PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Looking back at your cycle, you're really not running that much of aromatizing compounds. I wouldn't need an AI at that dose. I still wouldn't expect to crash my estro at that dose though.
I know, last cycle I crashed it at 12.5mg EOD. So this time around I didn't start taking it till a few weeks in and at a lower dose. I'm going to drop it and get bloods again in a month or so.
Maybe because of my age or lack of TV watching but who's Alex Jones? Haha
He's a huge conspiracy theorists! When that dude keep sayin where's the gear and what really happened to the original brewer!
I don't know why but I thought of Alex Jones! My bad for taking so long with answer but these 14hr work days. No free time.:confused:
By advice I think he means telling people on here that you are buying from coinbase and sending directly to the source. So when someone comes along and reads your post then thinks that's ok to do. It's not and I'm proof of that. I've made numerous posts about my account getting shut down for doing the same thing. You may get away with it you may not but I would think it's just a matter of time before it happens.

So if somebody reads I do it....and does it....thats advice?

I read how some idiots on here don't use AI. Some idiots no pct.

Guess what....thats not making me want to do that. Not advice. Just their opinion.

Sorry your shit got shut down. At least you're not a condescending dick about it like that fish dude. If mine gets shut down then I will pursue another option. Good to have a heads up.
I buy straight from coinbase. Tied to my bank acct. With my ID uploaded. Done at least 10 transactions with different sources now. No acct shutdown or warnings.

Not saying it's safe that way...but coinbase doesn't seem to care so long as they get their fees.
You are telling people that you have done it 10 times and claiming that coinbase doesn't care as long as they get their fees because you haven't gotten your account suspended yet. That is leading people to believe that they can do so and not have their account suspended. What the fuck do you not comprehend clown