Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

How big is too big for a package. I’ve ordered stuff from QSC before and it’s been Allgood. But this order is like 5x the size of my other ones. Also fucked up when I paid and used real name and address. Can feel the anxiety kicking in around being done for ‘importing’. Possession is allg, but importing even for your own use you can be done for more time/money than supplying or manufacturing….

What’s the biggest order you guys have successfully received
How big is too big for a package. I’ve ordered stuff from QSC before and it’s been Allgood. But this order is like 5x the size of my other ones. Also fucked up when I paid and used real name and address. Can feel the anxiety kicking in around being done for ‘importing’. Possession is allg, but importing even for your own use you can be done for more time/money than supplying or manufacturing….

What’s the biggest order you guys have successfully received
What country?
If USA big start from 50kg ^^
Bro there is no helping people like that. They think they have all the answers.
No it’s other ppl are morons. As stated, I can dilute serostim with .5 ml and it is clear, which is 18iu per vial, and previously black tops from tp with .5 ml and it is clear, and the previous batch I receive from sigma with .5ml and it is totally clear. The new ones I receive are slightly cloudy at .5 ml. Arguing the amount of dilutent is logically incoherent. Was that too confusing for you or you got it?
No it’s other ppl are morons. As stated, I can dilute serostim with .5 ml and it is clear, which is 18iu per vial, and previously black tops from tp with .5 ml and it is clear, and the previous batch I receive from sigma with .5ml and it is totally clear. The new ones I receive are slightly cloudy at .5 ml. Arguing the amount of dilutent is logically incoherent. Was that too confusing for you or you got it?
Idk I think koolaid brand koolaid mixes the best
technically if use 1ml of water it should be clear, cloudy is not a good sign even though may be 93+% somatropin, means there is something non soluble in there...left over aminos? who knows. you can try and warm up and role gently in ur hands for minute or so may dissolve the rest once warms up slightly. since u can avoid shaking, and they advise u dont shake, best to use rolling ten vs vigorous shake, even if only damages 0.1% could be more, just un needed 'risk' and since hgh is soluble u dont really want the un dissolved portions anyway... but imagine if just warm slightly with ur hands/time it will turn clear if decent purity. when take hgh vile out of freezer or very cold fridge and bac water out of fridge it obv lowers the solubility. looks like it just needs more time, some peptides are like that take a bit longer to dissolve when cold .

one big question is, how's ur bac water looking? is it Pfizer or ugl bac water? may just be ur bac water is cloudy too?

edit: also yes leaving it out can make it unsafe due to bacterial growth once reconstituted, but yes some tests have been shown very little degradation once reconstituted (although I believe they refrigerated it in the testing?) not like 10 hrs out of fridge with good bac water is going to give u gangrene but one of those SOP to keep things as safe as possible, like sanitizing skin prior to injection, won't die if u dont, but just best practice.
You're a jackass dude I swear to god
For the people that have used the US domestic reship service. Has using UPS or fedex been safe to use? I'm used to using usps all the time. I've heard bad things about using the other two carriers.
No it’s other ppl are morons. As stated, I can dilute serostim with .5 ml and it is clear, which is 18iu per vial, and previously black tops from tp with .5 ml and it is clear, and the previous batch I receive from sigma with .5ml and it is totally clear. The new ones I receive are slightly cloudy at .5 ml. Arguing the amount of dilutent is logically incoherent. Was that too confusing for you or you got it?
I highly doubt you ever bought serostim considering you're buying generic and are confused about the quality. How do you even stop buying serostim if you've used it as you claim?
For the people that have used the US domestic reship service. Has using UPS or fedex been safe to use? I'm used to using usps all the time. I've heard bad things about using the other two carriers.
It's not the customer who choose, usually USPS is for small parcels, for higher volume ones, we arrange systematically Fedex or UPS, unless receiver have a PO box, only USPS can deliver to PO Boxs
No it’s other ppl are morons. As stated, I can dilute serostim with .5 ml and it is clear, which is 18iu per vial, and previously black tops from tp with .5 ml and it is clear, and the previous batch I receive from sigma with .5ml and it is totally clear. The new ones I receive are slightly cloudy at .5 ml. Arguing the amount of dilutent is logically incoherent. Was that too confusing for you or you got it?

No I'm a retard you got it man good luck asshole.
It's not the customer who choose, usually USPS is for small parcels, for higher volume ones, we arrange systematically Fedex or UPS, unless receiver have a PO box, only USPS can deliver to PO Boxs
if you do have a post office box. Check with the office. Many post office stations now provide a physical address so they can receive deliveries from FedEx and UPS. You use their physical address along with the PO Box number and just relomove "PO"

but just don't assume verify with the postmaster.

Im not confused I stated that the hgh is slightly cloudy when reconstituted. There is no confusion. I want Qingdao to respond.

Your right I don’t buy serostim I get it directly from someone who has a prescription for it. I do not pay for it. They receive 12 kits ever 3 months. I am slotted one a month. I am using generics to supplement the serostim.