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Just Fish went Mia immediately after our PM convo regarding Remmembersoandso ....no joke lol 3 days ago ...my thoughts/speculations would be to much for members to believe. Haha
Was Just Fish accused of being Odie?Thought I seen that mentioned.
You are a real piece of work kid. I see you pushing a cart with a Helium tank making Animal balloons for kids at bars before the kids have to leave. SMH

I honestly have no idea how to take that, or what that means.

So i'm charitable? I'm gonna guess it was an insult, but seriously, that's such a bad insult.
Last bit of info...wont clutter here anymore.
View attachment 65121

I never understand this, this is why your fully delusional. That post doesn't prove anything, it doesn't actually show anything. I don't get what that is. You may as well post a quote of mine saying that the weather is sunny.

Lawl you are now getting truly delusional.

thank god, I put that to see whether you could actually recognise paranoia and people being delusional. If my post is delusional, then Tinfoil the clowns posts are 100% grade a, straight jacket, mental asylum whacko.
Appreciate the support from my brothers and I need to shed some light on things that are going on. As you know I am a big target on Meso and have exposed many frauds. As a result atleast 2 people if not more have made troll accounts & are trying to discredit my reputation on Meso. Its no secret that @Brolloks @Remmebersoandso and @J.DoubleU.O. are cleary 3 accounts that are part of this plot.These members need to be delt with and bring nothing postive to Meso. Thanks again for the support brother's.

Edit- Millard and I have spoken on this situation. He has confirmed there is more then more person with troll accounts

Let's be honest. You have not exposed many a fraud-scammer. I'm sure you believe you have but you have yet to post any hard evidence on anyone.

In your defense I think you uncovered the dema/pharmacom thing.

At the same time you have accused countless others without any proof. Only once did I see you apologize for being wrong. Also, just because you piss off some ugl who decides to leaves isn't proof you thwarted a scammer. It's just proof that he got tired of the abuse and decided not to set up shop.

I believe you think you are doing the right thing by being the shill police. It has gotten ridiculous though. People should be able to say positive things about ugls without being attacked.

Attacked without evidence no less. A bunch of random posts about liking a ugl is proof of nothing.

In my opinion you have created a very destructive and negative influence within the last year. I see you have others caring on in the same fashion. Mob mentality I guess. If you have proof of scammers and undercover reps post it.
I will be the first to thank you.

But all these accusations without proof make you hard to take seriously. And frankly its pretty fucking uncool.
Let's be honest. You have not exposed many a fraud-scammer. I'm sure you believe you have but you have yet to post any hard evidence on anyone.

In your defense I think you uncovered the dema/pharmacom thing.

At the same time you have accused countless others without any proof. Only once did I see you apologize for being wrong. Also, just because you piss off some ugl who decides to leaves isn't proof you thwarted a scammer. It's just proof that he got tired of the abuse and decided not to set up shop.

I believe you think you are doing the right thing by being the shill police. It has gotten ridiculous though. People should be able to say positive things about ugls without being attacked.

Attacked without evidence no less. A bunch of random posts about liking a ugl is proof of nothing.

In my opinion you have created a very destructive and negative influence within the last year. I see you have others caring on in the same fashion. Mob mentality I guess. If you have proof of scammers and undercover reps post it.
I will be the first to thank you.

But all these accusations without proof make you hard to take seriously. And frankly its pretty fucking uncool.
100% man and agree I've caused unnecessary problems over the last year. I will not make any excuses for my actions instead I can only work on changing those habits.

Edit- But I will never answer to random unknown trolls. Only Meso members!
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Let's be honest. You have not exposed many a fraud-scammer. I'm sure you believe you have but you have yet to post any hard evidence on anyone.

In your defense I think you uncovered the dema/pharmacom thing.

At the same time you have accused countless others without any proof. Only once did I see you apologize for being wrong. Also, just because you piss off some ugl who decides to leaves isn't proof you thwarted a scammer. It's just proof that he got tired of the abuse and decided not to set up shop.

I believe you think you are doing the right thing by being the shill police. It has gotten ridiculous though. People should be able to say positive things about ugls without being attacked.

Attacked without evidence no less. A bunch of random posts about liking a ugl is proof of nothing.

In my opinion you have created a very destructive and negative influence within the last year. I see you have others caring on in the same fashion. Mob mentality I guess. If you have proof of scammers and undercover reps post it.
I will be the first to thank you.

But all these accusations without proof make you hard to take seriously. And frankly its pretty fucking uncool.
Imo if someone is too much of a bitch to post a good review because they fear words on the internet, then their words mean shit to me anyway. @Ickyrica posted his shit and dealt with the accusations like a man. The few experiences I've had i didnt give a shit if i sounded like a shill cuz i knew the truth. If you arent being shady or have shit to hide theres no reason not to post even if @CdnGuy might come and make an observation you don't like. He's not doing anything new. Whats new are the fuckers who clutter threads without a dog in the damn fight. Thats just my 2 cents. Also just so you dont think I'm sucking anybody's dick, I'll be honest and say cdn has gone a couple rampages that were seemingly pointless witch hunts and annoying but I dont go around stating "I'm not a teenager, i won't argue with you" i just act like a fucking adult and read the posts and retain the knowledge i deem valuable and ignore the rest.
100% man and agree I've caused unnecessary problems here over the last yr. I will not make any excuses for my action and can only work on changing those habits.

Wow! If you're actually serious, then I'll back off and leave you alone being you actually exhibit some changes...However, like you said to me, actions will speak louder than words.