PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ok but why liquid and not powder like last time? Will be harder like this to weight , ect...
I did receive Deca that was basically melted and solidified. I broke it up just fine and it returned to a powder buy just squeezing it in the bag. Do this carefully as you could puncture the plastic bag.
I know I'm being foolishly optimistic but I'm hopeful my npp i just ordered was one of the compounds that was spared of the migyol. I think this is going to be a painful ride. I fuckin hate pip. If i have to cut it with gso i will but I'm also not hot on increasing oil volume. Oh well it is what it is now.
Don't know if it helps, but the test cypionate I received international in the past few days looks exactly like the cyp I had domestic from the first time they opened. It doesn't look like miglyol, as the mig840 gear I used before was completely clear.
Don't know if it helps, but the test cypionate I received international in the past few days looks exactly like the cyp I had domestic from the first time they opened. It doesn't look like miglyol, as the mig840 gear I used before was completely clear.
The stuff with the metal tops was gso, I believe all the stuff with the plastic panda tops is 840
I just started using their npp this week and its kinda painful. 3 days after pin i still have a bit of pip. I ordered this npp like 2 months ago so im not really sure which oil it is. Sucks cus my last npp run was painful too (different source). Had to suck up havin pip in every site throughout the week for 8 weeks. Was hoping itd be different this time but looks like its gonna be the same.
I have never experienced any pip from npp. That’s one reason why I love it. Did you get rid of your gyno yet?
Don't believe I've ever used it knowingly. I've had some pretty painful gear in the past though. Unsure of the carrier oil. Shame because all my stuff from Purple Panda has been painless
You may like it is what I was getting at. Hopefully for your sake you won't get the negatives like many of.the members are. I don't have an issue with it thus far. Although next brew I'm going to experiment with EO as main carrier

