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Ive heard both things about fasting and natural HGH, perhaps was misinterpreted because of night time pulse during natural fasting period of sleep? def confusing as never had someone explain why BOTH things have been found.. my guess would be the night time natural pulse being the culprit as we ll know SOO many of the "gurus", take some leaps with assumptions ESP about fasting..

longevity folks like Sinclair use fasting to LOWER IGF, as IGF is a negative as far as longevity/healthy aging goes. They would be anti fasting if increased HGH and IGF-1 if I am not mistaken.

The other answer may be because fasting lowers BMI (and thats what lowers inflammatory markers, not ur guts resting, as correlate to normal levels of people of that BMI).And having a lower BMI = less IGF, ie obese folks have higher natural IGF do they not? and we can assume obese people fast less? of course alot of chicken and egg with all these feedback loop mechanisms.

@jackmeoff1 have any of those off base tests for hgh? haven't seen a test below 92% I don't think.
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Fwiw, my IGF has never been above the reference range on QSC’s 10iu vials. I was pinning an entire vial on training days, would get some carpal tunnel that’d wake me up at night but bloodwork was spotless. A1C never rose above 5.0 and fasting BG topped at high 90’s while eating 5k cals and ~900g carbs.

Was using a lil slin here and there tho
He isn't trolling. It doesn't matter. He is a child.

A child on a bunch of Anabolics at that with a messed up brain.

In reality, if a bigger guy came after me. I assure you fist is the last thing I would do.

There is a reason he was banned in his own countries meso(meso French)
tren never brought down igf1.! Never ! how explain crazy muscle growth with tren if very low igf1? you talk a lot but you don't give the scientific evidence, we are here to learn and to transmit knowledge and ideas with intelligence, there are 2 reasons for very low igf1 with 15ui hgh and trenbolone,.. or hgh is bad, or trenbolone is interfering with the blood test reading..we don't have to fight a member, we have to guide him with good information, first stop hgh and see what happens, then send hgh sample to jano with or without qds agreement .. this behavior will make the forum a little better and ourselves. thank you
tren never brought down igf1.! Never ! how explain crazy muscle growth with tren if very low igf1? you talk a lot but you don't give the scientific evidence, we are here to learn and to transmit knowledge and ideas with intelligence, there are 2 reasons for very low igf1 with 15ui hgh and trenbolone,.. or hgh is bad, or trenbolone is interfering with the blood test reading..we don't have to fight a member, we have to guide him with good information, first stop hgh and see what happens, then send hgh sample to jano with or without qds agreement .. this behavior will make the forum a little better and ourselves. thank you
did you mean to quote someone else? I didnt say anything about tren/igf. I dont have as much knowledge on tren overall

go ahead and read his thread

He isnt guideable
Ive heard both things about fasting and natural HGH, perhaps was misinterpreted because of night time pulse during natural fasting period of sleep? def confusing as never had someone explain why BOTH things have been found.. my guess would be the night time natural pulse being the culprit as we ll know SOO many of the "gurus", take some leaps with assumptions ESP about fasting..

longevity folks like Sinclair use fasting to LOWER IGF, as IGF is a negative as far as longevity/healthy aging goes. They would be anti fasting if increased HGH and IGF-1 if I am not mistaken.

The other answer may be because fasting lowers BMI (and thats what lowers inflammatory markers, not ur guts resting, as correlate to normal levels of people of that BMI).And having a lower BMI = less IGF, ie obese folks have higher natural IGF do they not? and we can assume obese people fast less? of course alot of chicken and egg with all these feedback loop mechanisms.

@jackmeoff1 have any of those off base tests for hgh? haven't seen a test below 92% I don't think.
Actually there is a link between LOW igf1, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Not sure what you’re asking? I’ve tested bloods while on tren and deca and that was long before hgh use (generic hgh used to be non existent years ago) . Both of those compounds have ALWAYS raised my IGF levels above baseline. I started using hgh years later and hgh definitely raises them more, even at the low dose I take (not qsc). The animal studies on tren show the same thing. I honestly have never heard of tren lowering igf 1 until on this forum a few months ago when people were trying to diagnose low igf 1 numbers while I hgh. Hgh does NOT convert well to igf in all users by the way but I believe this tren being responsible is just, well, a bro theory at best.
Always unlabeled with qsc.... only way they clear customs sometimes mine was opened and I still got it
lol you buy that? its actually far more sketchy having unlabeled as clearly hiding something.. USA border patrol open package see large bag of powder and viles, "Welp doesn't say what it is better let it pass" lol. its actually worse to have to get in writing after u receive it is for plausible deniability. But I guess allows them to prevent people from saying never got the package.
Ive heard both things about fasting and natural HGH, perhaps was misinterpreted because of night time pulse during natural fasting period of sleep? def confusing as never had someone explain why BOTH things have been found.. my guess would be the night time natural pulse being the culprit as we ll know SOO many of the "gurus", take some leaps with assumptions ESP about fasting..

