PurplePandaLabs Raw source

The thread kind of got away from the PPL US domestic topic so I wanted to review it again...
Personally I like the option of a domestic source. Not having to worry about customs and possibly not having to sign or go to the post office for a international pack is also a plus. I also like the faster TA that usually comes with a domestic source.

I ordered from PPL domestic on the 2nd time around they tried it. The TA was just the same as international though. Probably even longer thinking back now...

My concerns would be having the same issues over and over again as the last time(s) PPL went with a domestic option.

@PandaRep what would make this time different than the rest? What are the things you have in mind to make this decision a successful one?
I’m interested to hear any plans or ideas to make this happen and ways potential customers may feel more comfortable using PPL domestic.
Great post. Think many others have the same exact questions.
Great post. Think many others have the same exact questions.
Well we got a month or two to see how all this China shit plays out and how it’s going to effect us moving forward throughout the year...
In the meantime, might as well hear about possible options to consider while some of us wait for more accurate answers with these changes in China.

I think this is the most you are going to get out of PandaRep.

PurplePandaLabs Raw source
Almost didn’t click on that bro! o_O
But yeah, I read that when he posted it.

Maybe he can expand a little more or if this is something that is going to happen or only an idea?
I don’t expect him to go into too much detail with certain things, for obvious reasons, but still would like to hear about possible plans, time frames, differences in this domestic operation compared to the others, or anything else he can share about it. :)
The thread kind of got away from the PPL US domestic topic so I wanted to review it again...
Personally I like the option of a domestic source. Not having to worry about customs and possibly not having to sign or go to the post office for a international pack is also a plus. I also like the faster TA that usually comes with a domestic source.

I ordered from PPL domestic on the 2nd time around they tried it. The TA was just the same as international though. Probably even longer thinking back now...

My concerns would be having the same issues over and over again as the last time(s) PPL went with a domestic option.

@PandaRep what would make this time different than the rest? What are the things you have in mind to make this decision a successful one?
I’m interested to hear any plans or ideas to make this happen and ways potential customers may feel more comfortable using PPL domestic.

So this isn't so weirdo side stepping message. I'm being careful about what I'd say on an open forum. Hope that makes sense. And in a nutshell over sight. And over sight by someone that isn't some sketched out quasi meth head. More checks and balances. Hope you can kinda read between the lines. I am not trying to be allusive, just don't want to lay out certain info. And then before it actually rolls. It's going to be a little bit before it's rolling.
So this isn't so weirdo side stepping message. I'm being careful about what I'd say on an open forum. Hope that makes sense. And in a nutshell over sight. And over sight by someone that isn't some sketched out quasi meth head. More checks and balances. Hope you can kinda read between the lines. I am not trying to be allusive, just don't want to lay out certain info. And then before it actually rolls. It's going to be a little bit before it's rolling.
I can go with that man. :)

BUT... hear me out...
When Panda looks over the resumes of potential candidates for the domestic operations :oops: maybe he can open up a few extra spots for multiple domestic warehouses. :D
Different locations to ship from and could help with smaller volumes of packs per day/wk going out and less work load for just one poor overworked warehouse hand... o_O
Or if one starts slacking the other ones can pick up the slack asap! ;)

A backup plan with a backup plan :p

Out of 5 warehouses going at once surely 1 will work out!
Then boom! ;)
We have domestic!! :D

Look; I’m willing for Panda to loose money to make this happen so members here can get their shit fast and without complications :cool:

I can go with that man. :)

BUT... hear me out...
When Panda looks over the resumes of potential candidates for the domestic operations :oops: maybe he can open up a few extra spots for multiple domestic warehouses. :D
Different locations to ship from and could help with smaller volumes of packs per day/wk going out and less work load for just one poor overworked warehouse hand... o_O
Or if one starts slacking the other ones can pick up the slack asap! ;)

A backup plan with a backup plan :p

Out of 5 warehouses going at once surely 1 will work out!
Then boom! ;)
We have domestic!! :D

Look; I’m willing for Panda to loose money to make this happen so members here can get their shit fast and without complications :cool:


The problem with that is overhead. It's a pretty penny to stock a warehouse. And not be out of stock in a week. Considering how long it takes to get a restock. Getting small personal orders through is one thing. Restocks or initial stocks is another thing.

But I hear ya. And I appreciate you taking such a broad ass vague kinda answer.

Hell...I want a domestic supply.
The problem with that is overhead. It's a pretty penny to stock a warehouse. And not be out of stock in a week. Considering how long it takes to get a restock. Getting small personal orders through is one thing. Restocks or initial stocks is another thing.

But I hear ya. And I appreciate you taking such a broad ass vague kinda answer.

Hell...I want a domestic supply.
I know it’s not realistic to have multiple domestic warehouses due to financial reasons alone. Having more people involved will only cause more problems really. I was just bull shitting in my post lol. :p
Some things are better said vaguely than in detail. I understand, in this instance, you not wanting to go into details.

