PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Anybody ran finished prop?... how’s the pip

Thinking bout trying, but I’m currently pinning 300mg m/w/f
And would not want a Kim K azz
Yes, I am here and accepting samples for testing. And no, I am not always on ,,vacation,,. Just had to limit my service for past two months because of other business in other country, where I wasn't able to accept samples.
I believe we talked about microbial contaminants before and that you could in fact test for them how about heavy metal contamination.
What contamination if any have you came across in ugl samples?
I believe we talked about microbial contaminants before and that you could in fact test for them how about heavy metal contamination.
What contamination if any have you came across in ugl samples?

Even though most people banging needles don’t care about heavy metal contaminants or paying for the removal process (sucks I know)

U have my curiosity up, are you thinking about testing/ offering removal of hard metals?
U like the miglyol 840? U try any prop with this mix?
I haven't I was going to finish my cycle up with prop but kinda changed my mind on doing that, the way I see it if u like it in other oils it will probably be alright in prop, I've only an issue with one ugls prop! I like the mig because it is literally the smoothest pinning oil I've ever used it takes half the time to load and half the time to inject
I believe we talked about microbial contaminants before and that you could in fact test for them how about heavy metal contamination.
What contamination if any have you came across in ugl samples?

I still can not test for microbial contamination, however I am curently working on development of method for trace analysis of heavy metals in hormone samples and this service will be eventually introduced soon.

Most of samples I test don't contain any organic molecule contaminants. Sometimes I find various fatty acid esters in finished aas samples, coming probably from different kinds of oils. Raw and pill samples are usually without any impurities visible by GCMS, HPLC or NMR. Some samples were faked so they contained no hormone or completly different compound than was stated.

