Test was at 35, which is pretty low indeed. There’s two ways to look at it, both of which are valid at this point because we just don’t know the answer yet.
Way number one is essentially the issue you raised. Lack of test can’t be good, right?
Way number two is where I am, which is that clinical results have shown that MENT does the two things a man needs it to do, namely aromatize and act in the same way that testosterone does with regard to gene transcription. It doesn’t convert to DHT, which you’d think would be alarming. But it turns out that no, we really don’t need DHT at all to maintain healthy, normal function. DHT is almost superfluous, a relic from our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago, whose purpose today is hard to define. That particular result was unexpected when they did these trials. Now for bodybuilding purposes DHT is pretty useful. But it’s also the thing that makes guys go bald and have swollen prostates. If you could avoid that while still getting some enhancement wouldn’t that be enticing? (Note: because MENT is so androgenic hair loss is still possible)
Now that being said, I still believe that having some normal baseline of functioning from the testes is valuable. There are a number of downstream processes that benefit from having some amount of testosterone circulating. I solve that problem by simply taking HCG. It gives me a small but useful amount of testosterone and it doesn’t cause me any of the issues that exogenous test brings to me. But my case is my case. The next guy might not be compatible with this sort of setup. It does require some tinkering.