PurplePandaLabs Raw source

For the guys who have had an issue with the Miglyol: I also had tons of pip my first few uses. It took me about 2-3 injections in each site to get used to it, but it's completely painless now. I would say give it a few tries and see if your body adjusts. (Note: I have not tried any of the new PPL oils, but have used other UGL Miglyol products)

I personally prefer Miglyol since I'm an insulin pin backloader. It's ridiculously smooth, even with a 30g x 1in.
I can see the difference in the sites where I used to use 23-25g with other carriers vs the sites I use insulin pins with Miglyol. Absolutely no noticeable scar tissue.

*I'm definitely a Miglyol shill
Ordered finished domestic EU a while back.
Communication was fast and helpful, t/a around one week. Very happy with everything. Bloods will be posted in a couple weeks.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. do you know about the state of the EU store? I noticed it is down and wanted to know if raws will be available in the future
Probably been asked a million times but will US domestic orals ever be available in pills and if not is there any difference in the absorption and half life with liquid orals vs pill form.
I did 2cc’s of test c in the left glute Thursday night and felt pip on Saturday.Had a little tough time walking and bending at work but nothing crazy.Just a little tightness.i haven’t hit the flutes in a while.But by today Sunday I feel nothing.
Saw you guys talking about injection sites a few pages back and wanted to bring up ventrogluteal injections. I’ve always pinned my quads with little issue except when I ran hammers toilet gear :confused: but that’s a totally different story...fuck that guy...does anyone have any experience with this site? From what little info I’ve found pins are always smooth and can hold quite a bit off oil.
Quads are my go to. If you have a chair under most of your leg it goes very smooth. Also keeping a hand planted on your quad really makes things easier and helps eliminate movement of the needle
Agreed. I used to do my delts but id say 7/10 I would get extreme soreness sometimes within a couple hours so I stopped. Attached a pic of the site Im curious about.


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Agreed. I used to do my delts but id say 7/10 I would get extreme soreness sometimes within a couple hours so I stopped. Attached a pic of the site Im curious about.

It’s easy to pin there. I was confused about where to pin and actually hit the top/front of a quad doing it standing. Watch a couple videos and give it a try. I pin there while sitting on a chair now. When you sit down and kind roll towards the side a little there should be a soft spot there. I can take a picture tomorrow if you want?
Saw you guys talking about injection sites a few pages back and wanted to bring up ventrogluteal injections. I’ve always pinned my quads with little issue except when I ran hammers toilet gear :confused: but that’s a totally different story...fuck that guy...does anyone have any experience with this site? From what little info I’ve found pins are always smooth and can hold quite a bit off oil.
Vg is a great spot I just use that and quads for now. I always stand and flex my vg and mark it then relax and pin it holds 2.5ml easily. And hardly ever has any pip
Strange diagram. Why would they use someone else's hand for it when 9/10 we administer our own injections?

Because it's an educational tool for nurses when they are in training. They are using their own hand on a patient who is laying down so they know where to inject. The diagram is not meant for bros on gear who need to learn how to inject themselves in their own quad!
I dont get any symptoms of high e2 other then fluid retention till its near 70.
Mine at 500mg a week runs in the 40s.
Usually the first symptom i notice is emotional....puppy ads or chick flicks will send you sobbing for a towl.
Thats when i know its time for arimidex....lol
Alot of guys run e2 higher than the range on the lab test.
It actually boosts your ability to gain.
The key is to know yourself well enough to get ahead of the physical sides like libido and erection loss etc.
Ive never experienced these sides from high e2.....but everyone is different.
Also alot of guys on trt and cycles get paranoid and play with their nipples to much causing what they convince themselves is gyno.

Agree with this totally
Pinned 1ml of test E this morning with the new miglyol. Only input i have so far is it's super fucking smooth. Pinned with a 25g 1 and a half inch needle in the glute. I was using omegas test E with the MCT oil before this and I was pushing so hard with it to get it out I thought I was gonna break the syringe sometimes. With the miglyol I had to back off because I pushed in half a ml in about .5 seconds and was like oh fuck lol. So super fucking smooth, no pip so far but it's only been about two hours. Will give more input tomorrow.