PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I don't know why people are complaining about pip from PPL. I received an international order of Test E from PPL a couple days ago. Sterilized the needle and Injected it in my quad with no issues.
Panda is going to discuss it with our domestic suppliers and see if they are ok with it I will announce the verdict .

Please elaborate if you can.

You guys have Aussy domestic and their customs is way tighter than ours is so crossing my fingers you guys offer us at least the basics. There's a shit ton of guys in Canada who would be regular customers.
Am i wrong?

Nah, I was being sarcastic. Your post made sense and it was an obvious answer.

I got tren-e on the way too. I hope that dont have pip also or ima have to shop somewhere else.

Dude, is there anything you don't have from these guys? You should be getting some priority customer discounts or something at this point.

No you are not needed here. Act like an adult dude.

I don't know why people are complaining about pip from PPL. I received an international order of Test E from PPL a couple days ago. Sterilized the needle and Injected it in my quad with no issues.
Very concerned by you saying you "sterilized the needle"... The new needle you put on the syringe for the purpose of injection is sterile out of the package
Very concerned by you saying you "sterilized the needle"... The new needle you put on the syringe for the purpose of injection is sterile out of the package

I know some people have a habit of wiping the needle with the alcohol swab for some reason.

Sterile > Sanitized but some people don't get that.

Also, we did have people earlier in this thread talking about torching their needles for some reason..
Very concerned by you saying you "sterilized the needle"... The new needle you put on the syringe for the purpose of injection is sterile out of the package
nice catch

This is 2017
sterilizing needles is so 1800s

Sterilization of Hypodermic Syringes
Birmingham, May 4 1938
SIR,-In the Journal of April 30 (p. 955) there is an
annotation referring to the sterilization of hypodermic
syringes. I would like to describe a method I have used for
over thirty years, never seeing any sign of sepsis after an
I was taught by Sir Almroth Wright to sterilize the
syringe with boiling olive oil in the following way
. Have in
a small crucible half an ounce of olive oil and a tiny
crumb of bread. Put a spirit lamp underneath and boil
till the crumb turns brown. Then fill the syringe full, avoiding the crumb. Do this no more than twice, or the
solder holding the nozzle to the glass barrel will melt.
Sir Almroth Wright told me that the heat of boiling oil will
kill all spores as well as germs.
The next point is the use of a platinum needle, which
may cost 7s. 6d. but with care lasts for a year. When
about to give an injection all that is required is to draw
the needle through the spirit lamp flame. The needle
becomes red hot, and is then ready to suck up the vaccine
or other solution. I have always used a Record syringe
in a metal case that takes the syringe with the needle
left on. When going out on a visiting round I measured
my dose in the syringe, boiled a drachm of water in the
metal case, poured it out, and replaced the syringe in the
case. It was then ready for use. If by chance I touched
the needle on anything it was quite easy to put the
platinum needle through a flame. There is no need, in
my experience, to use the boiling oil in the syringe more
often than once a week if the needle is kept on the nozzle.

There must be hundreds of men who were trained by Sir
Almroth Wright in his method of syringe sterilization.
Why they persist in using the messy, elaborate boiling
water method with steel needles passes my comprehension.
Heres my take on best carrier oil. Bare with me as I'm gonna get a bit heavy, lol. Best carrier oil for a source is hands down gso. See, all these oil will have a percentage of peoples that will not tolerate it very well. Case in point, the disaster that happened with ppl and potg and myg840. Your goal as a source is to have the most happy percentage of customers as you can. Gso has the fewest peoples as a peercentage with a negative tolerance. As a person that brews for his personal use you would have to find what best suits you. I, as well as a number of people's, love ethyl oleate. Thin as heck and if you tolerate it well it helps with higher concentrate recipes and is extremely smooth. Easily pin with a 29g needle. Roughly 3 to 4 percent have a bad reaction. Mct oil I've found has a higher rate of peoples that do not tolerate it well. Higher than eo. If you tolerate mct oil well than that would be number 2, just behind eo. Coconut oil is a solid at room temperature so as a source one would not use that, or atleast shouldn't. The rest of the oils are pretty similar in viscosity and the smoothest and least problematic would be gso. I've personally brewed with eo, safflower, gso, mct, cottonseed, and one more I'm forgetting. So, in the end, the best oil for brewing is gso for a source and personal preference for personal use because you are not gonna be guaranteed to tolerate any particular oil as well as the next guy. That's my take on it.

My next med lab order:

"I'd like the sampler pack please... 10mls of every oil u got."

Your 100% right... it's best to just avoid all the issues for sources because even if it's a carrier oil problem with certain people you are going to get "dirty gear" accusations regardless...

Possibly from a source perspective go with a peristaltic pump and capsule filter for filtration to increase speed....
Dude, is there anything you don't have from these guys? You should be getting some priority customer discounts or something at this point.


Lol i spent over 5 bills to stock up for future blasts and cruises. Might as well take advantage of the $50 shipping for unlimited intl items. I also had bad experiences with other sources in the past so i put my trust in these guys considering they have this long ass thread and are other forums as well. Ive been dealing with painful gear for a while now and i just want to get through a blast without being in pain in every limb, everyday of the week from pip.