Keep us posted with any new domestic updates moving forward if you can... :)
You're asking for a price drop on isle 12 when the price of raws are going to double. C'mon man.
Any source that rises prices will suffer a significant drop in market share.

Thee's no and will not be any china supply crunch. That's just scarmongering
sooner or later the customers will realize that, and customers will flock to competitors with better prices.
Any source that rises prices will suffer a significant drop in market share.

Thee's no and will not be any china supply crunch. That's just scarmongering
sooner or later the customers will realize that, and customers will flock to competitors with better prices.

True. If everyone wasn't forced to raise prices. This isn't like panda said " hey, let's double my raw prices and piss off my customer base". You should be smarter than that.

The factories have raised prices. PPL isn't a factory
Alot of raw sellers didn't/don't have the proper licensing. They had to close.
Those two factors in ANY free market indicate a price increase.

This isn't a debatable subject. Think I like it? No one does. It's the cost of being in the game. Gear is still going to be the cheapest thing the end user buys. Food being the most expensive.
The problem with that is overhead. It's a pretty penny to stock a warehouse.
If we're going to have a serious discussion...and I don't believe we can have much of one on an open forum for obvious reasons...but lets not talk just to talk and feed into things that just aren't true.
Maybe we're talking in code here and I just didn't get the Key explaining what words really mean.
Just so we're all on the same page...there are no 'warehouses' to stock.
Now, I can't speak for countries other than the USA. These int sources of gear as well as sources of rec's, etc., these warehouses are the homes of whomever it is employed by these sources to fill orders.
Am I guessing? No.
Experience? Yes. In the past I've shipped product to customers of an international source. I was emailed the orders and then would fill and ship to their domestic customers.
At the time I wasn't set up to receive cryptocurrency and had no interest in taking anything other than US currency.
What I was doing was important enough to the source that he had associates in the US send me CIM for payment.
Now, most of the time guys are paid in product. Its easier and less expensive for the source for sure if its ugl gear. That wasn't the case with my situation and I wasn't shipping ugl gear.
However, its more of a risk for all involved paying the shipper in product. There's only so much product a guy can use. He's going to end up selling the product locally.
Someone he sells to gets busted chances are, given the opportunity, if asked where they got whatever it is the person is gonna give it up.
If the shipper himself is busted and the bust leads to having the home searched he's hit. Pandas already dealt with this situation. Had he been paid in currency of some kind the incident most likely would've been avoided.

Nothing I've said is putting anyone at risk. Its all stuff thats happened in the past and has been made public.
Just so we're all on the same page...there are no 'warehouses' to stock.
I always got a kick out of the term warehouse. Landmark chem, maxsource chem, alliance raws, and all the other Chinese raw powder sources constantly throw that word around. It’s as if they expect us to believe they have fully staffed, legitimate warehouses full of illegal steroid powders, all over the US..
I always got a kick out of the term warehouse.
I mean, since it just means a building/area to hold shit, yeah, anything can be a warehouse. I get why'd they say it though. It definitely sounds nicer to say "warehouse" as opposed to something like "yo this guy's basement."
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I mean, since it just means a building/area to hold shit, yeah, anything can be a warehouse. I get why'd they sat it though. It definitely sounds nicer to say "warehouse" as opposed to something like "yo this guy's basement."

For a lot of these sources, a warehouse is probably a closet or a couple dresser drawers, but it is funny to see even some small time UGLs try to give the impression that they have this vast storage area for the few hundred vials they have on hand.
For a lot of these sources, a warehouse is probably a closet or a couple dresser drawers, but it is funny to see even some small time UGLs try to give the impression that they have this vast storage area for the few hundred vials they have on hand.
Well this raises the question of wether or not new sources should be using correct terminology to define the area of space they have dedicated towards the storage of their drugs.

If we’re demanding full transparency from new sources, we should expect to hear things like “our domestic closet has x amount stocked” “The domestic garage will be fully stocked on January 27th at 330pm EST” (sources love giving exact dates for some weird reason but that’s besides my point..).

2020= no more fucking warehouses. It’s unrealistic and it’s an exaggeration.
Our lab has high quality control = our bathtub drain is plugged.

Our warehouse is big and complicated safety measures are taken = We have a dusty closet.

We have a good reputation;buy from us you will like = We don't do any testing.

We been sourcing for x years and are not new to the game = We rebranded after fucking up or exit scamming.

Any others?
True. If everyone wasn't forced to raise prices. This isn't like panda said " hey, let's double my raw prices and piss off my customer base". You should be smarter than that.

The factories have raised prices. PPL isn't a factory
Alot of raw sellers didn't/don't have the proper licensing. They had to close.
Those two factors in ANY free market indicate a price increase.

This isn't a debatable subject. Think I like it? No one does. It's the cost of being in the game. Gear is still going to be the cheapest thing the end user buys. Food being the most expensive.
Any plans to keep pre-scare prices to keep customers interested?

Sooner or later everyone will realize that there will be no chinese gov't crackdown or any supply shortage and prices will crash HARD.

It already happened with oil prices, both in 2008 and 2014
