PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Pecs aren't bad. I've been doing them this cycle and no issues. First time is a little weird especially if you do the left one first.
Lol,,I agree,,your brain is telling you,,do not stick that needle in your heart! But then it's so easy,,maybe just a mind thing,but .5 ml TNE in each pec on chest day is great.
90 degrees, relaxed. Frankly, even if your leg has a spasm during the inject (has happened to me more than once) it just isn't that big a deal. You have a needle that moves with your muscle being held by your fingers, not a bec-de-corbin being hacked into you by an Uruk.

Even my mastiff coming over and whacking the syringe (fully inserted into my quad on my 2nd injection ever) with her bear sized head was simply more of a mental shock than anything very dangerous physically.

I push the needle in slowly I suppose...
I hate those spasms! Doesn't happen often, but I've had them where it feels like an electric shock, not painful, but unpleasant.
I dont get any symptoms of high e2 other then fluid retention till its near 70.
Mine at 500mg a week runs in the 40s.
Usually the first symptom i notice is emotional....puppy ads or chick flicks will send you sobbing for a towl.
Thats when i know its time for arimidex....lol
Alot of guys run e2 higher than the range on the lab test.
It actually boosts your ability to gain.
The key is to know yourself well enough to get ahead of the physical sides like libido and erection loss etc.
Ive never experienced these sides from high e2.....but everyone is different.
Also alot of guys on trt and cycles get paranoid and play with their nipples to much causing what they convince themselves is gyno.
Annnnnd that would be me. Fml. Thanks for the info. I was wondering if I was actually in my own head about it or not.

Do you run any caber or bromex with tren or no? Treat prolactin like estro and wait for a sign from your body? Tren fucks my estro numbers up from labcorb so I was just using test dose as a reference and dosing my AI off that but I've ordered caber after my prolactin came back higher than normal.
Annnnnd that would be me. Fml. Thanks for the info. I was wondering if I was actually in my own head about it or not.

Do you run any caber or bromex with tren or no? Treat prolactin like estro and wait for a sign from your body? Tren fucks my estro numbers up from labcorb so I was just using test dose as a reference and dosing my AI off that but I've ordered caber after my prolactin came back higher than normal.
No caber or prami....just finished a test and 600mg tren a blast in aug.
Get estroidal sensitive labs and you will get accurate e2 blood results when using tren.
First bloods i got on tren i didnt and they came back e2 at 179....lol
Freaked me out cuz no symptoms...there is a thread i started about it awile back.
Good info in it from dr jim.
Had it retested and it came in at 29. Lol
No caber or prami....just finished a test and 600mg tren a blast in aug.
Get estroidal sensitive labs and you will get accurate e2 blood results when using tren.
First bloods i got on tren i didnt and they came back e2 at 179....lol
Freaked me out cuz no symptoms...there is a thread i started about it awile back.
Good info in it from dr jim.
Had it retested and it came in at 29. Lol
Awesome I will look for it.
Do you think this carrier oil switch is permanent or will they go back to gso? Or maybe at least offer a gso line? Sore as shit from the new stuff and the old stuff was totally pip free. @PurplePandaLabs Rep.
All of my orders have been intl for finished or raws so I have no input for that but my TNE had a little bite which I expected. And a little soreness the next day.
Same. Only mine is finished intl. pretty sure it’s not gso it’s a lot thinner
I believe (correct me if in wrong @PurplePandaLabs Rep.) that they're all migyol now. It may be great for some people, but not me.

GSO by far is the best for me. I'm really hoping they switch back, or at least offer a gso line. This source is ideal. Domestic, very fast, amazing customer service, great prices.... But if they stick with migyol840 it won't work :(
I believe (correct me if in wrong @PurplePandaLabs Rep.) that they're all migyol now. It may be great for some people, but not me.

GSO by far is the best for me. I'm really hoping they switch back, or at least offer a gso line. This source is ideal. Domestic, very fast, amazing customer service, great prices.... But if they stick with migyol840 it won't work :(
Well said
Hello PurplePandaLabs Rep,
What was the reason for switching to migyol840?? Financial for panda? Do more customers prefer it? I am used to the GSO and all was good--so I am confused why there was a switch that may reduce customers who prefer the GSO?
I believe (correct me if in wrong @PurplePandaLabs Rep.) that they're all migyol now. It may be great for some people, but not me.

GSO by far is the best for me. I'm really hoping they switch back, or at least offer a gso line. This source is ideal. Domestic, very fast, amazing customer service, great prices.... But if they stick with migyol840 it won't work :(
I will ask panda what he wants to do I had soreness first couple of pins but it's been smooth every since .
I always have to adjust to a new carrier but it's not any terrible pain.
Hello PurplePandaLabs Rep,
What was the reason for switching to migyol840?? Financial for panda? Do more customers prefer it? I am used to the GSO and all was good--so I am confused why there was a switch that may reduce customers who prefer the GSO?
It actually higher priced but pins much smoother filters much better and holds a solution very well .