Alright for real workout entry because I'm slackin.
Bench press 245 5,4,3,2,1 @8PRE
Incline bench 165 3x10
Cable fly 30s 2x10
Cable fly down 25s 2x10
Cable lifts 17.5 3x10
Tricep double rope 35s 6x16
Chest dip BW 4x16
The pointless PR is that I static hammer curled 75lb back against the wall without leaving for 5 reps each arm. Why you may ask? Because I had a lot of "gym bros" there that think because I usually never workout my arms it makes them weak and wanted to prove that a weighted pull up or heavy bent over rows will indeed keep your arms strong. Big no, strong yes. So these 15.5" arms still have some strength.
Also haven't really said much about my diet. I'm currently bulking up trying to get to 210-220 for training then cut to 198.
I'm doing this with 3800cals+cardio lost cals. What this means is that if I do burn 500cals doing cardio I'll eat 4300 total so that I maintain my 3800 regardless of daily activities difference. I'm standing 193 this morning with isn't great cause I was 197 last week but I was eating 6-7k daily dirty food kinda tweeking about the life situation but now I'm hyper focused and working hard.
Also the calories I eat to replace the cardio ones are oven roasted peanuts cause I just put a solo cup on my scale and fill it to desired amount of grams with nuts to make the difference and I'm feeling great eating the nuts right before bed.
I'm currently only tracking total calories and total protien as my total calories flux so no point trying to set a carbs and fat number but fats usually are below 120, protien is 220 why? Because that's the weight I want to be and I like the 1g per lb of BW thing for protien makes me feel best.
I've also started rolax into my pct as of yesterday to rid the last little bit of my gyno I took... Too much mg yesterday as I forgot I had taken morning pills and took them at night too. But flip side my gyno is incredibly small only I can notice it and it takes some work to find the nodule so hoping 4 weeks of rolax off cycle will get this all gone.
As for another life event, I may have a new lady in my life now been working at this one for a couple months now and listening to
@bhog noble words of wisdom finally sealed the deal. Everything's more satisfying when you need to work for it right