PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I haven't checked the order number yet but don't have a reason to believe he didn't right now .
Now I don't know if I will ever place an order with you guys as there's still some things I'd like to see ironed out and improved.

I will say though that your response here goes a long way with me. You didn't outright deny it and start throwing accusations towards the customers like I've seen Pharmacom and a few other labs do when they have a complaint logged against them. PPL may have issues at the moment but a solid "rep" isn't one of them.
Don't take it personal. I didn't say you were doing a bad job at anything. You seem to be doing good a damaged control. Seems from the outside looking in that your the last to know anything about what's going on. Seems like there's zero communication on your side with you and your boss. You absolutely have no idea about when any oils or coming back or when certain things will be pressed or whatever.

I own a company and speak with my employees on a daily basis and every single one of them knows what's coming up as far as work loads and days off including my vacation coming up. They all know weather or not I'm hiring or getting ready to hire come January. They all know if I'm having any complaints from my customers about them or loads or freight not strapped correctly.

Now I understand this is an illegal business but if you want to call yourself a "company" and take on this role of Walmart of AAS that's a big player then my opinion you should act like one a little better. I mean do you talk to panda and have conversations about how his operation is going? Is his brewing behind or are supplies low? Talk about how everyone is asking about whatever and when it will be in stock? Instead of just giving open ended answers like "should be in stock soon or I'll ask." If I were you I'd demand more info or eod conversations about what's good and not good. Or maybe I'm expecting to much like everyone else here who has been here patiently waiting for over 600 pages waiting on the same shit. Something to open or something to be in stock.
You know or most know me by now
I have no problem keeping it real there does need to be some improvements between me and domestic and international as far a communication I have been talking with panda about because it makes it hard for me to do my job sometimes .
Now I don't know if I will ever place an order with you guys as there's still some things I'd like to see ironed out and improved.

I will say though that your response here goes a long way with me. You didn't outright deny it and start throwing accusations towards the customers like I've seen Pharmacom and a few other labs do when they have a complaint logged against them. PPL may have issues at the moment but a solid "rep" isn't one of them.
I'm not going to say I don't lie but I try not to I like to lay my head down and know I've been a solid man.
And a man is only as good as his word.
I'm going to get flamed but if nobody tells you you will never know. when your referring to more than one person its still called "people" not peoples or people's. having an apostrophe before the s ('s) signifies possession like mike's car or the people's choice.
let the flaming begin. lol

I'm going to get flamed, but if nobody tells you, you will never know. When you're using a contraction for "you are," it's "you're," not "your." "Your" is possessive, as in "it was your mistake to correct someone's spelling without also checking your own."
In that case..in my opinion you got off wayyyy to lightly for being a member who sold out to REP status. If this was the old Meso you would have been eaten alive! BUT I will say you seem to be doing a fine job so far. For a sellout haha :p;)

How is he a sellout? Correct me if I'm wrong, but before he started doing a pretty decent job for Panda(Best he can do with what he has)he went by another handle here and he was a pretty ok dude? This is what I've heard from others and If that's the case I'm confused why you would say such things?

Or was your post just being silly and joking around? Hard to tell with you lol.
How is he a sellout? Correct me if I'm wrong, but before he started doing a pretty decent job for Panda(Best he can do with what he has)he went by another handle here and he was a pretty ok dude? This is what I've heard from others and If that's the case I'm confused why you would say such things?

Or was your post just being silly and joking around? Hard to tell with you lol.
Dude you joined 10 days ago and have no clue how things use to work on Meso. Yes I was busting his balls and yes he's doing a good job right now. End of story...
In that case..in my opinion you got off wayyyy to lightly for being a member who sold out to REP status. If this was the old Meso you would have been eaten alive! BUT I will say you seem to be doing a fine job so far. For a sellout haha :p;)
Yeah that's right that's why I made sure to be straight up when asked about it.
I give up alot of things that I enjoyed as a member when I took this job.
Yeah that's right that's why I made sure to be straight up when asked about it.
I give up alot of things that I enjoyed as a member when I took this job.
If you wanna get technical, "you were staright up" "after" you were asked dude. None the less you didn't lie! Reps should come clean right away in future. Without having to be asked by members imo. Keep up the good work..
Yesterday I pinned some PPL test e 250 and their EQ 500 from international that I got about two months ago. So far I got a knot like a golf ball in my glute and it def has some pip like a charlie horse, nothing extraordinary. But to be fair, all the gear I have used has given me some pip and a knot / lump for couple days then dissipates. I think its the norm.
I should have blood work to share in about a month, just had pre bloods taken Monday.

Great that's when i got all my stuff. The npp is pretty fuukin painful. Havent tried the test-e yet but i bought 4 vials of it :\.