PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I've wondered this as well. The first time I pinned the miglyol I forced half a ml in barely pushing on the plunger with a 25g needle. Was legitimately just like fuck my life lol. Still no pip from that though...

This is why I stopped using water bases suspension lol. Pushing past a clog and then having it spray into your muscle at 100 kph lol, not fun :p
How is the new still going you got it together yet?
Waiting on the copper rivets. They forgot to pack those lol. Think they arrive tomorrow. I figure one hour a night a few times next week and I can run it next weekend to boil out the flux and carbon and all that shit.

Mash is next, which I already have my yeast. Just need some good sugar and clean water, steady temp and time. It's about a week for the mash I'll be making to be ready.
Sorry to go off topic but im running 150test/450-500npp pw and wanted to know how much arimidex u guys think i should take? I was thinking .5 e3d or .25 eod.
I know i dont need it with test at 150mg but im not sure if that much npp will raise my e2 high enough to need it.
Then i would wait until you show symptoms that your e2 is high and treat that till the symptoms subside.
Its also a good idea to pull bloods when those symptoms crop up so you know where u stand and how much ai to use to knock it back.
Then i would wait until you show symptoms that your e2 is high and treat that till the symptoms subside.
Its also a good idea to pull bloods when those symptoms crop up so you know where u stand and how much ai to use to knock it back.

Thanks for the advice. I'm running ralox throughout the cycle. That should keep e2 sides away right?
Thanks for the advice. I'm running ralox throughout the cycle. That should keep e2 sides away right?
Jesus... none... get Aromasin. You have pre E2 issues. You ever hear of rebound E2? You need a suicide inhibitor. You should probably put the needle down till you do your research. Google Aromasin vs Arimdex. Adex is great but Aromasin carries some better benefits. Get some letro too Incase of an emergency.
If your nips were lactating i suggest you drop 19nors all together, but if you're hell bent on running em start your adex @1mg/eod and adjust from there.
I beleive my e2 is pretty low already around 20. Dont u think that much adex is a bit overkill?

If you're lactating than no lol. 1mg/eod for a week and then cut it in half and see what's what. Also you are not answering my questions dude. You are the fella who posted that nasty ass pic of the paper towel covered in nip juice lol? If not my error.
If you're lactating than no lol. 1mg/eod for a week and then cut it in half and see what's what. Also you are not answering my questions dude. You are the fella who posted that nasty ass pic of the paper towel covered in nip juice lol? If not my error.

Yea that was me. Prolactin was is in range as well. Im not coming off. Already lost alot of gains cutting running some bunk tren. Prety much been on 120test/200mast
Thanks for the advice. I'm running ralox throughout the cycle. That should keep e2 sides away right?
It will stop the symptoms at the nipples or the receptor sites but not mood or libido and things like that .
It's hard to suggest an AI dose for someone else why don't you split your dose into 2 smaller this will help somewhat to keep levels a little smoother .
Then if you start feeling the need to cry at random tv shows you will have use ai.
The best thing to do is pull bloods takes all the guess work out of it.
Waiting on the copper rivets. They forgot to pack those lol. Think they arrive tomorrow. I figure one hour a night a few times next week and I can run it next weekend to boil out the flux and carbon and all that shit.

Mash is next, which I already have my yeast. Just need some good sugar and clean water, steady temp and time. It's about a week for the mash I'll be making to be ready.
I can see a Christmas trade in the works I'm sure you could find a use for a smooth Rye.
Thanks for the advice. I'm running ralox throughout the cycle. That should keep e2 sides away right?

Raloxifen and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) are both SERMS. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. They prevent estrogen (already converted from testosterone) from binding to the receptors. Receptors everywhere. In the body and brain. Most specifically receptors in the breast tissue. They are drugs created for mammary tumors (breast cancer) that need estrogen to live and grow. They are useful in preventing and in some cases resolving gyno, which is very similar to breast cancer. However only in the way that it resulted from high estrogen in the breast and due to the fact that both are usually masses. Don't think Raloxifen is going to help with your "high E2 symptoms". But what symptoms are you having other than lactating?

If your E2 level is 20, then you shouldn't be having high E2 symptoms. That's probably a little low. If you have normal prolactin levels, I would be surprised your lactating from prolactin levels being high. And I doubt you are lactating from high E2 as it's normal.

Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. It prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Maybe you are having sides related to either high prolactin or high estrogen that developed BEFORE your levels were tested? Like for instance, I developed some gyno a while back from running Test and Dbol on too low of Armidex. After taking Nolvadex and more Arimidex I had bloodwork done by my doctor. Of course my E2 was back down to normal. But the gyno was still present. He was like, "you don't have gyno from high E2, cause it's normal." I had a hard time convincing him it developed when my E2 was NOT nomral. Anyway...

Taking 1 mg of Adex EOD while your E2 is 20 is not a good idea (in my opinion). You are going to tank it to nothing and feel like shit. I don't have a solution for you brother. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe go see a physician? Everyone is going to give you advice. But not everyone knows what they are taking about. I had bros telling me to only take .25mg of Adex every few days when I got on TRT. My Dr prescribed 1 mg, 3 days after my injection. I'm like, 1mg? That's crazy! Does this doctor know what he is doing? Because I listened to people here instead of my doctor, I developed gyno. Everyone converts test to estrogen at different rates. What works for some, won't work for others. I take 1 mg of Adex every 3 days while only on 500mg test. I take 1mg on M/W/F if I run test and dbol and my E2 can still be high. Good luck bro.
Raloxifen and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) are both SERMS. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. They prevent estrogen (already converted from testosterone) from binding to the receptors. Receptors everywhere. In the body and brain. Most specifically receptors in the breast tissue. They are drugs created for mammary tumors (breast cancer) that need estrogen to live and grow. They are useful in preventing and in some cases resolving gyno, which is very similar to breast cancer. However only in the way that it resulted from high estrogen in the breast and due to the fact that both are usually masses. Don't think Raloxifen is going to help with your "high E2 symptoms". But what symptoms are you having other than lactating?

If your E2 level is 20, then you shouldn't be having high E2 symptoms. That's probably a little low. If you have normal prolactin levels, I would be surprised your lactating from prolactin levels being high. And I doubt you are lactating from high E2 as it's normal.

Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. It prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Maybe you are having sides related to either high prolactin or high estrogen that developed BEFORE your levels were tested? Like for instance, I developed some gyno a while back from running Test and Dbol on too low of Armidex. After taking Nolvadex and more Arimidex I had bloodwork done by my doctor. Of course my E2 was back down to normal. But the gyno was still present. He was like, "you don't have gyno from high E2, cause it's normal." I had a hard time convincing him it developed when my E2 was NOT nomral. Anyway...

Taking 1 mg of Adex EOD while your E2 is 20 is not a good idea (in my opinion). You are going to tank it to nothing and feel like shit. I don't have a solution for you brother. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe go see a physician? Everyone is going to give you advice. But not everyone knows what they are taking about. I had bros telling me to only take .25mg of Adex every few days when I got on TRT. My Dr prescribed 1 mg, 3 days after my injection. I'm like, 1mg? That's crazy! Does this doctor know what he is doing? Because I listened to people here instead of my doctor, I developed gyno. Everyone converts test to estrogen at different rates. What works for some, won't work for others. I take 1 mg of Adex every 3 days while only on 500mg test. I take 1mg on M/W/F if I run test and dbol and my E2 can still be high. Good luck bro.

Thanks for all tha info man. Im not having any symptoms except for hard mass behind my nip and they both are painful to the touch. Iml feel prefectly fine. Ive had high e2 (120) befor so i know what thats like and i didnt get gyno. It was my first blast on 500mg test with no ai and i was like 20%bf. These symptoms are from my previous cycle which i think was a spike in e2 caus i was gettin acne, bloat, moonface, sugar cravings. Took ai for a week n half then got bloodwork and it came in at 20. Thats when i started get the painful nips. Now 3 months later they still hurt but no high e2 symptoms.
Thanks for all tha info man. Im not having any symptoms except for hard mass behind my nip and they both are painful to the touch. Iml feel prefectly fine. Ive had high e2 (120) befor so i know what thats like and i didnt get gyno. It was my first blast on 500mg test with no ai and i was like 20%bf. These symptoms are from my previous cycle which i think was a spike in e2 caus i was gettin acne, bloat, moonface, sugar cravings. Took ai for a week n half then got bloodwork and it came in at 20. Thats when i started get the painful nips. Now 3 months later they still hurt but no high e2 symptoms.
They will probably be painful until they return to normal but that's a good sign they are.
If you split the test dose and watch for signs of high e2 you should be fine especially running the mast.