PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Tren is one of those things where if I dont have an urge to lick a stripper's dirty asshole while also wanting to beat her head in with a rock, the tren may be fake
I want to reply to this but everything I type doesn't come close to rising to the occasion. Not a common thing for me. Bravo
Do you suggest someone gets their tren blood levels tested? Or are you actually expecting someone to spend hundreds on a mass spec before they voice concerns? Some things you can test and some things you can't. Tren is one of those things where if I dont have an urge to lick a stripper's dirty asshole while also wanting to beat her head in with a rock, the tren may be fake.

I'm not saying this guy has fake gear, but I am saying you sound like a fuckhead expecting clinical, data based feedback as a default in product commentary.

No. What blood test would you get for tren? Besides elevated e2?
You would send off a sample for testing (best)
You would melt test the raw (crude)
You would taste test it(even worse and won't show dosage)
I'd go with sending off a sample for testing. Yelp, final answer.
Any plans to cut the semi finished oils price?
You can skip the sterile filtering to reduce costs and grab the markey by the balls?
(since the container ain't sterile anyhow), perhaps just perform a coarse filtration to remove any particulate matter.

Chine supply is not drying up

You're asking for a price drop on isle 12 when the price of raws are going to double. C'mon man.

So lets recap the reason for this price increase:
1. Did China initiate this new policy of allowing legal producers to continue to produce all on their own, of was this meddling from outside sources? Did China want more revenue from these Raw producers, did they figure they weren't getting their cut, sort of like buying a stamp to sell narcotics in the US.

2. Was it the Trump administration that spurred this on with threats of tariffs related to production of narcotics shipped from China?

3. What is the ultimate reason China decided to go ahead and do this. If it was Trump, doesn't this show that the United States has becomes the police state of the world, that we have the ability to control any country we want through economic means?

4. Wouldn't it be better to go ahead and set up in another country to get ready for what we all know is coming, a complete ban in China. Anything that has happened in the USofA will happen to China, just ten times faster as they try to gain respect on the world stage by kissing ass of western leaders.
So lets recap the reason for this price increase:
1. Did China initiate this new policy of allowing legal producers to continue to produce all on their own, of was this meddling from outside sources? Did China want more revenue from these Raw producers, did they figure they weren't getting their cut, sort of like buying a stamp to sell narcotics in the US.

2. Was it the Trump administration that spurred this on with threats of tariffs related to production of narcotics shipped from China?

3. What is the ultimate reason China decided to go ahead and do this. If it was Trump, doesn't this show that the United States has becomes the police state of the world, that we have the ability to control any country we want through economic means?

4. Wouldn't it be better to go ahead and set up in another country to get ready for what we all know is coming, a complete ban in China. Anything that has happened in the USofA will happen to China, just ten times faster as they try to gain respect on the world stage by kissing ass of western leaders.
Wtf r u talking about? Reasoning is irrelevant anyway its not like your going to go and change communist chinas mind.
Read on the thread PP is already on that plan.
Reasoning is irrelevant anyway its not like your going to go and change communist chinas mind.

We know we're not gonna change China's mind. The issue is that many people are Trump fanboys because he's not a progressive democrat that seems to be against all things white and male. The problem is the fucker(Trump) is not all the different from Nixon, with his ramblings about supporting cops at all costs, that we should all get on our hands and knees and offer our mouths to these heros. Mass incarcerations, police state, war on drugs, cops that beat the shit out of people and kill them on a daily basis. Never hear a critical word out of trump, even when a Navy Seal decides to have a pissy fit and ram his knife into an captured ISIS throat a few times......Trump seems to support everything that is barbaric and cruel. We have no control over what China does, but the least we can do is get rid of the fat slob currently running our country and get someone that is a little more enlightened towards drug policy, so we can use AAS without fear of going to prison for years.
We know we're not gonna change China's mind. The issue is that many people are Trump fanboys because he's not a progressive democrat that seems to be against all things white and male. The problem is the fucker(Trump) is not all the different from Nixon, with his ramblings about supporting cops at all costs, that we should all get on our hands and knees and offer our mouths to these heros. Mass incarcerations, police state, war on drugs, cops that beat the shit out of people and kill them on a daily basis. Never hear a critical word out of trump, even when a Navy Seal decides to have a pissy fit and ram his knife into an captured ISIS throat a few times......Trump seems to support everything that is barbaric and cruel. We have no control over what China does, but the least we can do is get rid of the fat slob currently running our country and get someone that is a little more enlightened towards drug policy, so we can use AAS without fear of going to prison for years.

