PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Nope, I want it more often while on but can finish in the same amount of time if i want too.
This lead me to my caber obsession... lowers the refractory period (can finish more often/less time between), but still takes a while on npp or deca.... i just had to drop it and mesteron
I was running test/deca at the time. I think the deca was or had test in it. Cus i was running 150test/400deca no ai and i got the gyno 3 weeks in.

So u added ai in at what point?
Just consider the most likely scenario:
LE/customs figuring out what chinese city those pics were taken in and seizing ALL packages coming from that city (or stopping all money transfers there).

Just that makes pics/IG/reddit/etc a bad idea, and you'll end up having to move.
I don't mean to scare or troll but just a valuable contribution.
I understand what you're saying but that city won't matter at all.;)
My first tren cycle was great. The past 2 times I have got small lumps. Arimidex nolva and clomid wouldnt take it away. Only coming off everything brought it down and disappeared. Oh and i even took prami. I got super sick from the prami. It was a real pain in the ass. Went back and forth too with doctors who know way more than me. Unfortunately it started 3 weeks in last time. I learned that for one reason or another I am sensitive to tren. Both deca and test dont do that to me. I can load up on 50mg of dbol on top of 1g of test and not have any lumps but pit some tren and there and boom i got lumps. Once I got em only absence would take it away. Good luck man but theres enough guys on here with gyno surgery for me to not fuck with it. Everybody is different though. This is a solid thread. Thanks for all the good posts here.
Have you tried letrozole? If I use trestolone at 50mg a day... gyno flareups happen occasionally (maybe one time a cycle... letro has a long half life but it works everytime)... normally aromasin is enough, but letro is my ace in the hole.

I keep pharma on hand, but since panda I've never had to use it... which states something (anecdotal) positive about his aromasin and letro raw powders.
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2.5ml in quad 2days ago no pip. I don't seem to react bad to anything really. It's extremely thin and smooth compared to other oils, I'm curious if some are creating the pip by forcing it in too fast.
I've seen recommendations made about using 29g or 27g pins for mig because to much oil volume injected too quickly does absolutely cause pip (obviously there are other reasons for pip too).
With the cap on the pin... run under hot water from sink for about 30 - 45 sec... warm oil... (Not saying to run water on the pin or cap even, just the oil in the syringe btw...) quick and easy in my opinion....

I use to do this till i thought about how much bacteria is around the tap and possibly in the water. Switched to using a lighter to warm the oil in my syringe and glad i did. Fire kills bacteria so less risk of contamination imho. Funny how we all have our own kinky ritual for pinning lol :)
With the cap on the pin... run under hot water from sink for about 30 - 45 sec... warm oil... (Not saying to run water on the pin or cap even, just the oil in the syringe btw...) quick and easy in my opinion....
That's what i do. Works like a champ.

Any experience with PPL anavar would be greatly appreciated!

Just finished using it. My first time with it so can't compare but I think it helped. I didn't notice anything to much when it came to strength but decent pumps and vascularity. Was taking 80mg PWO.
can you please elaborate on these two points? How do you use a lighter to warm your oil once in the syringe? Fire kills bacteria? Where exactly is the bacteria that you're killing?

I run the flame under the syringe back and forth till the oil is warm and i was just saying fire tends to kill bacteria so it's an added plus is all. I rub the whole thing down quick before i inject and before that i wash my hands good as well.
Come on big guy u see how excited i am about the candle warmer. Zero effort. Put it on the warmer and walk away
I like the concept but when pinning pretty much every day I just want to get it over with. I keep a little box with all my shit in it in the bathroom. Right before I get in the shower I pull it out and prepare my shot. Turn the hot water on in the sink. 30 seconds under hot water then pin. Clean up and shower. Done. Like I said it's a nice concept but I just want to pin and be done.
I run the flame under the syringe back and forth till the oil is warm and i was just saying fire tends to kill bacteria so it's an added plus is all. I rub the whole thing down quick before i inject and before that i wash my hands good as well.
This is a horrible idea. If that flame gets close enough to "kill bacteria" it's close enough to melt the plastic and risk microscopic particles ending up in your oil you're about to inject. Heat the VIAL and NOT the SYRINGE!
This is a horrible idea. If that flame gets close enough to "kill bacteria" it's close enough to melt the plastic and risk microscopic particles ending up in your oil you're about to inject. Heat the VIAL and NOT the SYRINGE!

Well been doing it that way for 10 years now and zero problems. Man some of you guys overreact to the silliest of things lol. You should be more worried about microwaving your food in plastic containers.