Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You can also avoid this by drawing with smaller gauge needles like a 25g... and by inserting the needle at a slight angle with the bevel side up and then moving it to 90 degrees as you insert through the stopper.

I think readalot was the one that posted the study on needle gauges, insertion technique, and floaters.

edit: found the study Vial coring and fragmentation incidence after angled penetration of rubber stoppers with single-use hypodermic needles

"Regarding the influence of bevel position on fragmentation, bevel up performed most reliably. Regardless of needle size, bevel position, and penetration method, it did not produce cores. The only particles generated were fragments at a low incidence of 6% in conjunction with the 20G needles using penetration method. These results agree with literature sources which cite the bevel up position as the preferential orientation when penetrating stoppers"

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does this study account for the cheap quality of the qsc stoppers?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I personally Love using your oils , and didn't have any issues for the most part. I did notice however that whenever I open up a new vial I tend to start seeing floaters -- which were not there to begin with which is 100 % due to the lower quality rubber stoppers coring .. Seeing a lot of people have been commenting about this - what would be our chances of you possibly moving to a higher quality silicone stopper instead ? I personally understand these come at a higher cost and Part of QSC's niche is the good oil at a great price , however I personally - and I think majority here would be okay with a small increase in price for a superior quality stopper..
Jesus. Get off the teet! How much effort do you put in defending a company you don't work for LMAO. My point was that this is not an official insurer. If they ghost you like I have heard they've done to others then you have no recourse like you would with a legit insurance company or a credit card payment. Duh
You don't know shit about shit bro! Just having a cry and moan about nothing and you tried to call shit out and made a fool of yourself. Your making shit up and basing what you think you know on 3rd hand hearsay. QSC have backed every loss I have had as long as I paid the insurance AND there was evidence of the pack getting stopped by customs (A customs letter is NOT evidence as it can be faked). Every pack has tracking on it and it either gets delivered to the destination address.... Or it doesn't!

If it doesn't, QSC wait to see if its not a shipping issue (Just hung up somewhere) or its stopped (by customs). This can run anywhere between 30 - 90 days. If the customer sent them the wrong address when ordering, that's on the customer. Likewise, if the customer can't pick up the pack for some reason, that's on the customer.

Simple fact is, you are begging for a fucking handout when you asked to only pay insurance AFTER the insurable event happens.... :p:p:p

DONT pay the fucking insurance then if its a issue for you! Rest of us who HAVE had packs stopped and then QSC have reshipped because we paid for insurance, will just happily keep paying the insurance premium in case we need it again.

Never even used to be an option 20yrs ago to have insurance. We literally sent the source our money, they didn't give a fuck about custom clearance rates as they already got paid, then we prayed like fuck it would somehow make it through! And the 30% of times it didn't..... We had to reorder and pay again and run the gauntlet again with the same risk!

No ones holding a gun to your head to pay the insurance, just buy without it and accept the risk yourself and stop moaning.
I have send him multiple pictures of some bottles that show floaters and it's not enough for him. Plus I have ordered several times from him and this guy is literally treating me like shit in messages like a 16 year old teenager.

I think Qingdao is a scam artist that likes to manipulate forum members and turn them into his puppets. I wasn't happy with some of his other oils as well but I left that aside. In short if you want my advice buy somewhere else. The whole forum should stay clear of this source and his shit quality gear and customer service.
Just look at your post bro.... Maybe you are getting treated like a 16yr old..... Because you are acting like one!

You do realize you can send your gear to testing labs and actually have it checked.... Instead of making baseless allegations about what in your clearly limited experience, you have next to no idea what your talking about.

Seems like this source just isn't a good fit for you, might be time to save your tears and move on.
You don't know shit about shit bro! Just having a cry and moan about nothing and you tried to call shit out and made a fool of yourself. Your making shit up and basing what you think you know on 3rd hand hearsay. QSC have backed every loss I have had as long as I paid the insurance AND there was evidence of the pack getting stopped by customs (A customs letter is NOT evidence as it can be faked). Every pack has tracking on it and it either gets delivered to the destination address.... Or it doesn't!

If it doesn't, QSC wait to see if its not a shipping issue (Just hung up somewhere) or its stopped (by customs). This can run anywhere between 30 - 90 days. If the customer sent them the wrong address when ordering, that's on the customer. Likewise, if the customer can't pick up the pack for some reason, that's on the customer.

Simple fact is, you are begging for a fucking handout when you asked to only pay insurance AFTER the insurable event happens.... :p:p:p

DONT pay the fucking insurance then if its a issue for you! Rest of us who HAVE had packs stopped and then QSC have reshipped because we paid for insurance, will just happily keep paying the insurance premium in case we need it again.

Never even used to be an option 20yrs ago to have insurance. We literally sent the source our money, they didn't give a fuck about custom clearance rates as they already got paid, then we prayed like fuck it would somehow make it through! And the 30% of times it didn't..... We had to reorder and pay again and run the gauntlet again with the same risk!

No ones holding a gun to your head to pay the insurance, just buy without it and accept the risk yourself and stop moaning.
Yep, one order I made from turkey years ago never made it, lost 500 :( Never ordered pharma again

Shut up you retard you are selling bunk gear. Your mom is a whore just like you. You need to shut up and show some respect to customers and forum members you sick piece of shit. Go to a mental hospital to check yourself. You have nothing else to do in your life then to sell drugs you pathetic moron. We use what the fuck we want. Using slin is an extra proof to show that the pip is not from long needles or wrong injection technique. You're such a retard shooting urself in the foot by saying that. You think i never harpooned myself with longer needles you dumb fuck? You need to calm down and show respect to people that is what you have to do. You think you're tony montana or something because you're selling steroids to people? In real life i would have knocked your teeth out you dumb fuck. Get the fuck out of here you stupid retard.
Fuck me sideways.... I think you have just demonstrated to everyone here that Tracy was in fact 100% correct to treat you like the 16yr old that you clearly are!

And who TF is serious about AAS and shots with a insulin needle???? I can't even recall using a smaller needle then a 23 gauge! How many hours would it take to get 3 or 5ml shot through a 27 or 29 gauge! And where is all that oil going... SubQ??

Peptides, HGH.... Sure, insulin needles for that shit all day long.

In 20yrs of shooting steroids, have a guess how many times I've used a insulin needle to do it..... (Hint: Its less then 1)
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Yep, one order I made from turkey years ago never made it, lost 500 :( Never ordered pharma again
Yeah, it was fuckin brutal 20yrs ago. I never successfully got a pack through from Europe. I did get a small test order through, the 1st 1. That was 2 amps of Sust and 2 x 2ml Nand Deca. Then lost 2 orders of $1,000! I shudder to think what I've lost over the years! Would be 10's of thousands of $ easily.