Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Can anyone chime in with their personal experience with QSC selmaglutide? I’m looking for some for the wife, but have zero experience with it.
Idk man, i tried it. It worked for sure, but i was weak AF, it might be just my experience, but i would rather watch what i eat then be that tired.
Has it already started? When did you switch?

Best if you can figure out a way to differentiate the old and new batches. Maybe change the color of the tops?

Your sesame oil is pretty colorless so it will be hard to tell from just looking :)
It's not very important to distinguish both, most of people won't be able to notice the difference except from thickness.
Nice to see you switched to MCT. It’s thinner so for me it pins smoother because I don’t have to apply much pressure to the syringe. Also it draws real fast in insulin syringes.
1. Yes we ship EU domestic, from France.

2- Yes 10x10ml test e $65 but not for domestic orders, for international, domestic ones are a bit higher, items are limited as well, our international list is much bigger (attached pdf), but we have the EU reship service in case you want your international order forwarded domestically:

View attachment 171559

3- Our parcels are enough discreet to have 100% pass rate for international orders to almost all EU countries, but we do not use stealth, it's useless.
What was the minimum order for Eu reship service?
Sorry for asking again, I found it 1000$
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Yes M2 was from Q. While cycle was. Tren E I brewed into blend with Test C 150/150 was fucking rocket fuel. Summer cycle was TNT blend 300/300 weekly. ( Dropped to 210/210 once Primo @500 hit week 4) Final week was last week and Test C 200/Primo E 100 will be my cruise till November.

Hate to source suck but godamn these raws are fire . I have enough to run the same cycle longer next spring/summer and this Nov- Feb as well as late 2023 - mid 2024 with Test C/EQ blend. 200/200 - 600 each week. Low test spring summer and 1:1 ratio fall and winter 16 weeks 2 months gap of time off.

I have my best look with these compounds. No need for anything else ever again except I really wanna experiment cuttting DHB into my rip blend bringing everything to 75/75/75

All these are completely bloat free and hair safe. After years of experimenting I’m finally dialed in on what works best for my goals.

Appreciate the compliment man.
What do you find the benefits are of keeping 100mg of primo in your cruise ? I'm coming off 24 weeks of test/primo and not sure if I want to completely drop the primo as I'll start another blast early next year.
Three weeks and two days for an international to Canada. Not bad for my first order.

Got 200g tudca, 250g berberine, 50g vardenaphil, and 10g rad 140. Just a small order of legal and quausi legal stuff to test the waters.

I can smell the Tudca through the vac sealed packaging. Not that there is anything wrong with the packaging.... just potent stuff. Not going to open it untill the wknd to cap. Wifey will ream me out for the stench!

Next order will be some "research" peptides. See if they make it through the CBSA.
You going to test the RAD 140?
Dunno if this holds any relevance as many of you has checked but I popped open a new Primo E 100 domestic vial and checked quantity with a 10 ml syringe. It was surprisingly spot on with 10ml.

This helps me plan next years cut from Apr 16, 2023 to Sept 2, 2023 @500mg a week (20weeks) with the 13 bottles I have left from the 2 kits I bought. With around 25-30 ml due to losing in syringe to cruise on for awhile.

I put the last 2.5ml from this years cycle into my 14th bottle I set aside for cruising through October with 200mg Test C and 100mg Primo E for 14 weeks till my Equi-Test 20week blast this fall and winter. This is my own powerful blend of 200/200 with test OD’d at 220 and EQ OD’d at 240 (due to EQ reportedly being 80-90 % purity lately. I haven’t had this tested just going by what I’ve seen to be on the safe side of accuracy. Nov start will be 600/600 for 20 weeks then small cruise till I’m back to my QSC TNT blend and Primo.

This years cut was awesome ended up at 8.8% and I backed off last week bc I’m mentally exhausted and want to enjoy food again. Test /EQ 1:1 should keep me fairly lean this fall/winter. Then rinse and repeat for the girls in bikinis next spring.

I know this is a really long post but I have thoroughly enjoyed QSC, as they sourced me everything I have used to achieve my goals. Next purchase I’m trying that DHB. ( I still wanna cut this into my TNT 150/150 blend doubling volume with EO to cut it to a 75/75/75 concentration. TestC/TrenE/DHB

Domestic Primo has been great, but I will be brewing my own next time.
I love running my own shit.

This cycle has come to a close, I look great, feel great, and overall impressed. I’ll continue to stay lean during my cruise. Here’s a few pics of how it went, the dark pic is from there overpowered MT2. View attachment 171381View attachment 171382View attachment 171384View attachment 171383
That MT works man. Hey what color tops does your MT have? I don’t want to mix mine up accidentally and am second guessing myself.
Hey guys

Just had my second international order successfully delivered yesterday. All items were accounted for, and nothing was damaged. I haven’t inspected each individual vial yet (I ordered over 200), but it looks like there are no floaters, crashed gear, or any other visible contaminants at first glance. If that changes as I go through the stuff, will def update.

This was ~$2000 order and I could not be more satisfied. Was definitely nervous at first with such a large order, but everything turned out fine. QSC, you now have a customer for life! Thank you for the amazing and cheap service that you provide.

I’ll need some help identifying some of the labels. Will be emailing you shortly.

After that, I’ll throw up some pics for everyone to see. It’s absolutely wild how much shit I got for the price
Hey guys

Just had my second international order successfully delivered yesterday. All items were accounted for, and nothing was damaged. I haven’t inspected each individual vial yet (I ordered over 200), but it looks like there are no floaters, crashed gear, or any other visible contaminants at first glance. If that changes as I go through the stuff, will def update.

This was ~$2000 order and I could not be more satisfied. Was definitely nervous at first with such a large order, but everything turned out fine. QSC, you now have a customer for life! Thank you for the amazing and cheap service that you provide.

I’ll need some help identifying some of the labels. Will be emailing you shortly.

After that, I’ll throw up some pics for everyone to see. It’s absolutely wild how much shit I got for the price

I got about 5 years worth of cycles, with ancillaries, for about 1,500 bucks. Its unheard of.