PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@purplepandalabs since @Robfromga wants to ignore what I’ve asked three times yet entertain some chump ass clown talking about politics and religion in the wrong fuckin forum detracting from the actual use of this thread to conduct ppl business.

can you instead provide a bit of insight?
Thank you @purplepandalabs

You're not gonna see prices drop. India until some dumbass starts producing narcotics. We're running out of places to hide the manufacture of AAS.
Someone needs to write a detailed manual on how to produce every form of steroid and let the free market take a crack at it. Hell if we need to crowd fund this project I'd be more than happy to throw $200 at it. We need a manual, an island, a military to guard our operation, we need cargo planes, fighter jets, missiles, submarines and even nuclear weapons to guard our turf.
You're not gonna see prices drop. India until some dumbass starts producing narcotics. We're running out of places to hide the manufacture of AAS.
Someone needs to write a detailed manual on how to produce every form of steroid and let the free market take a crack at it. Hell if we need to crowd fund this project I'd be more than happy to throw $200 at it. We need a manual, an island, a military to guard our operation, we need cargo planes, fighter jets, missiles, submarines and even nuclear weapons to guard our turf.
Lol. You are going to keep people off of your island? Doesn't that go against your morals of no authority? I see it clearly now. As long as you get YOUR way it's all good. I know 2020 is young but you have the dumbass of the year award wrapped up.
Lol. You are going to keep people off of your island? Doesn't that go against your morals of no authority? I see it clearly now. As long as you get YOUR way it's all good. I know 2020 is young but you have the dumbass of the year award wrapped up.

This would be an island of liberty for AAS. We wouldn't get involved in narcotics only because we don't want something like scarface happening. Just some gents that want to stock up, we'd have whores on standby, booze and well equipped gyms for training the top bodies in the world.
Guys we need to get back to PPL topics. Lets stop this nonsense. I've already explained my stance. Summary.....America is a giant police state, your politicians are corrupt bastards that take money and your rights away every year, as you mindlessly wave your flag and pray to your slapstick jesus. Turn your brain off, don't think, don't question, and if anyone does, remind them that they can f'n leave. That pretty much sums up the american experience.....one foot in reality and the other in fantasy land.
Sounds exactly like a song called “Stars and Stripes of Corruption.” You just regurgitate shit you hear somewhere else and pass it off as your own so you come off as an intellectual?
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There is a plan in place to reopen domestic raws. Kinda gauging interest.

Domestic anything has been Panda’s Achilles heel. Every attempt has been a failure for one reason or another. I get the appeal, but the downside is just huge. Never mind that Panda himself is immune from LE issues stateside. His users are very much fair game. So sending in large amounts of raws—which is already a real risk—becomes amplified when you have a domestic shop. That coupled with the security problem a domestic warehouse has, namely a US person operating in the US under US law, and you’ve got a recipe for smaller labs (who would be buyers of domestic raws) being one step closer to danger. I know the Feds are pretty busy with narcotics right now, but if they catch a few decent sized packs of raws going to your warehouse in the states then I think they’d do the leg work to earn that victory lap.

This btw assumes that the operation runs smoothly and isn’t overseen by a crook who decides to abscond with your product. Or that the crook isn’t also a guy with a bad relationship and a loudmouth girlfriend. You basically need a Franciscan monk to run your domestic shop at this point.
There's actually quite a few countries that don't have extradition treaties with the US and China is one of them.

India however will nab people and send them to the US.

I've long thought Iran would make a great place to manufacture AAS, you have well educated people and they hate the United States, so there's no way they'll ever work with us.
Domestic anything has been Panda’s Achilles heel. Every attempt has been a failure for one reason or another. I get the appeal, but the downside is just huge. Never mind that Panda himself is immune from LE issues stateside. His users are very much fair game. So sending in large amounts of raws—which is already a real risk—becomes amplified when you have a domestic shop. That coupled with the security problem a domestic warehouse has, namely a US person operating in the US under US law, and you’ve got a recipe for smaller labs (who would be buyers of domestic raws) being one step closer to danger. I know the Feds are pretty busy with narcotics right now, but if they catch a few decent sized packs of raws going to your warehouse in the states then I think they’d do the leg work to earn that victory lap.

This btw assumes that the operation runs smoothly and isn’t overseen by a crook who decides to abscond with your product. Or that the crook isn’t also a guy with a bad relationship and a loudmouth girlfriend. You basically need a Franciscan monk to run your domestic shop at this point.

This next run will have a little more over sight.
But totally appreciate the criticism. It's all real food for thought on how not to go wrong.
There's actually quite a few countries that don't have extradition treaties with the US and China is one of them.

India however will nab people and send them to the US.

I've long thought Iran would make a great place to manufacture AAS, you have well educated people and they hate the United States, so there's no way they'll ever work with us.
Holy shit just shut the fuck up. No one would care if Iran made raws seeing as they'd be embargo'd the fuck up real fast. China's appeal is that the West imports more material goods from China than anywhere, which is what makes illicit substances (AAS) easy to hide.

Just fucking shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Good lord. "prices aren't ever going to drop." Tell us more about the finger-on-the-pulse relationship you have with raws manufacturers. No, I take that back, just shut the fuck up.
Just fucking shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Good lord. "prices aren't ever going to drop." Tell us more about the finger-on-the-pulse relationship you have with raws manufacturers. No, I take that back, just shut the fuck up.

Simply shortened to

“Shut the fuck up Soren”

in response to any jibber jabber he posts.

Honestly, he took over for @balco as MESO’s little bitch.
If we take a look at who has the highest average IQ among professions it's commonly accepted that physicists tend to be 2 to 3 standard deviations above everyone else. So taking a look at the top 200 physicists in the world below the age of 50, you will find very few of these people believe in a God.

Just because large numbers of people believe in something that doesn't make it right. Look at the middle east, these people are batshit crazy and would kill anyone that questions their beliefs. Say the wrong thing and they'll cut your head off, commit an offense and they'll start chopping body parts.

Bottom line is Creationists and Dominionists occupy positions of political power in the US, these people are dangerous, they believe you get a do over when you die. Atheists see this as your only shot and when it's done it's over. I'm sure you've heard the slogan, "science flies you to the moon, religion into buildings".
Just because you believe something doesnt mean you have to be such an ass. I think religon is brainwashing some childs own right to be themselves. From a very early age, it begins. But dont be a dick about it.
Ok I have to put this in perspective for you.

500 grams of Test e= $800
Shipping and brewing supplies= call it $200
Total= $1000
Yields roughly 200 vials assuming no waste. Call it 190, whatever doesn’t matter.

Pcom test E= $44/vial
X200 vials= $8800

Your missing a lot of over head in that
you do a fair amount of talking. Please explain to me what raws do this? I've seen upwards of a few dozen raws "sit on a shelf" for extended periods of time and I've only seen one have an issue. So, please, explain to the rest of us which raws do this. Genuinely curious, seeing you have an amazing amount of knowledge of the subject. My guess is if you're having issues with your raws, you handle them like a fool.

You sound like a carnival barker. You also sound like another member with a new handle.
How u been brother this shit show is funny hope all is well