Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I ordered special line to european country but the tracking page states its origin country is china. Never seen before. Will this be stated on the package anybody knows? Kinda freaking out it
I ordered special line to european country but the tracking page states its origin country is china. Never seen before. Will this be stated on the package anybody knows? Kinda freaking out it
Special line = China to your country
Thats like 50% correct. Special line means its origin is in China, is then sent to some middle man of QSC in Europe and is then redirected to you.

How much do you resemble this meme?

A generic store bought chest freezer can maintain -20c easily. Why the fuck are you spending so much for "lab grade"?

Janoshik actually did some testing regarding the stability of HGH in shipping as he smelt bullshit as well....I forget exactly how he did it - long story short he exposed some GH to heat and shook the shit out of it and added bac-water to it super rough and shook it all up after that and it barely degraded...

If your interested look up his post history it's on this forum ....of course one crude test like this doesn't "prove" anything but it was interesting non the less .
Primo GB order arrived yesterday. They upped there stealth packaging. Also added a little more padding I guess to prevent vials from breaking. They replaced a vial of primo for me that had broken in a previous order. Pinned it this morning and no pip so far. Now with the GB's and promos done for awhile I can stop impulse buying gear.
nope taste good and only .96 at walmart. Suck down 2 of those things real fast beats eating that nasty ass chicken these days lol
Grocery haul for the week.. you mentioned nasty chicken but I just wanted to say these teryaki chicken thighs are freaking yummy. And those protein bars I get 15grams protein go down so good!20240629_134327.jpg