Shut the fuck up. This isn't your diary your writing in. Nobody cares about your incoherent ramblings
We know we're not gonna change China's mind. The issue is that many people are Trump fanboys because he's not a progressive democrat that seems to be against all things white and male. The problem is the fucker(Trump) is not all the different from Nixon, with his ramblings about supporting cops at all costs, that we should all get on our hands and knees and offer our mouths to these heros. Mass incarcerations, police state, war on drugs, cops that beat the shit out of people and kill them on a daily basis. Never hear a critical word out of trump, even when a Navy Seal decides to have a pissy fit and ram his knife into an captured ISIS throat a few times......Trump seems to support everything that is barbaric and cruel. We have no control over what China does, but the least we can do is get rid of the fat slob currently running our country and get someone that is a little more enlightened towards drug policy, so we can use AAS without fear of going to prison for years.
go back to reddit with that bullshit, and yeah every DAESH fighter should get stabbed mercilessly infront of their comrades, it wasnt a hissy fit it was a show, thats how they beat them. You dont know anything about this part of the world. Nixon would have been the best president ever if he hadnt been pressured to remove the gold standard and gotten caught with watergate.
Annnnnd back to PPL and anabolic steroids.
We know we're not gonna change China's mind. The issue is that many people are Trump fanboys because he's not a progressive democrat that seems to be against all things white and male. The problem is the fucker(Trump) is not all the different from Nixon, with his ramblings about supporting cops at all costs, that we should all get on our hands and knees and offer our mouths to these heros. Mass incarcerations, police state, war on drugs, cops that beat the shit out of people and kill them on a daily basis. Never hear a critical word out of trump, even when a Navy Seal decides to have a pissy fit and ram his knife into an captured ISIS throat a few times......Trump seems to support everything that is barbaric and cruel. We have no control over what China does, but the least we can do is get rid of the fat slob currently running our country and get someone that is a little more enlightened towards drug policy, so we can use AAS without fear of going to prison for years.
This is a steroid forum not a political platform. How much blow did you do?
go back to reddit with that bullshit, and yeah every DAESH fighter should get stabbed mercilessly infront of their comrades, it wasnt a hissy fit it was a show, thats how they beat them. You dont know anything about this part of the world. Nixon would have been the best president ever if he hadnt been pressured to remove the gold standard and gotten caught with watergate.
Annnnnd back to PPL and anabolic steroids.

And this is why AAS users get labeled as being fucking knuckle dragging morons. Put the weights down and try reading a book dumbshit.
We know we're not gonna change China's mind. The issue is that many people are Trump fanboys because he's not a progressive democrat that seems to be against all things white and male. The problem is the fucker(Trump) is not all the different from Nixon, with his ramblings about supporting cops at all costs, that we should all get on our hands and knees and offer our mouths to these heros. Mass incarcerations, police state, war on drugs, cops that beat the shit out of people and kill them on a daily basis. Never hear a critical word out of trump, even when a Navy Seal decides to have a pissy fit and ram his knife into an captured ISIS throat a few times......Trump seems to support everything that is barbaric and cruel. We have no control over what China does, but the least we can do is get rid of the fat slob currently running our country and get someone that is a little more enlightened towards drug policy, so we can use AAS without fear of going to prison for years.
That being said, man this country is doing great. Finaly, a president that puts america first.
That being said, man this country is doing great. Finaly, a president that puts america first.

Economy is important, but you can't have someone that deflects every criticism with the "economy is doing great". Bottom line is you have 65% of people in prison locked up for non-violent drug offenses, you have cops beating the shit and killing citizens every day of the year, search and seizure laws allow cops to keep 90% of the take. It's a corrupt country, not a free country, the constitution is a completely dead document a sham. If you have large quantities of AAS on hand, you should care about this shit. Read the sentencing guidelines for getting caught with 40,000 + units of AAS.
Economy is important, but you can't have someone that deflects every criticism with the "economy is doing great". Bottom line is you have 65% of people in prison locked up for non-violent drug offenses, you have cops beating the shit and killing citizens every day of the year, search and seizure laws allow cops to keep 90% of the take. It's a corrupt country, not a free country, the constitution is a completely dead document a sham. If you have large quantities of AAS on hand, you should care about this shit. Read the sentencing guidelines for getting caught with 40,000 + units of AAS.

Ok. Just for shits and giggles let’s say I agree with you.

What is your answer?

Do you actually have one or are you just posting shit to feel like you’re smarter than the rest of us knuckle draggers.

Incidentally, this IS a PED harm reduction and training forum so um, it’s not really the NPR douche-crowd. If I want to hear political jibber jabber I’ll go talk to my asshat neighbor.
Ok. Just for shits and giggles let’s say I agree with you.

What is your answer?

Don't pay taxes, it's only through tax dollars we support the police state and mass incarceration. Voting won't change anything, unless a Libertarian(that mostly agrees with anarcho-capitalism), even that won't do much.
Nope the only way to crush the system is the starve it of your dollars. 55 cents of every tax dollar you spend locally goes to support LE, Jails and Prisons. Privatize everything, schools, roads, healthcare, leave nothing in the hands of the government. Arm citizens to the teeth, and remove all weapons from LE and government officials would be the first step.