longevity folks like Sinclair use fasting to LOWER IGF, as IGF is a negative as far as longevity/healthy aging goes. They would be anti fasting if increased HGH and IGF-1 if I am not mistaken.

The other answer may be because fasting lowers BMI (and thats what lowers inflammatory markers, not ur guts resting, as correlate to normal levels of people of that BMI).And having a lower BMI = less IGF, ie obese folks have higher natural IGF do they not? and we can assume obese people fast less? of course alot of chicken and egg with all these feedback loop mechanisms.

@jackmeoff1 have any of those off base tests for hgh? haven't seen a test below 92% I don't think.
Hgh withouth glucose cant turn to igf1 the same way as with meals.
So once you burn trough glucose in your body your igf will go down !
Your body will make hgh to raise igf but while you fast there will be no glucose to do so .
Hgh has its own benefits outside igf1.
Igf1 is bad for longevity,Hgh is good.
hmm I thought whole idea of fasted hgh use was to raise igf higher? lower insulin is actually what causes igf to be able to get higher no? vs sugar itself?

so your saying you should have high blood glucose when use hgh in order to get highest igf? if goal is to get high IGF... hmm. or idea of fasted hgh is actually to prevent "diabetes" which would come from the higher IGF..
lol you buy that? its actually far more sketchy having unlabeled as clearly hiding something.. USA border patrol open package see large bag of powder and viles, "Welp doesn't say what it is better let it pass" lol. its actually worse to have to get in writing after u receive it is for plausible deniability. But I guess allows them to prevent people from saying never got the package.
They test it, but they don’t do a Janos style HPLC. In most cases they dip a multi drug test panel stick in it and if it doesn’t come back as coke or fentanyl or something they shrug and say, “Ok.”
hmm I thought whole idea of fasted hgh use was to raise igf higher? lower insulin is actually what causes igf to be able to get higher no? vs sugar itself?

so your saying you should have high blood glucose when use hgh in order to get highest igf? if goal is to get high IGF... hmm. or idea of fasted hgh is actually to prevent "diabetes" which would come from the higher IGF..
Yes high glucose high igf1.
You take hgh fasted to prevent side effects.
Also not eating after a hgh shot is not totaly without glucose as it is stored in the liver.
You have to fast for days to burn all the glucose in the body.
Or so i understand it
They test it, but they don’t do a Janos style HPLC. In most cases they dip a multi drug test panel stick in it and if it doesn’t come back as coke or fentanyl or something they shrug and say, “Ok.”
lol nope, FTIR is used to determine in this day and age, they have the rapid/street tests for AAS or MJ, meth etc etc as can usually tell by looking at it what to test for and for visual confirmation for evidence pics, but no its not a 6 panel dip stick and pass it through. def far off on this my friend, 100% dont let random powders in without knowing what they are lol. if open and let pass its more likely just gathering intel. PROMISE they dont open random viles and powder have no idea what it is and let it pass. those FTIR are pretty amazing and really have bazillion analogues of every abusable drug in the database. anyway, no need to argue, but no, unlabelled is NOT OPSEC lol.
lol you buy that? its actually far more sketchy having unlabeled as clearly hiding something.. USA border patrol open package see large bag of powder and viles, "Welp doesn't say what it is better let it pass" lol. its actually worse to have to get in writing after u receive it is for plausible deniability. But I guess allows them to prevent people from saying never got the package.
Think about this from a custom officers point of view. Which will you let through if you're tired already after a long day's work; vials clearly marked with its contents or some unknown oily liquid with number 1,2,3,4 on it.

They know what it is but the hassle to identify it especially in low amounts is not worth it for them. However, in Canada they don't care, they confiscate everything lol.
Think about this from a custom officers point of view. Which will you let through if you're tired already after a long day's work; vials clearly marked with its contents or some unknown oily liquid with number 1,2,3,4 on it.

They know what it is but the hassle to identify it especially in low amounts is not worth it for them. However, in Canada they don't care, they confiscate everything lol.
Really? I thought Canada was easier