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You guys should just start a seperate thread titled "Why to never do tren, ever"

I was thinking abt possibly using tren for the first time next summer. But the phrase "permanent heart burn" completely disintegrated those thoughts. Thank you. I think
You guys should just start a seperate thread titled "Why to never do tren, ever"

I was thinking abt possibly using tren in the future. But the phrase "permanent heart burn" completely disintegrated those thoughts. Thank you. I think
It's true. There's all kinds of reasons not to do Tren.
It's true. There's all kinds of reasons not to do Tren.

Not to sideline your convo.

But every time someone opens their mouth about their tren experiences I see it less and less a likelihood in my future.

On 500mg of test, I was literally getting rock hard seeing the floppy grannies in yoga pants @ one of my gyms.

I can't even begin to imagine what would happen to my libido on tren. I would probably end up incarcerated with a wide variety of std's.

Not to sideline your convo.

But every time someone opens their mouth about their tren experiences I see it less and less a likelihood in my future.

On 500mg of test, I was literally getting rock hard seeing the floppy grannies in yoga pants @ one of my gyms.

I can't even begin to imagine what would happen to my libido on tren. I would probably end up incarcerated with a wide variety of std's.

STDs are only in the mind.

Not to sideline your convo.

But every time someone opens their mouth about their tren experiences I see it less and less a likelihood in my future.

On 500mg of test, I was literally getting rock hard seeing the floppy grannies in yoga pants @ one of my gyms.

I can't even begin to imagine what would happen to my libido on tren. I would probably end up incarcerated with a wide variety of std's.
Bro fucking juice them old berries they need love too. Lmao

*May have vomited typing that*
Shit, I've probably had that for years...
This shit is fucked

Symptoms of herpes meningoencephalitis(a.k.a herpes of the brain) can include headache, fever, changes in consciousness, confusion, neck stiffness, sensitivity to light, seizures, and changes in mood, personality, or behavior.

Treatment is with antiviral medicine.

Wonder if @DashPCT can get his hands on antivirals for herps.

Anyways, no tren for me. Tranny pussy and brain herpes sound like a nightmare. Unless it's one of those thai trannies where you can't even tell the difference. Because at that point you're just banging a chick. Aren’t you.
You guys should just start a seperate thread titled "Why to never do tren, ever"

I was thinking abt possibly using tren for the first time next summer. But the phrase "permanent heart burn" completely disintegrated those thoughts. Thank you. I think
same. tren seems awesome but fuck, it's rat poison in a vial.
same. tren seems awesome but fuck, it's rat poison in a vial.
in my opinion the dosage is the poison.
few years ago ive switched from the typical cycles that you read in the web (several hundreds per compound etc.) to microdosing (or at least something similar)
i know many people will laugh etc, but you will feel a difference even with adding something like 7,5-10mg tren AC ED to your trt or something like 5-7mg Trest E ED etc.
there are some compounds that need some base amount imo (test, primo) but for stuff like tren/trest, low dosages DO work incredible well