I don't think you know what a shill is, dude.
@XmadXscientist just replied to you stating that he looked through 300 of RP's posts and only found a few positive reviews and your reply to that was "exactly" ?? He wasn't agreeing with you.
That's the kind of shit that annoys the fuck out of me. Calling someone a shill when you don't even know what the fuck a shill is. I'll give you a clue: leaving a review on a board INTENDED FOR REVIEWS does not constitute being a shill.
I think the real reason you're not a fan of him is he's inconvenient for you. I've read this thread and thebrewkit's thread and I've seen you in both... You don't like him being in there giving anyone a hard time, do you?
Also, who gives a fuck if he had a year hiatus? I was happy to see him posting again recently. He was a HUGE supporter of AnabolicLab.com. He was consistently the first person to donate to the program every round and he encouraged others to donate to the program too.