Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Was that for raws or finished products mate - especially bizarre if it was finisheds and they left vials but seized those two items? Good to know though, cheers bro
Yeah absolutely absurd.

The Phenibut and Anadrol were powders. All the foil bags had been cut open when my package arrived. Just strange they left the tadalafil powder… and left the vials in there ahahah wtf

Have made a 3rd order so a bit nervous for it
It's gonna take some time, sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Some HGH, test e and test c parcels are delayed.
yes, but i've send the payment yesterday and neither a confirm to the received payment , that'all. I know that you are busy with mails, but for my first order worries me a little.
yes, but i've send the payment yesterday and neither a confirm to the received payment , that'all. I know that you are busy with mails, but for my first order worries me a little.
If you paid using alibaba, you get a confirmation email systematically from alibaba. You don't need my confirmation.
If you paid using crypto, check the transaction ID, if it's confirmed then it's received.
Bank transfers take 2-3 business days to be confirmed.
If you paid using alibaba, you get a confirmation email systematically from alibaba. You don't need my confirmation.
If you paid using crypto, check the transaction ID, if it's confirmed then it's received.
Bank transfers take 2-3 business days to be confirmed.
Instant bank transfer immediately sent you the money, not in a days. Can you check that for me for reassure me? i sent a p.m. on meso with my email so you can check if is all ok
Instant bank transfer immediately sent you the money, not in a days. Can you check that for me for reassure me? i sent a p.m. on meso with my email so you can check if is all ok
Man it's the first time you are doing this?
Have a bit of patience. You send the money 24h ago. He will not run with your money and move to Virgin Island
Usually I receive the tracking number in 2 or 3 days
I use 18 gauge to withdrawal because I'm impatient. Usually 10x withdrawals per vial. No problems yet.

@GualEmilRenzo @combover @Akimopio
Why not just fill a one of those 10ml gauges with a majority of the compound and then back fill a slin needle. Isn't that what everyone does mostly these days?

Less scar tissue issues etc

(Of course, slin for lower body fat individuals and for areas with less far in general for an IM injecting and not subq)
Is that one of those Hitachi magic massagers the girls always talk about?
Update: I forgot about my TimTam deep tissue massager. Helps a ton. Last two quad injections zero PIP (1 mL primo E + 1 mL test C + 1 mL mast E). I use the TimTam frequently: immediately after for 10 seconds, later in the day, before bed, next day,,, worth it.