PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Wow, that's a long ass article. I didn't read it all. I skimmed through it. I don't know a great deal about egg proteins. I just know I spent a lot of time reading about them when I first started drinking them. I heard someone else say it or read something from a forum that the bioavailability of drinking eggs whites (even pasteurized) is significantly decreased compared to cooking them. I asked a nutritionist friend of mine, but she didn't have an answer. In my research, I couldn't find one article backing up that claim. But I am not saying it's not possible nor that there may be research that suggests this. I just couldn't find it.

The article you posted is quite confusing. However, it keeps mentioning the digestability of eggs whites. Not the bioavailability of the protein in egg whites. I do think those are different things. I would like to read the whole article later. Good for you for reading it and posting it. Thank you. We are all trying to read, learn and share. Well I would like to think "we all" but let's face it, not everyone does.
If you happen to read anything about the bioavailability of egg whites, please let me know.
And I hope I didn't come across as a "know it all" cause that just isn't my style.

I love meso because together we learn a ton of new information. We both know that deciphering forum posts and other information on the internet is a task in itself. Meso provides a great place for us to communicate concerning a common goal that we all share.

All I know is I made a lot of progress drinking eggs and someone said you don't get very much of the protein unless they are cooked. So I am just looking for more information regarding the matter. Thanks for all your input.
Ok but why liquid and not powder like last time? Will be harder like this to weight , ect...
It melted in transit... It's slightly more difficult to work with... double freezer zip lock and toss it in freezer is what I read to do (haven't tried it personally - maybe someone can chime in)..

My deca was liquid when recieved and my test e... is a gooey mess (My fault on the test e.. storage unit was too hot)
I just started using their npp this week and its kinda painful. 3 days after pin i still have a bit of pip. I ordered this npp like 2 months ago so im not really sure which oil it is. Sucks cus my last npp run was painful too (different source). Had to suck up havin pip in every site throughout the week for 8 weeks. Was hoping itd be different this time but looks like its gonna be the same.
Panda raw npp brewed at 100mg and 1% BA and 10% BB (GSO) is smoothest thing I've brewed..about the same as trestolone... shouldn't be pip like that..is the carrier oil listed?
It melted in transit... It's slightly more difficult to work with... double freezer zip lock and toss it in freezer is what I read to do (haven't tried it personally - maybe someone can chime in)..

My deca was liquid when recieved and my test e... is a gooey mess (My fault on the test e.. storage unit was too hot)
Yeah you can freeze it that will help a little probably do it again when it thaws.
That's why I like test c among other reasons it doesn't melt like E .
My sust was melted to just the way it is sometimes colder weather should help tho.