Hey buddy, you are looking good. I have no problem eating more than 4K calories a day, in fact my last contest (pic in avatar) calories were between 3k and 4 k. In any event, I would like to see you eat more, 5k min and at least 260 grams of protein a day. Again, not nit picking, just want to help you take it too another level.
Include EQ in your next cycle to increase appetite, stack it w/ test 500 and 400 EQ. Also, are you doing protein shakes? If you can eat 3 squares and 3 protein powder bases meals. Make sure you get one immediately after training...some say I am crazy, but I usually have ice cream in my post recovery shake. Cut it out, and that is all I change in my diet for cutting, I just do cardio 6 days a week (cut) instead of 3 times a week(bulk)
I may need to re-read your posts, but are you doing cardio? Cardio is important for an old guy like me for health reasons. However, for a young guy looking to put on size (like yourself, don't get me wrong, you have made some nice progress, but you need another 20 lbs of muscle) I recommend temporarily stopping cardio and just focusing on size and strength.
Finally, do a power-bodybuilding routine. That means heavy sets of 5 reps on basic exercises like dead lifts, squats, and bench. Squats and deads will put on waaaay more muscle than bench. Never, ever do a light workout, If you are in the gym, you are busting your ass 100%. Look into Dorian Yates program. It is a modification of Mike Mentzers philosophy.
When do we grow, is it during training? No, training is the stimulus for growth, but actual growth occurs when one eats/rests/sleeps. Mentzers' philosophy was that after a complete warm up, we should go absolutely 100% on one exercise, that doing more sets cuts into your recovery. Yates modified Mentzers' approach to 2 all out sets, and that is how I train. Intensity is the key, and training really hard and 99% of most people in most gyms fall way short of the required intensity, do too many sets, and thus their bodies never change.
Gear will aid that process, but its most important use is to increase growth from high intensity workouts.
Running test 500, EQ 400, and some d-bol will put you close to a gram of gear a week, the absolute max for where you are right now and will only work 100% if you do Yates bsed training. There is absolutely no need for tren at this point.