PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Remember when you said this:

""Talk smack"? No, no interest in doing that, it's a forum and I'm not a teenager.

So now your suggesting I'm a secret rep for PPL, I'm not.

So much for leaving it alone. Cdnguy, I enjoy some of your posts but you seem to just want to argue on a bodybuilding forum, that's not really of any interest to me."

PurplePandaLabs Raw source

For someone that's not interested in arguing and not acting like a teenager, you sure do fit that very description. Yeah, I know, you don't care about other members' opinions. So to be fair, how about we stop giving a shit about yours. Deal?

To be fair, if someone continues to call you a shill and go after you, your going to defend yourself, and now that I've outed him for being a complete and utter paranoid tinfoil wearing whack-job, i'm going to carry on until he sees sense and calms down.

I've got absolutely nothing against anyone else here, some post good info, some post some complete tripe, but that's the point of a forum, sharing ideas etc. Tinfoil the clown I take a complete stance against as every single person who joins here gets harassed as being a shill or an old member or whatever, the very second Tinfoil calms down and admits he's going overboard I will happily stop messaging back and forth.

As someone who works in the mental health sector, I recognise paranoid infatuation when I see it, and I feel sorry for him about that, and I totally understand other members don't want to read this all the time, and to those members I apolagise and would advise clicking the ignore button.

I hate blowing my own trumpet or alluding that i'm some kind of guru, i'm absolutely not, but I've managed to get big and achieve alot of what people want to achieve, so I must have some knowledgeable info to share, and I want to get to sharing this, so when Tinfoil mans up and admits he is creating problems, i'm happy to forget all about him and move on.

Balls in your court @CdnGuy
As someone who works in the mental health sector, I recognise paranoid infatuation when I see it, and I feel sorry for him about that, and I totally understand other members don't want to read this all the time, and to those members I apolagise and would advise clicking the ignore button.
Get over yourself. Encouraging members to ignore you is essentially an admission that you have nothing positive to contribute to the community. Take it to the knockout room if you must continue your internet argument.
Appreciate the support from my brothers and I need to shed some light on things that are going on. As you know I am a big target on Meso and have exposed many frauds. As a result atleast 2 people if not more have made troll accounts & are trying to discredit my reputation on Meso. Its no secret that @Brolloks @Remmebersoandso and @J.DoubleU.O. are cleary 3 accounts that are part of this plot.These members need to be delt with and bring nothing postive to Meso. Thanks again for the support brother's.

Edit- Millard and I have spoken on this situation. He has confirmed there is more then more person with troll accounts
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Appreciate the support from my brothers and I need to shed some light on things that are going on. As you know I am a big target on Meso and have exposed many frauds. As a result atleast 2 people if not more have made troll accounts & are trying to discredit my reputation on Meso. Its no secret that @Brolloks @Remmebersoandso and @J.DoubleU.O. are cleary 3 accounts that are part of this plot.These members need to be delt with and bring nothing postive to Meso. Thanks again for the support brother's.

Edit- Millard and I have spoken on this situation. He has confirmed there is more then more person with troll accounts
So scammers and shills united, to troll you? Ironic. Why else would you be a target, if you only expose shills and scammers?
Appreciate the support from my brothers and I need to shed some light on things that are going on. As you know I am a big target on Meso and have exposed many frauds. As a result atleast 2 people if not more have made troll accounts & are trying to discredit my reputation on Meso. Its no secret that @Brolloks @Remmebersoandso and @J.DoubleU.O. are cleary 3 accounts that are part of this plot.These members need to be delt with and bring nothing postive to Meso. Thanks again for the support brother's.

Edit- Millard and I have spoken on this situation. He has confirmed there is more then more person with troll accounts

Get over yourself. Encouraging members to ignore you is essentially an admission that you have nothing positive to contribute to the community. Take it to the knockout room if you must continue your internet argument.

Get over myself, and then Tinfoil posts about "frauds"; "discredit my reputation"; "plot". I'm blown away how people can ignore such clear issues. @System7, I have no interest arguing with you, your not some weird "Meso Bodyguard", If your one of tinfoils "brothers" that's fine, but I have no issue with you.
So scammers and shills united, to troll you? Ironic. Why else would you be a target, if you only expose shills and scammers?
Ask the trolls my friend lol Obviously either butthurt or guys who tried to hustle and made no money because they were exposed would be my guess.
Also, in terms of Millard, why doesn't he just run and IP check or whatever and then it would clearly show, me, @Brolloks and @J.DoubleU.O. are different people.

Well actually that's putting my neck on the line,brollocks and double u could be the same person, I don't know, but I do know i'm only remembersoandso
Get over myself, and then Tinfoil posts about "frauds"; "discredit my reputation"; "plot". I'm blown away how people can ignore such clear issues. @System7, I have no interest arguing with you, your not some weird "Meso Bodyguard", If your one of tinfoils "brothers" that's fine, but I have no issue with you.
@CdnGuy implied that I may be on the take with receiving free gear. Am I all butt hurt? Yes, get over yourself.
As you all can see this idiot has issues and needs to go. If members dont care these guys are ruining threads with their garbage fine by me. But i have a feeling it's getting a bit much for everyone. I have nothing to explain to these trolls and will not engage them as much as they try to set me off.
But you and I squared up and you are a legitimate Meso member. Unlike these clowns...
Truth. We are all good and will continue to be. Just don't accuse me of being on the take :oops:

@Remmebersoandso you are a waste of server space. Enjoy your tumultuous time at meso.

Any word on these bloods yet?
no sir, not yet. I can't wait so I can leave the UG and hide in the training section for another six months!
All i want to know is where the fuck is @Just Fish? There was a rash of shootings this weekend across the state. Hope he didnt try to square up with some dude over a best pre-workout powder debate at GNC...
Just Fish went Mia immediately after our PM convo regarding Remmembersoandso ....no joke lol 3 days ago ...my thoughts/speculations would be to much for members to believe. Haha
Classic Tinfoil the clown.

Pretty soon everyone will have their own thread, this board should have a Tinfoil the Clowns Interrogation thread.
You seem so hyper and may be time for a round in the Knockout Room as you so much need to get some sense slapped into you.