Redoing pct after sarms suppression

You need blood work and a doctor.
This is what a site says about lgd and lh and fsh

Ligandrol has been known to dramatically lower testosterone levels temporarily after a few weeks of using it. Studies show that it can be quite suppressive to your HTPA and lower free testosterone as well as SHBG. However no effects on the LH or FSH have been shown, which means once stopping, it will take a very short time (1-3 weeks) for testosterone levels to be normal again. There have been no reported estrogen changes after taking LGD-4033.
As ligandrol is quite suppressive, a mini-PCT is required. PCT is a Post cycle therapy stack consisting of SERMS, usually nolvadex and clomid.
I don't know where you got that info but I'm guessing it's from the same people that sold you the serms.
You need bloods
You need a doctor
Dude from gym who worked in a nutrition store . "Future doctor"" tellin me sarms is slightly suppressive . Complete opposite
Bro im sorry you are in the position you are in. But that guy who told you that is fucked. straight fucked. If he's a doctor, i'm an astronaut. What a twat.
How many threads are you going to do in this? This is the 4th different post on the same topic in the last 2 days.

What answer are you looking for? Whatever it is, stop wasting peoples time and just do it.
How many threads are you going to do in this? This is the 4th different post on the same topic in the last 2 days.

What answer are you looking for? Whatever it is, stop wasting peoples time and just do it.
He apparently didn't like the answer i have him.
He apparently didn't like the answer i have him.

Its the right answer. But people come here hoping to get certain answers to justify what they already want to do. Appearantly thats whats happening here since he keeps posting this same subject again and again.
Its the right answer. But people come here hoping to get certain answers to justify what they already want to do. Appearantly thats whats happening here since he keeps posting this same subject again and again.
No one giving me an answer . People just saying random stuff. If I go to a doctor he would give an answer either trt or a certain pct . Since this is a forum and people posting all type of cycle related questions someone should have some type of answer
You need blood work and a doctor.
Anyone else can help please
Notits is a knowledgeable member and is still telling you to see a doctor. People dont want to tell you to take this and take that without all the needed info from bloodwork.

Sounds like you were on the right track with the nolva and clomid but it also didnt do the trick so you should heed his advice and get more detailed bloodwork. Your not going to find too many guys here that know how SARMS effect you because most guys worth asking anything know better than to take them.
Went though a similar experience like yours during my 10mg/ED LGD cycle. The solution is must use a test base while running LGD. As far as two failed PCTs someone else will have to chime in on that one. Google this article for more info:
My HPTA restart, based on Dr Scally information.
Also your PCT may of been counterfeits because that should be enough to return you back to normal from a SARMs only cycle.
You need blood work and a doctor.

I may be confused. Do you mean never touch sarms again? Or serms?

I know jack crap about sarms, but uf taking them shuts you down, wouldn't you need serms to restart?

Op, how did you get the blood work showing tt and e2 levels? I think I might have replied in one of your earlier threads. Things aren't adding up in my opinion.
I may be confused. Do you mean never touch sarms again? Or serms?

I know jack crap about sarms, but uf taking them shuts you down, wouldn't you need serms to restart?

Op, how did you get the blood work showing tt and e2 levels? I think I might have replied in one of your earlier threads. Things aren't adding up in my opinion.
Good catch. SARMS
Know what you need to do? Wait. That's all you can do. Don't take anymore drugs, all that will do is complicate things. HCG would be counter productive to your recovery considering its suppressive. Don't take anything else and quit being impatient. You bought the ticket so take the ride.

Edit: and getting bloodwork never hurts.
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