Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Fuck me sideways.... I think you have just demonstrated to everyone here that Tracy was in fact 100% correct to treat you like the 16yr old that you clearly are!

And who TF is serious about AAS and shots with a insulin needle???? I can't even recall using a smaller needle then a 23 gauge! How many hours would it take to get 3 or 5ml shot through a 27 or 29 gauge! And where is all that oil going... SubQ??

Peptides, HGH.... Sure, insulin needles for that shit all day long.

In 20yrs of shooting steroids, have a guess how many times I've used an insulin needle to do it..... (Hint: Its less then 1)
Do you think this makes you smart or tough lol ?! Oooohhh you use large guage needles … whatever works for the user but have fun with your 23g.
Do you think this makes you smart or tough lol ?! Oooohhh you use large guage needles … whatever works for the user but have fun with your 23g.
It doesn't make me smart or tough..... It just means that when you inject with a 23 gauge, its 1.25 inches INTO the muscle.

I just don't understand how:

1 - Oil even gets through a 27-29 gauge needle. It must take FOREVER to pin 3ml

2 - Putting it deep into the muscle means you usually get less aggravation at the injection site! I've had a few shots over the years that part of it come back out after the shot and got under the skin on top of the muscle and its got very irritated. Injecting SubQ (Or with short needles) means the oil will sit in depot near the skin surface where all the nerve endings are and be MUCH more likely to get lumps/irritation/pip.

When shooting deep in the muscle, there are no nerve endings around the depot site! Using 23g has nothing to do with being "tough", its all about the length of the needle for depth of depot and diameter of needle opening for flow rate of the oil volume when injecting.
Well I use 27G 1/2 and ot works great!

I heat up the test before injecting (cottonseed oil) bit I do 0.45ml teice a week on trt bot on blast, for that I will ise MCT oil test
How many ml will you shot per injection when on blast?
Are you subQ or into the muscle with the 1/2"?

My minimum is 3ml per shot, if doing that subQ, how would you do it? Break it up into multiple subQ shots?

Do you get lumping under the skin/irritation with larger volumes?
I just don't understand how:

1 - Oil even gets through a 27-29 gauge needle. It must take FOREVER to pin 3ml
I brew test c at 200mg/ml in mct and can shoot a ml thru a 1inch 30ga without a problem. takes like 7-10 seconds. If i heat the vial on a candle/coffee warmer its a tad smoother and faster. Im pretty sure 27-30ga 1/2-1inch shallow IM is pretty much the standard now
I brew test c at 200mg/ml in mct and can shoot a ml thru a 1inch 30ga without a problem. takes like 7-10 seconds. If i heat the vial on a candle/coffee warmer its a tad smoother and faster. Im pretty sure 27-30ga 1/2-1inch shallow IM is pretty much the standard now

Less scar tissue that way. I'm using 29ga 5/16 and have no problems getting IM with quads and delts. Occasionally, a VG will go SubQ, which is a PITA, literally. Was doing <.5ml daily administration and it worked fine. Now on a blast pushing almost 1ml and wishing I had 27ga.

The twit above that claimed to be having infections likely just pushed a bunch of SubQ doses and got a reaction. After seeing some of the hype, I tried SubQ for a while and ended up with a handful of sterile abscesses that took forever to go away.
I will say I dont understand the subq or the shallow shots. I guess if it works for some. I do 1.5 inch in quads and glutes and 1in in delts. 23 and 25 gauge. I also warm my oils up on a warmer it does help the oil flow a bit better. I can definantly tell the flow rate difference in the 25gauge vs the 23. I could not imagine using anything smaller. I do here people all over the forum complaining of irritations from subq and shallow IM shots though so there is something to that. I pin 1.1ml everyday deep into the muscle and have no problems.
I will say I dont understand the subq or the shallow shots. I guess if it works for some. I do 1.5 inch in quads and glutes and 1in in delts. 23 and 25 gauge. I also warm my oils up on a warmer it does help the oil flow a bit better. I can definantly tell the flow rate difference in the 25gauge vs the 23. I could not imagine using anything smaller. I do here people all over the forum complaining of irritations from subq and shallow IM shots though so there is something to that. I pin 1.1ml everyday deep into the muscle and have no problems.
What are you pinning 1.1ml of everyday ?