PurplePandaLabs Raw source

800mg Test Cyp and 600mg NPP and you didn’t gain any weight?

What the fuck?

I did 450 test and 300npp and gained 15lbs without even trying...still looked just as lean too.
Not one pound! Keep in mind I’m a fat ass that lost 70lbs in the last year so I’m very careful with my diet .
Weight gain comes from eating in excess typically. If you want more weight on your frame eat more.
I've gotten from 198 super lean up to 213, but then backslide. At first I was eating clean, trying to hit 4k to 5k a day. Very difficult eating strict. So now I eat everything. Dirty and clean. Currently only at 205. Been doing this for 2 months now.
Are you tracking your macros are you eating a surplus ?
Surplus yes, tracking macros I just count protein. I'm always over 200g for the day. Sometimes closer to 300. I strive for 4k to 5k in calories, and often make it. But some days I only get in the mid 3k range. I think I'm just new to gear and need to find what works best for my body. Been lurking on the nutrition threads and learning all I can.
Surplus yes, tracking macros I just count protein. I'm always over 200g for the day. Sometimes closer to 300. I strive for 4k to 5k in calories, and often make it. But some days I only get in the mid 3k range. I think I'm just new to gear and need to find what works best for my body. Been lurking on the nutrition threads and learning all I can.

Everybody is different and you’ll eventually find what your body responds to through experimentation.
For me it’s all about carbs. I can eat a protein surplus, healthy fats etc etc but won’t put on a single pound without timed carb intake.
I take a modified “carb backloading” approach and can pack it on when I need to... Check out carb backloading on the webs and that’ll take you on the rabbit trail to hopefully figure out what works for you.
Remember, it won’t be exactly what works for the next guy. Yes there are universal truths but everybody has to scratch and claw until they find what their own body responds best to based on age, genetics, training intensity, body type, metabolism, stress, work/job etc...
Lastly, define your goal. Then do it.
Surplus yes, tracking macros I just count protein. I'm always over 200g for the day. Sometimes closer to 300. I strive for 4k to 5k in calories, and often make it. But some days I only get in the mid 3k range. I think I'm just new to gear and need to find what works best for my body. Been lurking on the nutrition threads and learning all I can.
You would be surprised how many guy's don't track macros that are actually maintenance or deficit thinking they have a surplus intake .
Not saying that's you case.
You would be surprised how many guy's don't track macros that are actually maintenance or deficit thinking they have a surplus intake .
Not saying that's you case.
So true. I have guys come to me all the time saying how they can't grow but they eat SO much. Then turns out at best they get 3k calories. Pre workout meal is junk, intra is maybe bcaas, and post workout is just whey
First domestic order got here very fast. Quick question one vial of tren e has crystals all in it so I just pop it in the oven right?
So true. I have guys come to me all the time saying how they can't grow but they eat SO much. Then turns out at best they get 3k calories. Pre workout meal is junk, intra is maybe bcaas, and post workout is just whey

I gained weight by moving my priorities from protein to carbs. Oats, rice, bread, pasta. 2 cups white rice twice a day every day (lunch dinner), oats in the AM, 2 peanut butter sammiches mid-afternoon and bananas/whey post workout.

If I ever felt hungry, I would eat a giant bowl of cereal. While milk! Lolol.

Big ass bowl of fruit loops right before bed makes me sleep hard. I don’t know why but I crave itttttt