Licence_Raj

Further, if PP gave you a date, he's going to be wrong. There's no way you can set up an operation like this with any certainty. But as PP is doubling his overhead with two warehouses, two sets of equipment, two sets of employees, I don't see how this leads to price decreases of any sort. If anything, this leads to uninterrupted service if the China crackdown turns out to be true.
Guys we need to get back to PPL topics. Lets stop this nonsense. I've already explained my stance. Summary.....America is a giant police state, your politicians are corrupt bastards that take money and your rights away every year, as you mindlessly wave your flag and pray to your slapstick jesus. Turn your brain off, don't think, don't question, and if anyone does, remind them that they can f'n leave. That pretty much sums up the american experience.....one foot in reality and the other in fantasy land.
I'm sort of interested, but I'm also kind of scared away from it. Domestic has always been a bit of a shit-show for PPL. How is the current domestic shipper? Well paid enough to not pull the standard bullshit?

My current thinking is to only buy domestic if the domestic guy is running his own show. Entrepreneurs are a better risk domestically than employees.

The shit show is what exactly is trying to be avoided.
Guys we need to get back to PPL topics. Lets stop this nonsense. I've already explained my stance. Summary.....America is a giant police state, your politicians are corrupt bastards that take money and your rights away every year, as you mindlessly wave your flag and pray to your slapstick jesus. Turn your brain off, don't think, don't question, and if anyone does, remind them that they can f'n leave. That pretty much sums up the american experience.....one foot in reality and the other in fantasy land.
Name another country where you can speak your mind like you do and get away with it?
The shit show is what exactly is trying to be avoided.
I don't know that it's possible. The domestic guy always wants to be paid more, and he has no care about the PPL brand. The temptation of an exit scam, sending out mast as primo, or cutting the product, is great. You have to hire a criminal, someone who values short term gains over risk of jail, and these people just aren't the people to not raid the cookie jar.

I haven't a solution for you, it's a tough spot, and it's where most of the complaints on this thread come from.
I don't know that it's possible. The domestic guy always wants to be paid more, and he has no care about the PPL brand. The temptation of an exit scam, sending out mast as primo, or cutting the product, is great. You have to hire a criminal, someone who values short term gains over risk of jail, and these people just aren't the people to not raid the cookie jar.

I haven't a solution for you, it's a tough spot, and it's where most of the complaints on this thread come from.

Right. I totally get that. Without giving away too much info on a open form that's what we're trying to avoid.

The stock will be limited. Not stoking all the items, as before. But trying to set it up to be more idiot proof.

I sorta (alot) stuck my neck out become this rep. And that's one of the things I wanted to see through. It seems like a win win.
Name another country where you can speak your mind like you do and get away with it?

Technically no government allows true freedom of speech. In this country God is considered Sovereign and people aren't. So you can never have true freedom no matter what is written down in the Constitution/Bill of Rights, someone can always come along and destroy your political aspirations if you dare speak out. Even Thomas Jefferson was called the "Godless Atheist" by his political opponents.

So free speech is really about who can drown out who, who has the power to control people, either through bribes, or through crushing your ability to seek liberty and happiness, if you don't pay respect to the national deities, the Flag and God. In Roman times it was little different, pay tribute to the Gods or be fed to the lions. Today it's keep your mouth shut when you see the nutters pay tribute to Jesus or risk career suicide, it's more subtle than being lunch for the lions, but no less damaging for those that seek true freedom.
Technically no government allows true freedom of speech. In this country God is considered Sovereign and people aren't. So you can never have true freedom no matter what is written down in the Constitution/Bill of Rights, someone can always come along and destroy your political aspirations if you dare speak out. Even Thomas Jefferson was called the "Godless Atheist" by his political opponents.

So free speech is really about who can drown out who, who has the power to control people, either through bribes, or through crushing your ability to seek liberty and happiness, if you don't pay respect to the national deities, the Flag and God. In Roman times it was little different, pay tribute to the Gods or be fed to the lions. Today it's keep your mouth shut when you see the nutters pay tribute to Jesus or risk career suicide, it's more subtle than being lunch for the lions, but no less damaging for those that seek true freedom.

Is this the last word now?

