PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Can you expand on “tumbler” ?

Tumbling sends your BTC through a shitload of wallets in tiny chunks before sending it back out to a new wallet at the end... the coin you end up with is not the coin you started with, but rather hundreds or thousands of tiny chunks of other coins... Makes blockchain traces much more difficult.

Tumblers charge a fee for that of course.
Tumbling sends your BTC through a shitload of wallets in tiny chunks before sending it back out to a new wallet at the end... the coin you end up with is not the coin you started with, but rather hundreds or thousands of tiny chunks of other coins... Makes blockchain traces much more difficult.

Tumblers charge a fee for that of course.
Is there one tumbler you recommend over another?
Is there one tumbler you recommend over another?

I would be really hesitant to recommend one honestly... There are larger services like Mixer out there but at anytime these things can have problems, fold up shop, get hammered by a government, etc... it is a very Caveat Emptor thing...

I would be really hesitant to recommend one honestly... There are larger services like Mixer out there but at anytime these things can have problems, fold up shop, get hammered by a government, etc... it is a very Caveat Emptor thing...
Ah... Alright
So in your opinion the answer to not getting banned by Coinbase is to send to a wallet and pay source from that wallet and not directly from Coinbase??
Haven't personally done it yet but that seems to be the general consensus on here.
Domestic PPL mid cycle bloods. All finished product. This was taken 45 hours after last pin. Running PPL TestE 250(250mg 2x EW), PPL EQ 500(400mg 2x EW) and PPL Proviron(50mg ED). Also taking Aromasin (7.5 mg EOD). Looks like I crashed my estro on that low dose., happened before. Otherwise not bad numbers


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I buy straight from coinbase. Tied to my bank acct. With my ID uploaded. Done at least 10 transactions with different sources now. No acct shutdown or warnings.

Not saying it's safe that way...but coinbase doesn't seem to care so long as they get their fees.
Oh I promise if u send to certain places they will close your account. It's a pain using the other avenues to acquire btc. Remember, there is a big push to clean up btc as far as black market purchases, money laundering, tax evasion, etc...

Just fyi, they don't warn u..just close your account and tell you to move your funds. There's no emailing for second chances or explanations.

Especially, based on your thread about becoming a source... you need some anonymity.
Domestic PPL mid cycle bloods. All finished product. This was taken 45 hours after last pin. Running PPL TestE 250(250mg 2x EW), PPL EQ 500(400mg 2x EW) and PPL Proviron(50mg ED). Also taking Aromasin (7.5 mg EOD). Looks like I crashed my estro on that low dose., happened before. Otherwise not bad numbers
Thanks for posting just pm me about your 100$ store credit .
Those are some great numbers I'm sure you're happy with that.
For everyone that had shipping woes a few weeks ago-
Received my first order from PPL today... placed the order on the 12th,it shipped on the 16th and arrived today(25th). All in All not to bad, be posting bloods in 8wks
Domestic PPL mid cycle bloods. All finished product. This was taken 45 hours after last pin. Running PPL TestE 250(250mg 2x EW), PPL EQ 500(400mg 2x EW) and PPL Proviron(50mg ED). Also taking Aromasin (7.5 mg EOD). Looks like I crashed my estro on that low dose., happened before. Otherwise not bad numbers
Is that pandas aromasin? Wow i wouldn't think that low of a dose would crash estro.
Since bitcoin keeps getting brought up let me say this again. I got my acct closed for doing exactly what some of you are doing. I bought and sent directly from coinbase. They are watching and they do care what's going on on there site. You can keep doing what you are doing but just be prepared to get shut down and maybe start looking at what you will do if that happens. I'm using gemini now but it's very early so can't comment to how well it is but so far so good. I plan to buy from them then send to one or two more wallets after I purchase then on to source.
Makes you wonder how they know who you're sending the coin to, or that it's for something illegitimate.
Domestic PPL mid cycle bloods. All finished product. This was taken 45 hours after last pin. Running PPL TestE 250(250mg 2x EW), PPL EQ 500(400mg 2x EW) and PPL Proviron(50mg ED). Also taking Aromasin (7.5 mg EOD). Looks like I crashed my estro on that low dose., happened before. Otherwise not bad numbers

Was that aromasin raws you got?

I have a hard time believing you crashed your estro at that dose... Wondering if you miscalculated your caps or suspension?