Rigeu’s offseason bodybuilding log


Long time ago since a posted here! Well sometimes you need to take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward.. dealed with some severe sleep apnea that’s finally solved with a CPAP… since then my life dramatically changed in a positive way. Work related and gym related. My recovery is so much better, nutrient uptake much better, blood pressure wayy better. From April since now i didn’t push anything, stayed in shape until i got in a healthy spot to push again. Blood work is fine right now and in the next few weeks I’ll decide when i’ll start my push up phase.

Right now i’m around 102kg and 7-8% bodyfat. Pretty low kcals for me but in a really good shape!


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Today arms and side delts where on the menu!

Dual handle cable triceps pushdowns
60kg x 15
60kg x 14
60kg x 14

Barbell curls
40kg x 13
40kg x 12
40kg x 12

Overhead dual rope cable extensions
50kg x 15
50kg x 12
50kg x 11

Incline db curls
18kg x 15
18kg x 13
18kg x 12

Triceps dip machine
115kg x 15
115kg x 14
115kg x 13

Close grip ez bar preacher curls
30kg x 13
30kg x 12
30kg x 11

Standing machine side lateral raises
11,75kg x 12
11,75kg x 11
10kg x 13

Seated machine side lateral raise
45kg x
35kg x 15
35kg x 14

Life fitness ab crunch machine
4 x failure


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Very productive back workout today!

Single arm HS front pulldowns
60kg x 15
70kg x 10

Wide grip magnum pulldown
75kg x 15
75kg x 13
75kg x 12

HS iso lateral wide grip row
120kg x 15
120kg x 13
120kg x 12

Close grip cable row
100kg x 15
100kg x 14
100kg x 13

Cable pullovers
75kg x 20
75kg x 18
75kg x 15

Donkey calf raise machine
110kg x 20
110kg x 18
110kg x 17
110kg x 16

Rope ab crunches
4 sets to failure
Hi, superb physique, I will follow your thread :)

What does the diet look like? What type of food do you prioritize?
Thanks for the follow bro! If you got any questions feel free to ask ;)

Diet wise is very low (for me) right now but i’ll be starting to increase calories this week.

It’s 3000 calories on TD with 1-2 refeeds a week if needed and in the weekends 1 cheatmeal. Dropped about 0,5-1kg a week the last few weeks. I’ll be adding 75gr of carbs (300 cals) from tomorrow and slowly start rebounding.

Today it looked like this:

80gr COR
1 apple
50gr whey
15gr peanut butter

200gr veggies
200gr chicken

M3 pre workout
80gr uncooked rice
200gr chicken
1 banana
15 gr peanut butter

M4 post workout
100gr COR
50gr whey
200gr berries

200gr eggwhites
2 whole eggs
Spinach, bell peppers, union

50gr whey
300gr almond milk
15gr almond butter
Made into a ninja creami icecream
Thanks for the follow bro! If you got any questions feel free to ask ;)

Diet wise is very low (for me) right now but i’ll be starting to increase calories this week.

It’s 3000 calories on TD with 1-2 refeeds a week if needed and in the weekends 1 cheatmeal. Dropped about 0,5-1kg a week the last few weeks. I’ll be adding 75gr of carbs (300 cals) from tomorrow and slowly start rebounding.

Today it looked like this:

80gr COR
1 apple
50gr whey
15gr peanut butter

200gr veggies
200gr chicken

M3 pre workout
80gr uncooked rice
200gr chicken
1 banana
15 gr peanut butter

M4 post workout
100gr COR
50gr whey
200gr berries

200gr eggwhites
2 whole eggs
Spinach, bell peppers, union

50gr whey
300gr almond milk
15gr almond butter
Made into a ninja creami icecream
Its looking good ! Keep us updated .