Can we move on to PPL topics again?
Guys we need to get back to PPL topics. Lets stop this nonsense. I've already explained my stance. Summary.....America is a giant police state, your politicians are corrupt bastards that take money and your rights away every year, as you mindlessly wave your flag and pray to your slapstick jesus. Turn your brain off, don't think, don't question, and if anyone does, remind them that they can f'n leave. That pretty much sums up the american experience.....one foot in reality and the other in fantasy land.
So what wonderful country do you call home? Please, please let me know the perfect country you are from?
@Soren does it suck knowing you were made to look like an upset little bratty kid going on about your hatred of the US without any supporting claims or back up? Everyone of your dumb arguements fell flat and you look like a angry hypocrite?

On second thought you might want to join a religion, it may help you with your emotions and jealousy of the greatest country to ever exist.

God Bless America!!!

On second thought you might want to join a religion, it may help you with your emotions and jealousy of the greatest country to ever exist.

God Bless America!!!

The Inspiration for the American Revolution, a true hero of freedom Thomas Paine once said: “the most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is Reason. A deist, but someone that wrote scathing prose of the bible, jesus and Yahweh in his book "The age of reason".

If Americans were just deists and didn't follow a religious text(as deism doesn't have any scriptures to follow, just natural philosophy) then you might be on to something, but when Americans claim "God Bless America", they are referring to the Jew/Christian nonsense, which of course we all know is nothing more than campfire tales that middle eastern goat herders told each other for generations before being written down and turned into disgusting book full of murder, torture, slavery, rape, child rape, child slaves, mass genocide, selling our daughter, how to buy slaves, how to beat slaves, how to stone your daughter when she's not a virgin, how to cut your wifes hand off and show her no pity.........ect.

So you say God Bless America and I say F**K God(s).
, which of course we all know is

"which of course we all know"

doesn't look like anyone else is sipping your koolaid. you try to pass your nonsense off as facts using all inclusive statements.

by your own admission 10-20% of usa population is atheist, yet home to many many brilliant minds. so 80-90% of people much smarter than you believe in some form of a higher power.

and the minority doesn't go toting off insulting people who's thinking isn't inline with theirs and mocking their beliefs. not out of fear, but respect for your fellow man.

you're not enlighten, intelligent, or even remotely close to backing up your claims with anything other than applying quotes and random name dropping if historical figures.

you're just another angry kid that doesn't believe in a god because your dad beat you and your mom took away the teat too soon.

so on behalf of everyone who read and scrolled past your useless drivel

Fuck You
I got some killer winter gloves for Christmas. I also got about 2 gallons of killer bourbon. Santa got my neice a shit load of new stuff, oh boy, the look on her face was perfect. Couldn't have been a better time.

How did you guys make out? Coal? Good stuff from the fat, red man?
I got some killer winter gloves for Christmas. I also got about 2 gallons of killer bourbon. Santa got my neice a shit load of new stuff, oh boy, the look on her face was perfect. Couldn't have been a better time.

How did you guys make out? Coal? Good stuff from the fat, red man?

Hey! Quiet you! You’re derailing Soren’s great thread here!
so 80-90% of people much smarter than you believe in some form of a higher power.
Fuck You

If we take a look at who has the highest average IQ among professions it's commonly accepted that physicists tend to be 2 to 3 standard deviations above everyone else. So taking a look at the top 200 physicists in the world below the age of 50, you will find very few of these people believe in a God.

Just because large numbers of people believe in something that doesn't make it right. Look at the middle east, these people are batshit crazy and would kill anyone that questions their beliefs. Say the wrong thing and they'll cut your head off, commit an offense and they'll start chopping body parts.

Bottom line is Creationists and Dominionists occupy positions of political power in the US, these people are dangerous, they believe you get a do over when you die. Atheists see this as your only shot and when it's done it's over. I'm sure you've heard the slogan, "science flies you to the moon, religion into buildings".
since my question was lost in all those pages of political religious bullshit,

I’d like to know when we can expect / hope the India side of things to come fruition and will it bring prices back down close to where they were or something a little more respectable to the wallet?

@purplepandalabs since @Robfromga wants to ignore what I’ve asked three times yet entertain some chump ass clown talking about politics and religion in the wrong fuckin forum detracting from the actual use of this thread to conduct ppl business.

can you instead provide a bit of insight?
Thank you @purplepandalabs