PurplePandaLabs Raw source

However, its more of a risk for all involved paying the shipper in product. There's only so much product a guy can use. He's going to end up selling the product locally.
I hadn't considered that, and it's terrible on so many levels. The "local warehouse" has to open their own UGL to get paid. Then PPL orders are lower priority, bound to get shorted to feed the UGL, etc.
Good insight.
Any plans to keep pre-scare prices to keep customers interested?

Sooner or later everyone will realize that there will be no chinese gov't crackdown or any supply shortage and prices will crash HARD.

It already happened with oil prices, both in 2008 and 2014

Just curious, what's your obsession with talking about this subject? You've posted multiple times in threads related to this.
I’ve always assumed that the term ‘warehouse’ was just another way of saying reshipper or place where products are being kept at.
Never really thought of it as an actual warehouse like Amazon or something, and honestly didn’t think anyone else would either...
Maybe warehouse is a bad term. Spacious dresser drawer may be a more appropriate word(s). :D
I’ve always assumed that the term ‘warehouse’ was just another way of saying reshipper or place where products are being kept at.
Never really thought of it as an actual warehouse like Amazon or something, and honestly didn’t think anyone else would either...
Maybe warehouse is a bad term. Spacious dresser drawer may be a more appropriate word(s). :D
Well, I've never commented about it before. But when I saw Panda's rep post about the overhead that goes into stocking and running a warehouse as a reason or obstacle to overcome or deal when offering a domestic option it appeared that he was buying into the bs and didn't want to allow a source or person connected to a source to perpetuate such nonsense.
Nothing personal, Rob.
Robs been full of shit for a while. Maybe thatll make him a good rep, I doubt it.

If hes planning on getting involved in the domestic side of business. Well hes not just a hypocrite, hes an idiot too.
Any plans to keep pre-scare prices to keep customers interested?

Sooner or later everyone will realize that there will be no chinese gov't crackdown or any supply shortage and prices will crash HARD.

It already happened with oil prices, both in 2008 and 2014


The analogy with crude oil is a poor comparison.
The crude market is flooded. More importantly because one of the biggest users is now a net exporter, the US. More "product" drops global prices. If this was some scam do you think 12+ sellers would close shop? C'mon man.
If we're going to have a serious discussion...and I don't believe we can have much of one on an open forum for obvious reasons...but lets not talk just to talk and feed into things that just aren't true.
Maybe we're talking in code here and I just didn't get the Key explaining what words really mean.
Just so we're all on the same page...there are no 'warehouses' to stock.
Now, I can't speak for countries other than the USA. These int sources of gear as well as sources of rec's, etc., these warehouses are the homes of whomever it is employed by these sources to fill orders.
Am I guessing? No.
Experience? Yes. In the past I've shipped product to customers of an international source. I was emailed the orders and then would fill and ship to their domestic customers.
At the time I wasn't set up to receive cryptocurrency and had no interest in taking anything other than US currency.
What I was doing was important enough to the source that he had associates in the US send me CIM for payment.
Now, most of the time guys are paid in product. Its easier and less expensive for the source for sure if its ugl gear. That wasn't the case with my situation and I wasn't shipping ugl gear.
However, its more of a risk for all involved paying the shipper in product. There's only so much product a guy can use. He's going to end up selling the product locally.
Someone he sells to gets busted chances are, given the opportunity, if asked where they got whatever it is the person is gonna give it up.
If the shipper himself is busted and the bust leads to having the home searched he's hit. Pandas already dealt with this situation. Had he been paid in currency of some kind the incident most likely would've been avoided.

Nothing I've said is putting anyone at risk. Its all stuff thats happened in the past and has been made public.

What part of what I said was untrue? The cost to supply enough inventory to turn the switch on and say "ok boys!"? It's not like you can 3 day ship test C raws in when it runs low.
The cost to supply enough inventory to turn the switch on and say "ok boys!"? It's not like you can 3 day ship test C raws in when it runs low.
Honestly this is the probably the way ppl should go. A domestic operation that intermittently opens and closes as it's inventory dictates. Allows for safe and "quick" packages for some customers and allows panda to not risk a shit load of inventory overseas. He's been screwed too many times by domestic.

It would be kind of ironic tho for someone to wait x time to order "fast" domestic shipping. Guess it'd only be for the safety and comfort of a route with no customs.
Well, I've never commented about it before. But when I saw Panda's rep post about the overhead that goes into stocking and running a warehouse as a reason or obstacle to overcome or deal when offering a domestic option it appeared that he was buying into the bs and didn't want to allow a source or person connected to a source to perpetuate such nonsense.
Nothing personal, Rob.
Your explanation makes sense to me bro. I could see how that could easily happen.
Shady motherfuckers in this operation. Two people from China now have confirmed this is all bullshit and their raw prices are the old prices. What a joke.
Lol I could have told ya that. My current source isn’t raising prices at all. I was interested in PPL until they doubled prices. I knew exactly what they were doing. Sorry PPL, I’m not buying into corporate greed.
Yah a few other guys have said the prices haven’t doubled ...

I did not post about it because the new rep,
but I’m not arguing with robfromga i will let him do his numbers and get his free gear.
Shady motherfuckers in this operation. Two people from China now have confirmed this is all bullshit and their raw prices are the old prices. What a joke.
My factory has raised their prices. Regardless of if another supplier says so or not. They probably have the best 50% pure testosterone money can buy. I today had a source on this board contact me because another source he bought from purposely sent him test c as test e. Because test e isn’t being made right now. The 300kg of it I bought a few weeks ago is all I can get for the foreseeable future. So if a supplier is saying the prices haven’t raised or they are able to get all raws from the factory is lying. You’re going to end up with either low quality or raws that aren’t what you purchased as a substitute. I can buy cheap raws, no problem. But cheap is cheap for a reason. My factory that I have been with for years now has consistently good quality. My prices reflect a number of things:
1.) The price of the materials wholesale from the factory
2.) Potential reship costs
3.) My seizure rate
4.) Expenses(warehouse rent, stealth materials, employees salaries)
5.) The risk involved in being in this business and running my operation (which has now increased. I do have a legal pharmaceutical license here to purchase the raw materials and export them. However, my license allows me to export to other legal and licensed pharmaceutical companies. Not Joe from Ohio who wants 100g of test e.) So there is still a high risk for me and the people involved in my operation in China. It’s a 5-7 year prison sentence for breaking the new steroid laws here, my warehouse and stock would fall into the latter. What’s 7 years in a forced work camp worth to you in terms of how you would price things? It is possible some of my competitors are in a more rural area of China that they have more protection from local police who have financial interests in keeping them out of prison, so they haven’t taken the risk into consideration yet. My warehouse is in a metropolis area where you can’t buy such protection. If any of my competitors have the same prices as before it will be limited to the time in which their previous stock they purchased at lower prices is viable for. After that you will see a raise across the board which won’t be limited to my company.

They also said the license is a complete joke.
Welp, you can flip back a few pages and take a look. I do have a pharmaceutical license here. But as explained above it is to be used for completely legal operations
Quick order now!!! You can get the best seat in the DEA's Tahoe. No basic cruiser for you! Leather seats, hands cuffed in the front. Bottles of water for your 12 hour interagation. They'll even shoot your dogs 3 times so they don't suffer with just one gun shot.

You guys are fucking off your fucking rockers to even consider this shit show as a source. It's not IF... it's WHEN