Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Mine finally made it to my state after 5 weeks. Now the regional facility and the local PO must be fighting over who is going to deliver because it keeps bouncing back and forth.
Fucking unions man. They timed it that way on purpose. Not saying they don't deserve a raise, but seriously, fuck over half the countries packages because you want something....
Thanks all for flooding my pm with the alternative source, don't need more :D .

I checked them out, but I will stick with QSC for the time being since it covers all my needs, peptides and raws, the price difference doesn't compel me to change things up since tracys track record is good enough for me.
The lack of forum presence and feedback is what deters most in trying the competition out. No matter what anyone’s point of view is on Jano tests, it is still better than nothing.
Sat at Cincinnati for 5 weeks? If not, how long was yours stuck there?
No, I ordered early November. Made it to the US in late November. Been sitting in Jamaica New York for weeks waiting for customs clearance. Now in the regional Warehouse in the state I'm in. Supposed to be delivered today but I guess they sent it back to the regional Warehouse. Always knew I wasn't a patient man but this was testing me....lol
So I ordered the 2 mg vials a month ago and you told me it wouldn’t be cloudy. I would not have ordered from you otherwise.
Are you telling me if these 2 mg tesa vials come in cloudy you aren’t going to make it right? Even if you promised me it wouldn’t be cloudy?

I understand being upset if promises aren't met, but there's no evidence that cloudiness indicates contamination or reduced potency.

If you sent a sample of cloudy and non-cloudy to Jano for testing, I'm sure QSC will help as the issue of cloudy peptides has come up a lot recently and may scare off potential customers.
Thymosin Alpha-1 Ordered 10/27/23 is bunk

If you ordered TA-1 5mg in this time frame and it has a white cap, you may want to have it tested. My vial was tested by Janoshik and it came back "none detected". Furthermore, Jano could not identify what was in there, but it was not any of the regular peptides that he sees (list below of what it is not).
Jano said "seems like some sort of 25000 Da protein but no idea what".

QSC has a test of TA-1 5mg from 11/20 that shows 3.93mg and 99.719 purity, but this is not what I got. Jessica (manager there?) said that there was only one batch of TA-1 white caps. So there must have been some kind of mix up with something else.
TA1 white batch is eligible for full credit.
If this was known, how come this is the first we hear about it. Or did I miss it somehow? If this wasn't brought up in the thread, I would have just kept injecting something (??) and never known it wasn't actually TA1.
Yes, I understand I'll get a credit for it (now that I know), but I would expect to be notified by email, and not find out a month later in this huge, kind of ridiculous thread.
My first order was shipped the same day. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but this a month seems a bit much unless something is literally sold out.
Old fashioned international order (email and reship) timeline: paid Nov 3, tracking Nov 11, received today. Almost 6 weeks start to finish. No complaints. Was expecting January bc of the time of year.
Yeah, between about 2004-2007ish or 2008ish, here on Meso if I am not mistaken, the Mods (yes Meso had Mods back then) would give you a stern warning for mentioning anything openly about raw sources. If you openly mentioned a raw source a second time, after the warning, it was a permanent ban. We really protected our raw sources back then.
There was a day when posting raws gets you perma banned immediately, now they will look at this photo and laugh at the baby amount you ordered. Some guys here have stashes by the kilos lol, it’s great how LE doesn’t crack down on roids as hard nowadays.

I sound like a paranoid dad ha ha.
(yes this board had mods back then)