PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Liquid that came in like a bottle? Or raw powder that melted into a waxy lump?

Pics might help clarify what you mean here.

I got the same type bag as the other raw powders but labeled deca or nand (I forget how it was labelled) and it was a liquid, instead of raw powder because it melted.

Nandrolone Decanoate
Melting Point = 30-35C

85 to 95 degrees F

Basically melts if it is outside where I'm at....

Brewed it right up...and it bloated me right up as deca typically does...
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You ever had npp hit like TRNe ?
Only used NPP from a few UGLs and panda raws... never much pip to speak of.. nor have I used TRNE...
To be fair I brewed some test e recently at 286mg (long story why 286mg... raws were a melted mess and thats where the the calculations ended up) and the pip was brutal for the first shot...just did 2nd shot so we will see if it was pinning issue...

Also, I had some ugl prop that I threw away because pip was crazy...
Only used NPP from a few UGLs and panda raws... never much pip to speak of.. nor have I used TRNE...
To be fair I brewed some test e recently at 286mg (long story why 286mg... raws were a melted mess and thats where the the calculations ended up) and the pip was brutal for the first shot...just did 2nd shot so we will see if it was pinning issue...

Also, I had some ugl prop that I threw away because pip was crazy...
I'm not talking about pip I'm talking about instant feeling .
Oh... I can only imagine... tren ace hits me pretty quick... obviously, no ester would be instant?

Are you in sales for "Panda Nation" ? Now I want some TRNE... lol
Yeah that shit will make the Tren cough hit you even faster and harder...
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I just got post injection cough last week. It was a mix of Test Cyp and Bold Cyp (both from PPL) Lasted 5-10 minutes. I ended up using an asthma inhaler for the lung tightness. Tightness was mostly caused by the coughing I think and oil in the alveoli.

Probably not a bad warning for asthmatics. May induce an attack.
It was strange. I hit a nerve going in and then aspirated...no blood. Still got the cough. First time I had it happen.

I've had something mild like that from test cyp one time. Every time I use base tren/test I walk around feeling I was huffing paint or somethingo_O gu sucks balls!
Panda raw npp brewed at 100mg and 1% BA and 10% BB (GSO) is smoothest thing I've brewed..about the same as trestolone... shouldn't be pip like that..is the carrier oil listed?
I brewed his NPP for to use this winter a while back just for the fun of brewing. Did 1/12 and it held in the fridge overnight. Held for like a few weeks in a bottle. I moved and put it in a cooler spot and after a week or so it crashed. Haven't fixed it yet but not sure if I want to keep it at 10 or 12 bb and just try to keep it in a warmer spot.
I'm not talking about pip I'm talking about instant feeling .
Oh... I can only imagine... tren ace hits me pretty quick... obviously, no ester would be instant?

Are you in sales for "Panda Nation" ? Now I want some TRNE... lol
The first shot of PPLs tren ace that I took this past summer was awesome. I remember about 20-30 minutes went by and just felt great. Like everything was awesome. Life was good. Super upbeat. Almost euphoric but without an altered state of mind. Absolutely great. Got maybe two more pins in like that after then I adjusted. If that's what you guys mean by feeling it then I definitely did.
I'm not talking about pip I'm talking about instant feeling .
So I was blasting 3ml EOD and getting some pip. I cut down to 1ml still getting the same pip. I thought it was the volume but here it’s my test p. Just curious if anyone notices an increase in pip with volume of just from certain substances?
Hey, is there any current results for the black top hgh domestic?
price looks good. i have used the black tops (meditrope) from the two know sources with good results. does ppl black tops compare?
thanks in advance..