Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

in my opinion the dosage is the poison.
few years ago ive switched from the typical cycles that you read in the web (several hundreds per compound etc.) to microdosing (or at least something similar)
i know many people will laugh etc, but you will feel a difference even with adding something like 7,5-10mg tren AC ED to your trt or something like 5-7mg Trest E ED etc.
there are some compounds that need some base amount imo (test, primo) but for stuff like tren/trest, low dosages DO work incredible well
I had extra tren in my beaker so i through it in my vial of test. Tren E, came out to 15 mg a day i would pin. And it does indeed do something on top of the others i run. And i can tell because tren brings me paranoia, and when i stop it goes away. I was confused because i was getting the symptoms and i forgot i had tren in that vial. So stopped and it went away.

That said i look bigger, but just bigger and paraniod. Lol even at that small dose. And like you a ran 700 mg tren a for 7 weeks. So i agree
I had extra tren in my beaker so i through it in my vial of test. Tren E, came out to 15 mg a day i would pin. And it does indeed do something on top of the others i run. And i can tell because tren brings me paranoia, and when i stop it goes away. I was confused because i was getting the symptoms and i forgot i had tren in that vial. So stopped and it went away.

That said i look bigger, but just bigger and paraniod. Lol even at that small dose. And like you a ran 700 mg tren a for 7 weeks. So i agree
I tried 700 tren a for 3 weeks and almost lost my mind. I had a hair trigger temper and maybe slept 3-4hrs a night. I remember dropping my fork once during those 3 weeks and I huffed deep in frustration and my girlfriend looked visually scared of me. That’s when i knew it was too much tren lol.

Highest I can run it is 420wk and I’m calm on that dosage. Still get road rage on 420 a week though lol
I tried 700 tren a for 3 weeks and almost lost my mind. I had a hair trigger temper and maybe slept 3-4hrs a night. I remember dropping my fork once during those 3 weeks and I huffed deep in frustration and my girlfriend looked visually scared of me. That’s when i knew it was too much tren lol.

Highest I can run it is 420wk and I’m calm on that dosage. Still get road rage on 420 a week though lol
Agreed, i and panic attacks from hell
Normies :rolleyes:

Really though the lower the dose and/or the less frequently pinned, threw me for a loop. Pulled over bawling my eyes out and raging type of loop. But 100 Ed? Titties.
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in my opinion the dosage is the poison.
few years ago ive switched from the typical cycles that you read in the web (several hundreds per compound etc.) to microdosing (or at least something similar)
i know many people will laugh etc, but you will feel a difference even with adding something like 7,5-10mg tren AC ED to your trt or something like 5-7mg Trest E ED etc.
there are some compounds that need some base amount imo (test, primo) but for stuff like tren/trest, low dosages DO work incredible well
I wonder what the minimum dose is to get the nutrient partitioning effects & if it's linear with dose...
What did you notice as far as that?